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Forked from CalebFenton/lsm303agr-compas.ino
Created June 24, 2024 06:51
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LSM303AGR Compass Example with calibration and z-axis
* LSM303AGR Compass Example
* From what I can gather, this shows the proper way to get a compas heading from the LSM303.
* It solves two problems which aren't addressed in the Adafruit example code:
* 1.) Show how to incorporate min and max values from calibration. Makes a HUGE difference in my testing.
* 2.) Take the z-axis into account.
* Based heavily off Adafruit example code and
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <Adafruit_LSM303AGR_Mag.h>
#include <Adafruit_LSM303_Accel.h>
#include <math.h>
Adafruit_LSM303AGR_Mag_Unified mag = Adafruit_LSM303AGR_Mag_Unified(12345);
Adafruit_LSM303_Accel_Unified accel = Adafruit_LSM303_Accel_Unified(54321);
template <typename T> struct vector
T x, y, z;
// Stores min and max magnetometer values from calibration
vector<float> m_max;
vector<float> m_min;
* Returns the angular difference in the horizontal plane between the "from" vector and north, in degrees.
* Description of heading algorithm:
* Shift and scale the magnetic reading based on calibration data to find
* the North vector. Use the acceleration readings to determine the Up
* vector (gravity is measured as an upward acceleration). The cross
* product of North and Up vectors is East. The vectors East and North
* form a basis for the horizontal plane. The From vector is projected
* into the horizontal plane and the angle between the projected vector
* and horizontal north is returned.
template <typename T> float heading(vector<T> from)
sensors_event_t event;
vector<float> temp_m = {event.magnetic.x, event.magnetic.y, event.magnetic.z};
vector<float> a = {event.acceleration.x, event.acceleration.y, event.acceleration.z};
// Important: subtract average of min and max from magnetometer calibration
temp_m.x -= (m_min.x + m_max.x) / 2;
temp_m.y -= (m_min.y + m_max.y) / 2;
temp_m.z -= (m_min.z + m_max.z) / 2;
// Compute east and north vectors
vector<float> east;
vector<float> north;
vector_cross(&temp_m, &a, &east);
vector_cross(&a, &east, &north);
// compute heading
float heading = atan2(vector_dot(&east, &from), vector_dot(&north, &from)) * 180 / PI;
if (heading < 0) {
heading += 360;
return heading;
template <typename Ta, typename Tb, typename To> void vector_cross(const vector<Ta> *a, const vector<Tb> *b, vector<To> *out)
out->x = (a->y * b->z) - (a->z * b->y);
out->y = (a->z * b->x) - (a->x * b->z);
out->z = (a->x * b->y) - (a->y * b->x);
template <typename Ta, typename Tb> float vector_dot(const vector<Ta> *a, const vector<Tb> *b)
return (a->x * b->x) + (a->y * b->y) + (a->z * b->z);
void vector_normalize(vector<float> *a)
float mag = sqrt(vector_dot(a, a));
a->x /= mag;
a->y /= mag;
a->z /= mag;
void setup(void)
Serial.println("Compass Test\n");
// Values determined with calibration example and lots of LSM303 wiggling
m_min = (vector<float>){-67.80, -68.85, -16.50};
m_max = (vector<float>){28.95, 24.30, 76.80};
if (!mag.begin())
Serial.println("Unable to initialize LSM303 magnetometer");
while (1);
if (!accel.begin()) {
Serial.println("Unable to initialize LSM303 accelerometer");
while (1);
void loop(void)
Serial.print("Compass Heading: ");
* Returns the angular difference in the horizontal plane between a default vector and north, in degrees.
* The default vector here is the +X axis as indicated by the silkscreen.
float heading(void)
return heading((vector<int>) {1, 0, 0});
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