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jerblack / Elevate when needed in
Last active May 19, 2024 09:08
Relaunch Windows Golang program with UAC elevation when admin rights needed.

I'm buiding a command line tool in Go that has an option to install itself as a service on Windows, which it needs admin rights for. I wanted to be able to have it reliably detect if it was running as admin already and if not, relaunch itself as admin. When the user runs the tool with the specific switch to trigger this functionality (-install or -uninstall in my case) they are prompted by UAC (User Account Control) to run the program as admin, which allows the tool to relaunch itself with the necessary rights.

To detect if I was admin, I tried the method described here first:
This wasn't accurately detecting that I was elevated, and was reporting that I was not elevated even when running the tool in CMD prompt started with "Run as Administrator" so I needed a more reliable method.

I didn't want to try writing to an Admin protected area of the filesystem or registry because Windows has the ability to transparently virtualize those writes

jjnilton /
Last active September 9, 2024 07:59
Mac Network Commands Cheat Sheet

Disclaimer: I'm not the original author of this sheet, but can't recall where I found it. If you know the author, please let me know so I give the attribution.

The original author seems to be Charles Edge, here's the original content, as pointed out by @percisely.

Note: Since this seems to be helpful to some people, I formatted it to improve readability of the original. Also, note that this is from 2016, many things may have changed, and I don't use macOS anymore, so I probably can't help in case of questions, but maybe someone else can.

Mac Network Commands Cheat Sheet

After writing up the presentation for MacSysAdmin in Sweden, I decided to go ahead and throw these into a quick cheat sheet for anyone who’d like to have them all in one place. Good luck out there, and s

bpo /
Last active November 2, 2022 19:26
Redis Lua examples
redis-cli EVAL "$(cat hello.lua)" 0