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Created March 21, 2017 13:32
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Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition Board := list (list nat).
Definition size (board : Board) := length board.
Definition val (n m : nat)(board : Board) := nth m (nth n board []) 1.
Fixpoint fill' m (l : list nat) : list nat :=
match l with
| [] => []
| x::xs =>
match m with
| O => 1::xs
| S m' => x :: fill' m' xs
Fixpoint fill (n m : nat)(board : Board) : Board :=
match board with
| [] => []
| r::rs =>
match n with
| O => fill' m r :: rs
| S n' => r :: fill n' m rs
Inductive Dirc := Left | Right | Up | Down.
Inductive move :
nat -> nat -> nat -> nat -> Board -> Board -> Dirc -> Prop :=
| moveLeft : forall n m board,
val n (pred m) board = 0 ->
move n m n (pred m) board (fill n (pred m) board) Left
| moveRight : forall n m board,
val n (S m) board = 0 ->
move n m n (S m) board (fill n (S m) board) Right
| moveUp : forall n m board,
val (pred n) m board = 0 ->
move n m (pred n) m board (fill (pred n) m board) Up
| moveDown : forall n m board,
val (S n) m board = 0 ->
move n m (S n) m board (fill (S n) m board) Down.
Inductive accept :
nat -> nat -> nat -> nat -> Board -> list Dirc -> Prop :=
| accept_goal : forall n m board,
accept n m n m board []
| accept_next : forall n m n' m' goaln goalm board board' d ds,
move n m n' m' board board' d ->
accept n' m' goaln goalm board' ds ->
accept n m goaln goalm board (d :: ds).
Hint Constructors move accept.
Definition example :=
Example ex : { ds | accept 0 0 2 3 example ds }.
eexists. eauto 20.
Eval simpl in proj1_sig ex.
= [Down; Right; Down; Down; Right; Right; Up]
: list Dirc
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