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Last active November 23, 2015 20:44
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module History where
type History state value =
{ state | undo : History s a -> Maybe (History s a)
, redo : History s a -> Maybe (History s a)
, add : a -> History s a -> History s a
, value : History s a -> Maybe a
type Infinite a = { past : [a], future : [a] }
infinite : History (Infinite a) a
infinite =
{ past = []
, future = []
, undo h =
case h.past of
[] -> Nothing
x::xs -> Just { h | past <- xs, future <- x :: h.future }
, redo h =
case h.future of
[] -> Nothing
x::xs -> Just { h | past <- x :: h.past, future <- xs }
, add x h =
{ h | past <- x :: h.past, future <- [] }
, value h =
case h.past of
x::_ -> Just x
[] -> Nothing
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