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Last active December 13, 2016 19:46
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DevStack Workshop
ssh root@<ip-address>
apt-get install -y git
git clone -b stable/grizzly devstack/
cd devstack/
curl -sO
nano localrc
# Wait...time for Q&A
# Go to the dashboard http://<ip-address>
# Username: demo
# Password: devstack
source /opt/stack/python-novaclient/tools/nova.bash_completion
source openrc demo demo
nova list
nova secgroup-create test test
nova secgroup-add-rule test TCP 22 22
nova keypair-add test > test.pem
chmod 400 test.pem
nova image-list
nova flavor-list
nova boot --flavor 1 --image <image-id> --key-name test --security-groups test test-vm
nova list
ssh -i test.pem cirros@
ls -al
# Go to the Rackspace Python SDK (pyrax) at
sudo pip install pyrax
sudo pip install bpython
# To get the tenant id, paste it over <tenant-id> below
source openrc admin admin
keystone tenant-get demo
sudo nano ~/.pyrax.cfg
identity_type = keystone
region = RegionOne
auth_endpoint = http://localhost:5000/v2.0/
tenant_id = <tenant-id>
debug = True
import pyrax
pyrax.set_credentials("demo", "devstack")
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There was a question about what image id to use, you might edit the nova image-list command to avoid confusion:
nova image-list|egrep -v "ramdisk|kernel"

You could even use awk to strip the output to just the ID itself, using something like
nova image-list|egrep -v "ramdisk|kernel"|awk -F" '{print $2}'

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