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Eric Adams esa1975

  • Sarasota, Florida, USA
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esa1975 / Install Gestures app on Zorin
Created September 9, 2020 07:32
Install Gestures App on Zorin OS (or most Ubuntu-based distributions)

Install Gestures App on Zorin OS (or most Ubuntu-based distributions)

Gestures is a minimal Gtk+ GUI app for libinput-gestures, making it much easier to add and manage touchpad gestures.


Zorin (Ubuntu) Requirements

esa1975 /
Created December 14, 2019 02:29
Using jumpcutter to trim silence from videos

jumpcutter - Remove silence from videos


One of the most time consuming aspects of editing videos for me is removing silence. I tend to create an outline for a video which I refer to as I record but inevitably have to think as I go which leads to pauses. It can dramatically increase the length of a video and I try to keep mine as short as I can.

I capture an average of two to three times the length of a finished video in raw footage that I then need to edit down. The editing process can take many hours depending on the amount of footage. Anything I can do to reduce that time is huge, not only in time saved but in reducing fatigue and overall making the process much less taxing and enjoyable (this is supposed to be fun!).

esa1975 / Compile imwheel on
Last active November 5, 2021 09:10
Compile imwheel on Solus
esa1975 / Cinnamon Desktop Environment on Arch
Last active July 12, 2023 04:09
Cinnamon Desktop Environment on Arch Linux

Cinnamon Desktop Environment on Arch Linux

Installation and Configuration

Written by Eric Adams on August 22, 2019


Install the Cinnamon desktop environment on a vanilla Arch Linux base and configure the desktop, installing themes and additional software.

esa1975 /
Last active September 18, 2024 07:53
Install the Linux Mint Themes and Icons on Arch Linux
esa1975 / Cinnamon 4 Desktop on Ubuntu 19.04 Minimal
Last active August 5, 2021 20:20
Cinnamon 4 Desktop on Ubuntu 19.04 Minimal Install

Cinnamon 4 Desktop on Ubuntu 19.04 Minimal Install


Install the Cinnamon 4 desktop environment on a minimal install of Ubuntu 19.04. It is possible (and easier) to install Cinnamon without this process but you end up with many GNOME-specific packages and applications you may not want.

Step 1 - Download Ubuntu Network Installer

esa1975 /
Last active July 17, 2019 11:41
Install Mint Themes and Icons on Ubuntu
# Install required packages
sudo apt-get install git make ruby-sass

# Keep all the stuff together
mkdir mint
cd mint

# Clone the repository
git clone
esa1975 / Ubuntu 19.04 Review
Created June 25, 2019 19:33
Ubuntu 19.04 Review Notes

Ubuntu 19.04 Review Notes

June 1, 2019

The Desktop


  • It's GNOME with the missing pieces added back (system tray, launcher, desktop icons).
  • This version of GNOME does seem much snappier with smoother animations.
  • The Unity layout is familiar, usable and configurable enough that's is easy to jump in and start using it without a ton of customization.
esa1975 / BDLL Feren OS Next
Created June 25, 2019 19:22
BDLL Feren OS Next Review

BDLL Feren OS Next Review - June 8, 2019

General Impressions

Maybe a rare example of a hybrid desktop with the inclusion of GTK apps that blend well with the overall look and feel.

  • Nemo file manager
  • Elementary Photos
  • GNOME Disks
  • Feren OS Store (Mint Software)
esa1975 / BDLL
Last active July 18, 2020 23:54
BDLL Challenges