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Last active September 21, 2020 22:15
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Proposal for a new mixin that allows to connect Objects inside GetIt to connect to the UI

Proposal for the coming get_it mixin for Widgets as I was asked by users to help binding the UI to the objects in GetIt. Highly inspired by @remi_rousselet 's Hooks and provider in this aspect. For people using Hooks I plan a similar GetItHook. Please tell me what you think

  /// all the following functions can be called inside the build function but also
  /// in e.g. in `initState` of a `StatefulWidget`.
  /// The mixin takes care that everything is correctly disposed.

  /// retrieves or creates an instance of a registered type [T] depending on the registration
  /// function used for this type or based on a name.
  /// for factories you can pass up to 2 parameters [param1,param2] they have to match the types
  /// given at registration with [registerFactoryParam()]
  T get<T>({String instanceName, dynamic param1, dynamic param2});

  /// like [get] but for async registrations
  Future<T> getAsync<T>({String instanceName, dynamic param1, dynamic param2});

  /// like [get] but with an additional [select] function to return a member of [T]
  R getX<T, R>(R Function(T) accessor, {String instanceName});

  /// like [get] but it also registers a listener to [T] and
  /// triggers a rebuild everytime [T] signals a change
  T watch<T extends Listenable>({String instanceName});

  /// like [get] but it also registers a listener to the result of [select] and
  /// triggers a rebuild everytime signals [R] a change
  /// useful if the `Listenable` [R] is a member of your business object [T]
  R watchX<T, R extends Listenable>(
    R Function(T) select, {
    String instanceName,

  /// like watch but it only triggers a rebuild when the value that the function
  /// [only] returns changes. With that you can react to changes of single members
  /// of [T]
  T watchOnly<T extends Listenable>(
    Object Function(T) only, {
    String instanceName,

  /// a combination of [watchX] and [watchOnly]
  R watchXOnly<T, Q extends Listenable, R>(
    Q Function(T) select,
    Object Function(R) only, {
    String instanceName,

  /// subscribes to the `Stream` returned by [select] and returns
  /// an `AsyncSnapshot` with the latest received data from the `Stream`
  /// Whenever new data is received it triggers a rebuild.
  /// When you call [watchStream] a second time on the same `Stream` it will
  /// return the last received data but not subscribe another time.
  /// To be able to use [watchStream] inside a `build` function we have to pass
  /// [initialValue] so that it can return something before it has received the first data
  AsyncSnapshot<R> watchStream<T, R>(
    Stream<R> Function(T) select,
    R initialValue, {
    String instanceName,

  /// awaits the ` Future` returned by [select] and triggers a rebuild as soon
  /// as the `Future` completes. After that it returns
  /// an `AsyncSnapshot` with the received data from the `Future`
  /// When you call [watchFuture] a second time on the same `Future` it will
  /// return the last received data but not await another time.
  /// To be able to use [watchStream] inside a `build` function
  /// we have to pass [initialValue] so that it can return something before
  /// the `Future` has completed
  AsyncSnapshot<R> watchFuture<T, R>(
    Stream<R> Function(T) select,
    R initialValue, {
    String instanceName,

  /// Pushes a new GetIt-Scope. After pushing it executes [init] where you can register
  /// objects that should only exist as long as this scope exists.
  /// Can be called inside the `build` method method of a `StatelessWidget`.
  /// It ensures that it's only called once in the lifetime of a widget.
  /// When the widget is destroyed the scope too gets destroyed after [dispose]
  /// is executed. If you use this function and you have registered your objects with
  /// an async disposal function, that functions won't be awaited.
  /// I would recommend doing pushing and popping from your business layer but sometimes
  /// this might come in handy
  void pushScope({void Function(GetIt getIt) init, void Function() dispose});
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