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Created October 5, 2014 22:11
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Form Help Text
//forms help text
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var forms = $('form'), className = 'visually-hidden';
//hide all help-text and make links in help text untabbable (because the text itself is hidden)
$('.help-text:not(.help-text-group)', forms).addClass(className).find('a').attr('tabindex', '-1');
//listen to any changes of focus within our forms (uses event delegation for speed)
forms.delegate("input, select, texarea, .tinymce", "focusin focusout", function(event) {
var $this = $(this), labelId, helpText;
//find the help text associated with the element whose focus changed (using some magic if it's
//the tinymce element that changed, as tinymce doesn't throw focus events automatically because
//it's really an iframe, but's been hacked to trigger a focus change on the parent div)
labelId = $'.tinymce') ? $this.find('textarea').eq(0).attr('id') : $(this).attr('id');
helpText = $('label[for="' + labelId + '"] .help-text', event.delegateTarget);
//toggle the help-texts visibility and, if its visible, make links within it focusable again.
helpText.find('a').attr('tabindex') ? helpText.find('a').removeAttr('tabindex') : helpText.find('a').attr('tabindex', '-1');
//if we focus on the help-text (meaning it has an <a> making it focusable), it would disappear
//because the input showing it would loose focus. This prevents that by showing it when it gains
//focus (and then hiding it again when we move off, letting the thing we move into (maybe its input, maybe not)
//decide if it should be made visible again.
forms.delegate(".help-text:not(.help-text-group)", "focusin focusout", function() {
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