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Test Case
static object[] BoxAndLabelsAndThings_OpenBoxThenPutThingInsideThenCloseBoxAndWriteLogs_ThingsWithLabelEndedWithIgnoreExpected_1()
var writeLogMock = new Mock<WriteLog>(MockBehavior.Strict);
var boxMock = new Mock<IBox>(MockBehavior.Strict);
var mockSequence = new MockSequence();
boxMock.InSequence(mockSequence).Setup(box => box.Open());
writeLogMock.InSequence(mockSequence).Setup(writeLog => writeLog("The box is opened."));
boxMock.InSequence(mockSequence).Setup(box => box.PutInside(new Thing { Size = 1 }, "Label 1")).Returns(true);
boxMock.InSequence(mockSequence).Setup(box => box.PutInside(new Thing { Size = 2 }, "Label 2 Ignore")).Returns(false);
boxMock.InSequence(mockSequence).Setup(box => box.PutInside(new Thing { Size = 3 }, "Label 3")).Returns(true);
boxMock.InSequence(mockSequence).Setup(box => box.Close());
writeLogMock.InSequence(mockSequence).Setup(writeLog => writeLog("The box is closed."));
var args = new Args
Box = boxMock.Object,
LabelsAndThings = new Dictionary<string, Thing>
{ "Label 1", new Thing { Size = 1 } },
{ "Label 2 Ignore", new Thing { Size = 2 } },
{ "Label 3", new Thing { Size = 3 } },
WriteLog = writeLogMock.Object
var expected = new Dictionary<string, Thing>
{ "Label 2 Ignore", new Thing { Size = 2 } },
return new object[] { args, expected };
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