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Created November 14, 2020 21:56
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[WIP] Quick script for local grab of chrx dist.tar.gz to install into /usr/local
# Can execute if this is only being run once, or source it to keep the Python server around
cleanup() { pkill python3 2>/dev/null; unset CHRX_WEB_ROOT; }
# Don't want previous `pkill -P $$` which would kill parent session if sourced?
# trap cleanup EXIT
# Set to Web Server for Chrome and will attempt to fallback to Python or fail
# Use Web Server for Chrome if user doesn't pass a custom host
: ${CHRX_WEB_ROOT:="http://localhost:8887/"}
check_webserver() {
# Check if Web Server for Chrome is already running
# TODO: Return exit code of curl/wget if status isn't 200
return $(($CHECK_WEB))
check_python() {
hash python3 >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo where is python3 #{echo "No python, try Web Server for Chrome,"; return 1 || exit 1; }
echo $?
nohup python3 -m http.server
# Set to Web Server for Chrome and will attempt to fallback to Python or fail
echo $?
# || check_python
sleep 3 # Lets the webserver start
curl $CHRX_WEB_ROOT/dist.tar.gz | sudo tar xzfC - /usr/local \
&& sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/chrx*
# Only necessary when using a branch/master zip since unzip doesn't preserve permissions
chrx -h
chrx -h | grep -E 'installer.*version'
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