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Created January 30, 2021 15:25
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Generated by XState Viz:
// Available variables:
// - Machine
// - interpret
// - assign
// - send
// - sendParent
// - spawn
// - raise
// - actions
// - XState (all XState exports)
const app = Machine({
id: 'root',
states: {
Shell: {
id: 'Shell',
states: {
Dashboard: {
id: 'Dashboard',
states: {
Loading: {
id: 'Loading',
states: {},
on: { Failure: '#Unable to Load', Success: '#Authenticating' },
'Unable to Load': {
id: 'Unable to Load',
states: {},
on: { Retry: '#Loading' },
Authenticating: {
id: 'Authenticating',
states: {
'Checking Credentials': {
id: 'Checking Credentials',
states: {},
on: {
'Credentials Exist': '#Verify Credentials',
'No Credentials': '#Login',
'Verify Credentials': {
id: 'Verify Credentials',
states: {},
on: { 'Invalid or expired': '#Login', Valid: '#Dashboard' },
Login: {
id: 'Login',
states: {
'Needs Credentials': {
id: 'Needs Credentials',
states: {},
on: { 'Valid email': '#Ready?' },
'Ready?': {
id: 'Ready?',
states: {},
on: {
'Email and password not ready?': '#Needs Credentials',
'Email and password valid?': '#Ready',
Ready: {
id: 'Ready',
states: {},
on: { Submit: '#Submitting' },
Submitting: {
id: 'Submitting',
states: {},
on: {
'Login Failure': '#Login Error',
'Login Success': '#Authenticated',
'Login Error': {
id: 'Login Error',
states: {},
on: {
'Clear Error': '#Needs Credentials',
Retry: '#Submitting',
Email: {
id: 'Email',
states: {
'Content email': {
id: 'Content email',
states: {
'Empty email': {
id: 'Empty email',
states: {},
on: { 'Input email': '#Validating email?' },
'Validating email?': {
id: 'Validating email?',
states: {},
on: {
'Invalid email': '#Invalid email',
'Valid email': '#Valid email',
'Valid email': {
id: 'Valid email',
states: {},
on: {
'Clear email': '#Empty email',
'Input email': '#Validating email?',
'Invalid email': {
id: 'Invalid email',
states: {},
on: {
'Clear email': '#Empty email',
'Input email': '#Validating email?',
initial: 'Empty email',
on: {},
'Focus email': {
id: 'Focus email',
states: {
'Unfocused email': {
id: 'Unfocused email',
states: {},
on: { 'Focus email': '#Focused email' },
'Active email': {
id: 'Active email',
states: {},
on: { 'Idle email': '#Focused email' },
'Focused email': {
id: 'Focused email',
states: {},
on: {
'Blur email': '#Unfocused email',
'Input email': '#Active email',
initial: 'Unfocused email',
on: {},
parallel: true,
on: {},
Password: {
id: 'Password',
states: {
'Content password': {
id: 'Content password',
states: {
'Empty password': {
id: 'Empty password',
states: {},
on: { 'Input password': '#Validating password?' },
'Validating password?': {
id: 'Validating password?',
states: {},
on: {
'Invalid password': '#Invalid password',
'Valid password': '#Valid password',
'Valid password': {
id: 'Valid password',
states: {},
on: {
'Clear password': '#Empty password',
'Input password': '#Validating password?',
'Invalid password': {
id: 'Invalid password',
states: {},
on: {
'Clear password': '#Empty password',
'Input password': '#Validating password?',
initial: 'Empty password',
on: {},
'Focus password': {
id: 'Focus password',
states: {
'Unfocused password': {
id: 'Unfocused password',
states: {},
on: { 'Focus password': '#Focused password' },
'Active password': {
id: 'Active password',
states: {},
on: { 'Idle password': '#Focused password' },
'Focused password': {
id: 'Focused password',
states: {},
on: {
'Blur password': '#Unfocused password',
'Input password': '#Active password',
initial: 'Unfocused password',
on: {},
initial: 'Content password',
on: {},
parallel: true,
on: {},
initial: 'Checking Credentials',
on: {},
Authenticated: {
id: 'Authenticated',
states: {
Notes: {
id: 'Notes',
states: {
'Editing note': { id: 'Editing note', states: {} },
'Notes Content': {
id: 'Notes Content',
states: {
'No note content': {
id: 'No note content',
states: {},
on: { 'Add note content': '#Some note content' },
'Some note content': {
id: 'Some note content',
states: {},
on: { 'Remove note content': '#Any note content?' },
'Any note content?': {
id: 'Any note content?',
states: {},
on: {
'No note content?': '#No note content',
'Some note content?': '#Some note content',
initial: 'No note content',
on: {},
'Note Fetch': {
id: 'Note Fetch',
states: {
Pending: { id: 'Pending', states: {} },
Fetching: { id: 'Fetching', states: {} },
Idle: { id: 'Idle', states: {} },
Error: { id: 'Error', states: {} },
initial: 'Pending',
on: {},
parallel: true,
on: {},
'First Run Experience': {
id: 'First Run Experience',
states: {
'Required?': {
id: 'Required?',
states: {},
on: {
'First run?': '#Introduction',
'Previously completed?': '#Done',
Introduction: {
id: 'Introduction',
states: {},
on: {
'Consent to prompts': '#Prompts',
'Decline prompts': '#Done',
Prompts: {
id: 'Prompts',
states: {
'Drafts Prompt': { id: 'Drafts Prompt', states: {} },
'Collections Prompt': {
id: 'Collections Prompt',
states: {},
'Products Prompt': {
id: 'Products Prompt',
states: {},
'Feed Prompt': { id: 'Feed Prompt', states: {} },
'Accounts Prompt': {
id: 'Accounts Prompt',
states: {},
'Connections Prompt': {
id: 'Connections Prompt',
states: {},
parallel: true,
on: {},
Done: { id: 'Done', states: {} },
initial: 'Required?',
on: {},
Inbox: {
id: 'Inbox',
states: {
'New messages': { id: 'New messages', states: {} },
'No new messages': { id: 'No new messages', states: {} },
Zero: { id: 'Zero', states: {} },
initial: 'New messages',
on: {},
Notifications: {
id: 'Notifications',
states: {
None: { id: 'None', states: {} },
Some: { id: 'Some', states: {} },
initial: 'None',
on: {},
parallel: true,
on: {},
initial: 'Loading',
on: {},
parallel: true,
initial: 'Dashboard',
on: {},
initial: 'Shell',
on: {},
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