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Created June 9, 2020 21:41
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- users.each do |user|
%tr(class= "#{user}")
-# Usuario
= user.full_name
-# Fecha
= l user.first_intention_registered_at, format: :short_with_year
%td= number_to_currency user.first_intention_amount
-#Correo Prospecto
- if user.first_intention_created_via_api?
- elsif user.was_prospectus_opened?
- elsif user.was_prospectus_sent?
- if user.is_prospectus_untrackable?
%span.text-info(data-toggle="tooltip" title="No tracking: Este correo fue enviado antes de medir aperturas.")
%small (nt)
- else
%span.text-info Enviado
- else
= link_to "Enviar", admin_project_user_prospectuses_path(slug,,
class: "btn btn-xs btn-primary js-send-prospectus",
disabled: !user.has_send_prospectus_enabled?,
method: :post,
remote: true,
data: { loading_text: "Enviando..." }
- if user.has_investments?
= number_to_currency user.total_investments_amount
- else
No tiene inversiones
- if user.has_payments?
= number_to_currency user.total_amount_of_payments
- else
No ha recibido pagos
Mostrar numeros
%td{:colspan => "5", :style => "padding: 0; border: none"}
#collapse_content.collapse{:style => "padding: 1rem"}
- if user.users_phones.any?
- user.users_phones.each do |phone|
- if phone.phone_type == "mobile"
%span{:style => "padding: 1rem"}
.glyphicon.glyphicon-phone{"aria-hidden" => "true"}
= phone.number
- if phone.phone_type == "home"
%span{:style => "padding: 1rem"}
.glyphicon.glyphicon-home{"aria-hidden" => "true"}
= phone.number
- if phone.phone_type == "work"
%span{:style => "padding: 1rem"}
.glyphicon.glyphicon-briefcase{"aria-hidden" => "true"}
= phone.number
- else
%span.text-info Usuario sin telefonos
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