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Quick notes on updates:

  • Peers file is now at wget -O ~/peers.txt
  • New docker image is
  • New debian is mina-testnet-postake-medium-curves=0.1.1+-add-testworld-ledger-bbda99d
  • The key format has changed since 4.1, old public/private keys are no longer valid (keys for adversarial will be distributed when adversarial is launched)

Running a node with Docker:

  • The easiest solution for connecting to our public qa-net "testworld" is to use the pre-baked docker image which includes the files up to step 10 of the "Running a node in a VPS or Linux Machine" and is not limited to Debian/Ubuntu.
  1. Copy your public/private key files (usually ~/keys/my-wallet and ~/keys/ to ~/mina-keys/
  2. cd ~ && chmod 700 ~/mina-keys/my-wallet

Note: If you haven't already added your qanet public address to our Google Sheet, please go ahead and add it using the link below. Only public addresses listed in this doc will receive public qanet tokens for testing. If you added your public address while a public qanet is running, you will have to wait until the next release to receive your tokens. Alternatively, you can ask the community members in the qa-task-force channel to send you some tokens now. Link to the Google sheet:

If you ran a node before the hardfork:

  • run coda client stop-daemon (or docker exec -it mina coda client stop-daemon) to gracefully shut down your existing node
  • move any log files or keys (especially ~/.coda-config/coda.log and ~/.coda-config/wallet) to a new location for backup. Please send us your ~/.coda-config/mina-best-tip.log as well so that we can validate our chosen "best tip" for the new chain after the fork.

Note: If you haven't already added your qanet public address to our Google Sheet, please go ahead and add it using the link below. Only public addresses listed in this doc will receive public qanet tokens for testing. If you added your public address while a public qanet is running, you will have to wait until the next release to receive your tokens. Alternatively, you can ask the community members in the qa-task-force channel to send you some tokens now. Link to the Google sheet:

  1. Run the following commands on a Debian:stretch image
  2. sudo apt-get update
  3. sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates
  4. echo "deb [trusted=yes] unstable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coda.list
  5. sudo apt-get update
  6. sudo apt-get install -y curl coda-testnet-postake-medium-curves=0.0.16-beta7+-qa-net-10-24-2020-6dc573d --allow-downgrades
  7. `wget -O ~/daemon
es92 /
Last active October 18, 2020 16:08 — forked from bijanshahrokhi/
  1. Run the following commands on a Debian:stretch image
  2. apt-get update
  3. apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates
  4. echo "deb [trusted=yes] unstable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coda.list
  5. apt-get update
  6. apt-get install -y curl coda-testnet-postake-medium-curves=0.0.16-beta7+-qa-branch-block-production-fixes-723cd47 --allow-downgrades
  7. wget -O ~/daemon.json
  8. coda daemon -peer /dns4/ -peer /dns4/ -config-file ~/daemon.json -generate-genesis-proof true -log-json -log-level Trace | coda-logproc | tee ~/coda-log.txt
  9. Send us logs shortly after connecting (~1hr) and after the node has been running a while (~24hr) if you