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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Example of Optimized Javascript Object as a StringMap<Dynamic>
package project;
abstract JSObjectStringMap({}) {
public inline function new(?i:{}) {
this = if (i == null) {} else i;
package starlight.core;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
import haxe.macro.ExprTools;
import starlight.core.JSObjectStringMap;
class JSObjectStringMapTools {
macro public static inline function set(obj:ExprOf<JSObjectStringMap>, field:ExprOf<String>, value:Expr) {
return macro untyped __js__('${ExprTools.toString(obj)}[${ExprTools.toString(field)}] = ${ExprTools.toString(value)}');
macro public static inline function get(obj:ExprOf<JSObjectStringMap>, field:ExprOf<String>) {
return macro untyped __js__('${ExprTools.toString(obj)}[${ExprTools.toString(field)}]');
macro public static inline function exists(obj:ExprOf<JSObjectStringMap>, field:ExprOf<String>) {
return macro untyped __js__('${ExprTools.toString(field)} in ${ExprTools.toString(obj)}');
macro public static inline function keys(obj:ExprOf<JSObjectStringMap>) {
return macro (untyped __js__('Object.keys(${ExprTools.toString(obj)})'):Array<String>);
macro public static inline function arrayKeys(obj:ExprOf<JSObjectStringMap>) {
return macro (untyped __js__('Object.keys(${ExprTools.toString(obj)})'):Array<String>);
macro public static inline function size(obj:ExprOf<JSObjectStringMap>) {
return macro untyped __js__('Object.keys(${ExprTools.toString(obj)}).length');
macro public static function values(obj:ExprOf<JSObjectStringMap>):ExprOf<Array<Dynamic>> {
return macro [for (key in (untyped __js__('Object.keys(${ExprTools.toString(obj)})'):Array<String>)) (untyped __js__('${ExprTools.toString(obj)}[key]'))];
package project;
import JSObjectStringMap;
import JSObjectStringMapTools;
class App extends Lens {
static function main() {
var a = new JSObjectStringMap(); // compiles to: var a = { };
JSObjectStringMapTools.set(a, 'a', 1); // compiles to: a['a'] = 1;
JSObjectStringMapTools.keys(a); // compiles to: Object.keys(a);
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I'm leaving this here for reference from the mailinglist. I recommend using DynamicAccess in the standard library instead.

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