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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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F# EventStore API
type Stream = string
type EventType = string
type ExpectedVersion = int
type EventData = byte[]
type EventMetadata = byte[]
type ResolveLinks = bool
type From = int
type BatchSize = int
type BufferSize = int
type CheckpointStore = (unit -> Async<int option>) * (int -> Async<unit>)
module EventStore =
val conn : IPEndPoint -> IEventStoreConnection
val connHost : string -> IEventStoreConnection
val append : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> EventType -> ExpectedVersion -> EventData -> EventMetadata -> Async<unit>
val appendAll : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> ExpectedVersion -> seq<EventData> -> Async<unit>
val readOne : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> From -> ResolveLinks -> Async<ResolvedEvent option>
val readAll : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> ResolveLinks -> From -> BatchSize -> AsyncSeq<StreamEventsSlice>
val observe : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> ResolveLinks -> IObservable<ResolvedEvent>
val subscribeFrom : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> ResolveLinks -> BatchSize -> BufferSize -> From -> AsyncSeq<ResolvedEvent>
val subscribeFromBuffered : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> ResolveLinks -> BatchSize -> BufferSize -> TimeSpan -> From -> AsyncSeq<ResolvedEvent[]>
val subscribeWithCheckpointsBuffered : IEventStoreConnection -> Stream -> ResolveLinks -> BatchSize -> BufferSize -> TimeSpan -> CheckpointStore -> AsyncSeq<ResolvedEvent[]>
module AsyncSeq =
/// Iterates the async sequence and starts an action for each element in parallel.
let iterAsyncThrottled (parallelism:int) (f:'a -> Async<unit>) (s:AsyncSeq<'a>) : Async<unit> = async {
let cde = new CountdownEvent(1)
let sem = new SemaphoreSlim(parallelism)
let inline release() =
sem.Release() |> ignore
cde.Signal() |> ignore
let inline cont() = release()
let inline exCont ex = release()
let inline cnCont ex = release()
s |> toBlockingSeq |> Seq.iter (fun item ->
Async.StartWithContinuations(f item, cont, exCont, cnCont)
cde.Signal() |> ignore
sem.Dispose() }
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