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Last active May 25, 2023 15:10
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  • Save ethankore/4290ec00713ec4277bc010d394a3656c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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My AutoHotKey scripts
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its speed and reliability.
WindowTitlesToToggleMinimizedAndFullScreenStates := ["Seinfeld", "", "ערוץ 13", "ערוץ 12", "חדשות 13", "המסך המפוצל", "VLC"]
ProcessNamesToToggleMuteOn := ["chrome.exe", "brave.exe"]
SoundUpAndDownVolumeStep = 10
; Increase or decrease volume using a specific step
; Originally written to make the Das Keyboard Professional volume knob less annoying, making it behave like it does on MacOS
; CTRL+F2 - Mute/unmute processes by filenames
; ALT+R - Reload script
; ALT+1 - Insert U+200F (rtl) character at the beginning of a line
; ALT+S - Look for a window with a title matching a window title, and toggle full screen
; ALT+A - Look for a window with a title matching a window title, and toggle minimized state
; ALT+SHIFT+4 - Snip & Sketch
!+4::Run %A_WinDir%\explorer.exe ms-screenclip:
; CTRL+ALT+D - Open desktop directory
^!D::Run c:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop
; CTRL+ALT+X - Run Alacritty/Windows Terminal
^!X::Run C:\Program Files\Alacritty\alacritty.exe
; Ctrl-tilde - show/hide Alacritty window
^`::ToggleWindowVisibility("ahk_exe Alacritty.exe")
;Ctrl+F12 - Toggle AlwaysOnTop state of the active window
^F12::WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, A
; CTRL+F3 - Play/Pause music
^F3::Send {Media_Play_Pause}
; CTRL+F8 - Previous track
^F8::Send {Media_Prev}
; CTRL+F9 - Next track
^F9::Send {Media_Next}
; CTRL+F10 - Volume down
; CTRL+F11 - Volume up
; CTRL+F1 - Mute
; Alt+tilde - Move window from current monitor to the next monitor on the right
; To make it run properly, make sure your keyboard is using the English layout when enabling the script
; Alt+Shift+tilde - Move window from current monitor to the next monitor on the left
ToggleWindowVisibility(windowClass) {
DetectHiddenWindows, on
IfWinExist, %windowClass%
IfWinActive, %windowClass%
WinHide, %windowClass%
WinActivate ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
WinShow, %windowClass%
WinActivate, %windowClass%
DetectHiddenWindows, off
; Look for a window with a title matching an item from given array, and toggle full screen
ToggleFullScreen(WindowTitlesArray) {
WinGet, activeWindow,, A
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
For i, WindowName in WindowTitlesArray {
if WinExist(WindowName) {
WinActivate, %WindowName%
Sleep, 1
Send {F11}
Sleep, 1
WinActivate, ahk_id %activeWindow%
; Look for a window with a title matching an item from given array, and toggle its minimized state
ToggleMinimizeAndRestore(WindowTitlesArray) {
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
For i, WinTitle in WindowTitlesArray
if WinExist(WinTitle) {
WinGet, window,, %WinTitle%
if WinExist("ahk_id" . window) {
WinGet, WinState, MinMax
if (WinState = -1)
MoveWindowToLeftMonitor() {
Send {LWin down}{LShift down}{Left down}
Send {LWin up}{LShift up}{Left up}
MoveWindowToRightMonitor() {
Send {LWin down}{LShift down}{Right down}
Send {LWin up}{LShift up}{Right up}
SoundSet, %newVolume%
SoundPlay, *-1
InsertRtlCharacterAtBeginningOfLine() {
Send {Home}
SendInput, ‏
ToggleMuteByProcessName(processNames) {
static areProcessesMuted = false
for index, processName in processNames {
If (areProcessesMuted = true) {
Run %A_ScriptDir%\nircmd.exe setappvolume %processName% 1
Else {
Run %A_ScriptDir%\nircmd.exe setappvolume %processName% 0
areProcessesMuted := !areProcessesMuted
IncreaseVolumeByStep(step) {
SoundGet, volume
Send {Volume_Up}
SoundSet, volume + step
DecreaseVolumeByStep(step) {
SoundGet, volume
Send {Volume_Down}
SoundSet, volume - step
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