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Created August 7, 2024 20:34
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(ns cycloj.core
(:require [clojure.walk :as walk]
[clojure.repl :as repl]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn r-rresolve [s]
(try (resolve s)
(catch Exception e (try (requiring-resolve s)
(catch Exception e nil)))))
;; (try (slurp (:file (meta (r-rresolve sym))))
;; (catch Exception _ nil))
(defn find-source [sym verbose?]
(when-let [resolved (r-rresolve sym)]
(when verbose? (println "RESOLVED" sym))
(let [{:keys [file line]} (meta resolved)
o (or
(some->> (try (slurp file)
(catch Exception _ nil))
(drop (dec line))
(str/join "\n")
(some-> (try (repl/source (symbol sym))
(catch Exception _ nil))
;; (#(do (def x %) %))
(when o
(when verbose? (println "FOUND SOURCE FOR" sym " to be :\n" o))
(defn cyclo-count
(cyclo-count form (atom 1) #{} false))
([form *n seen verbose?]
(when verbose? (println "FORM: " form))
(fn [s]
(when verbose?
(println "walking " s))
'transduce} s)
(swap! *n inc)
(coll? s)
(not (#{'defn} (first s)))
(not (contains? seen (first s)))
(find-source (first s) verbose?))
(swap! *n + (cyclo-count
(find-source (first s) verbose?)
(atom 0)
(conj seen (first s))
(coll? s)
(#{'and 'or} (first s)))
(let [exit-branches (- (count s) 1)]
(swap! *n + exit-branches))
(coll? s)
(#{'some-> 'some->>} (first s)))
(let [exit-branches (- (count s) 2)]
(swap! *n + exit-branches))
(coll? s)
(= (first s) 'condp))
(let [exit-branches (quot (- (count s) 2) 2)]
(swap! *n + exit-branches))
(coll? s)
(#{'case 'cond} (first s)))
(let [exit-branches (dec (quot (count s) 2))]
(swap! *n + exit-branches)))
;; macro expand first
;; recursive fns?
(cyclo-count '(+ 1 2))
;; => 1
(cyclo-count '(if x 1 2))
;; => 2
(cyclo-count '(if x (when y 1) 3))
;; => 3
(cyclo-count '(case a 1 b 2 3))
;; => 3
(cyclo-count '(cond a 1 b 2 c 3))
;; => 3
(cyclo-count '(cond a 1 b 2 c 3 d 4))
(defn f [x] (if x true false))
(defn g [y] (if (f 3) (f 4) (f 5)))
(cyclo-count '(g 3))
;; => 57
(cyclo-count '(f 3))
(cyclo-count '(g 5))
;; => 57
(cyclo-count '(g (g 5)))
;; => 113
'(defn g [y] (if (f 3) (f 4) (f 5))))
(defn h [z] (if (g 3) (g 4) (g 5))))
(cyclo-count '(f 1)))
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