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Last active June 1, 2022 07:26
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Optimized Re-frame schema validation/check - ClojureScript, malli
(ns interceptors
[ :as d]
[malli.core :as m]
[malli.error :as me]))
(def prev-state (atom nil))
;; Applies schema only changed parts (diff) of the app-db (state)
(defn check-and-throw [schema state event]
(if @prev-state
(let [[things-only-in-prev things-only-in-current _] (d/diff @prev-state state)
changed-keys (set (concat (keys things-only-in-prev) (keys things-only-in-current)))]
(reset! prev-state state)
(when (seq changed-keys)
(let [schema* (->> schema
(filter (fn [[schema-key & _]] (changed-keys schema-key)))
(cons :map)
(when-not (m/validate schema* state)
(js/console.error (str "Event: " (first event)))
(throw (js/Error. (str "Schema check failed: " (me/humanize (m/explain schema* state)))))))))
(reset! prev-state state)
(when-not (m/validate schema state)
(js/console.error (str "Event: " (first event)))
(throw (js/Error. (str "Schema check failed at startup: " (me/humanize (m/explain schema state)))))))))
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