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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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What is the value of the x^T C^-1 x term at the best-fit point? And what is its value when you reduce C_3 by ten percent?
C3_sample1 = 4e-8
sigma2samples1 = np.linspace(1e-22, 6e-23, num=40)
# param is our parameter, C_3
Sij = C3_sample1 * norm_matrix[1][None, :, :]
newSij = (1e22)*Sij # multiply S_ij by 1e12
Nij = sigma2samples1[:, None, None] * id_mat[None, :, :]
newNij = (1e22)*Nij
# Format 7/4pi * param * P_3(M) where param is the parameter we vary, C_l
# Sij.shape = (40, 3072, 3072)
Cij = newSij + newNij
#invCij = np.linalg.inv(Cij)
logdetC = np.linalg.slogdet(Cij) # returns sign and determinant; use logdetC[1]
# model_fit_terms = m^T C^-1 m
# model_fit_terms = np.array([ ,[i] , tempval) )
# for i in range(invCij.shape[0])])
model_fit_terms = np.array([ , np.linalg.solve(Cij[i], tempp) ) for i in range(Cij.shape[0]) ])
print model_fit_terms
[ -6.54990301e+05 -6.54990301e+05 1.19083809e+05 1.19083809e+05
1.19083809e+05 -8.52103763e+05 -8.52103763e+05 -8.52103763e+05
-9.70917894e+05 -9.70917894e+05 -9.70917894e+05 -1.77769621e+06
-1.77769621e+06 -1.77769621e+06 -3.93333671e+07 -3.93333671e+07
-3.93333671e+07 -5.58136674e+05 -5.58136674e+05 -5.58136674e+05
-3.16037652e+06 -3.16037652e+06 -3.16037652e+06 -1.86591114e+04
-1.86591114e+04 -1.86591114e+04 1.01764609e+06 1.01764609e+06
1.01764609e+06 1.98358099e+05 1.98358099e+05 1.98358099e+05
-1.40628207e+06 -1.40628207e+06 -1.40628207e+06 -1.40628207e+06
5.09936449e+06 5.09936449e+06 5.09936449e+06 -1.73093522e+06]
For 3.6e-08, OUTPUT IS:
[ 216652.36865427 216652.36865427 7229836.39263844 7229836.39263844
7229836.39263844 4440519.06167877 4440519.06167877 4440519.06167877
1256311.03694729 1256311.03694729 1256311.03694729 4807585.29728004
4807585.29728004 4807585.29728004 7138847.36595693 7138847.36595693
7138847.36595693 850361.20217029 850361.20217029 850361.20217029
-2355755.45923652 -2355755.45923652 -2355755.45923652 -1296041.99250639
-1296041.99250639 -1296041.99250639 658522.94116765 658522.94116765
658522.94116765 -5030606.16602418 -5030606.16602418 -5030606.16602418
-138380.29050851 -138380.29050851 -138380.29050851 -138380.29050851
-1138487.77807789 -1138487.77807789 -1138487.77807789 -1134975.40711535]
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