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Last active November 21, 2018 05:20
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Integer to Roman Numerals - Supports up to 1 less than 4 Billion
_____ _ ____ __
\_ \_ __ | |_ |___ \ /__\ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __
/ /\| '_ \| __| __) | / \/// _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
/\/ /_ | | | | |_ / __/ / _ | (_) | | | | | | (_| | | | |
\____/ |_| |_|\__| |_____| \/ \_/\___/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|
Coded by errorseven @ 11-19-2018
- Supports Values up to whenever you Overflow and crash!
- A Numeral surrounded by Parenthesis denotes x 1000
Breakdown: 300,600,999 == ((CCC))(DC)CMXCIX
300,000,000 == (((CCC))) == (((C=100)x3)x1000)x1000
600,000 == (DC) == ((D=500 + C=100) == 600)x1000
900 == CM == (C=100 - M=1000)
90 == XC == (X=10 - C=100)
9 == IX == (I=1 - X=10)
Compared values to this websites Large Roman Numeral
roman(x) { ; Supports up to Overflow???
if x is not Integer
if (x > 3999999999 or x < 1)
rn:=[["M", 1000],["CM", 900],["D",500],["CD",400],["C",100],["XC",90]
,["L",50],["XL", 40],["X", 10],["IX",9],["V",5],["IV", 4],["I",1]]
While(x) {
(x>=4000?(i:=SubStr(x, -2)
, x:=SubStr(x,1,StrLen(x)-StrLen(i)))
((A_Index>1)?(F.="(",B.=")"):_), g.=F
for e, v in rn
if (i >= v.2) {
g .= v.1, i -= v.2
r:= g B r, g:=""
return r
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