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Last active July 8, 2024 20:29
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Home Assistant Blueprint for 'persistent' Sunset elevation triggered actions
# Author Eric Kreuwels, Copyright 2022, publiced under the free MIT license conditions
name: Actions at Sunset elevation
description: Persistant elevation based actions around sunset. These actions can be any sequence including checking additional conditions if you like
domain: automation
name: Elevation Shift
description: Using an elevation angle of the sun relative to the horizon; a positive angle is above the horizon. Angles between 0 and -3 degrees are in the twilight zone
default: 0.0
min: -6.0
max: 6.0
mode: slider
step: 0.5
unit_of_measurement : degrees
name: Trigger at Home Assistant startup
description: Trigger the target state check and enforcement at Home Assistant. This check is only effective between Solar Noon and Solar Midnight.
default: true
boolean: {}
name: Sunset Actions
description: Action to run at the defined elevations around sunset
default: []
action: {}
# Prevent the automation from running concurrently
mode: single
# Define the variables used in the action section
trigger_at_startup: !input 'trigger_at_startup'
elevation_shift: !input 'elevation_shift'
# Define the trigger for the automation
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sun.sun
attribute: elevation
below: !input elevation_shift
- platform: homeassistant
event: start
# check if the sun is settling (between noon and midnight only)
- condition: state
entity_id: sun.sun
attribute: rising
state: false
# check if persistency state actions are needed
- condition: template
value_template: '{{ trigger.platform!="homeassistant" or (trigger_at_startup and state_attr("sun.sun", "elevation") <= elevation_shift and state_attr("sun.sun", "elevation") >= elevation_shift - 2) }}'
action: !input sunset_actions
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