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Created April 15, 2022 19:37
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  • Save escalonn/ba58ed7507e7f2a74c87652c8652b12f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// .NET language server, displays errors and warnings in real time
// usage: dotnet LanguageServer.dll [PROJECT|SOLUTION]
// dotnet run -- [PROJECT|SOLUTION]
// example: dotnet run --project ../LanguageServer -- .
using System.Diagnostics;
string project = args[0];
string directory =
File.Exists(args[0]) ? Directory.GetParent(args[0])!.FullName : args[0];
// assumes source directory contains only one solution or project
// enables warnings, silences output besides errors and warnings
ProcessStartInfo dotnetStartInfo = new()
FileName = "dotnet",
Arguments = $"build \"{project}\" --nologo --verbosity quiet "
+ "-property:WarningLevel=9999 -consoleLoggerParameters:NoSummary",
RedirectStandardOutput = true
using FileSystemWatcher watcher =
new(path: directory) { IncludeSubdirectories = true };
while (true)
void Build()
using Process dotnet = Process.Start(dotnetStartInfo)!;
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