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Last active April 26, 2022 17:08
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Zendesk Help Center Template and Components Documenation

The help center has a series of HTML templates with accompanying components. I put this together to brief myself on the available features within a help center. The official documentation can be found here

Table of Contents

  • Header
  • Footer
  • Home
  • Category
  • Section
  • Article
  • Contribution
  • Request List
  • Request
  • New Request
  • Search Results
  • Error

###Header Template

Component Token Description
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{language_selector}} A menu that lets you change the page language.
{{logo}} Your Help Center logo in the header that links to the homepage.
{{my_activities}} Displays a link to the end-user's activities. If signed in as an agent or Help Center manager, nothing is displayed.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form.

###Footer Page

Component Token Description
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.

###Home Template

Component Token Description
{{category_list}} A list of categories in the Helsp Center.
{{category_tree}} A list of categories in the Help Center; in each category, a list of sections; in each section, a list of six articles with a link to more, if any.
{{category_tree_with_article}} A list of categories in Help Center; in each category, a list of sections; in each section, a list of expandable articles.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_activity}} A list of recent activities for the Help Center.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{recent_community_activity}} A list of recent community activities for the Help Center.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.

###Category Template

Component Token Description
{{breadcrumbs}} A breadcrumbs navigation element.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{description}} The description of the category.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_activity}} A list of recent activities for the current category.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{section_list}} A list of sections in the category.
{{section_tree}} A list of sections in the category and the first six articles in each section.
{{section_tree_with_article}} A list of sections in the category and expandable articles.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form

###Section Template

Component Token Description
{{article_list}} A list of articles in the section.
{{breadcrumbs}} A breadcrumbs navigation element.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{description}} The description of the section.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_activity}} A list of recent activites for the current section.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{subscribe}} A link that gives visitors the option of receiving update notifications by email.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form.
{{title}} The title of the section.
{{visibility}} Indicates if the section is viewable by agents only (internal).

###Article Template

Component Token Description
{{attachments}} No description.
{{author_avatar}} No description.
{{author_name}} No description.
{{body}} No description.
{{breadcrumbs}} No description.
{{chat}} No description.
{{comment_count}} No description.
{{comment_form}} No description.
{{comment_heading}} No description.
{{comment_list}} No description.
{{comment_pagination}} No description.
{{created_at}} No description.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{following_link}} A link to the Subscriptions page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{my_activities_navigation}} Displays links to the user's requests, their contributions, and what they're following.
{{organization_selector}} A drop-down component to select the organization.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{request_filter}} A search field to let the user filter requests.
{{request_navigation}} Navigation links to the different request views.
{{request_table}} A table of requests.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{status_selector}} A menu to let the user filter requests by status.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{submit_request}} A link to the support request form.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form.
{{title}} The title of the requests page.
{{updated_at}} No description.
{{visibility}} No description.
{{vote}} No description.

###Contributions Template

Component Token Description
{{breadcrumbs}} A breadcrumbs navigation element.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{contribution_navigation}} Displays links to the questions, answers, and comments the user contributed to the community.
{{contribution_table}} Displays a table listing the user's contributions to the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{my_activities_navigation}} Displays links to the user's requests, their contributions, and what they're following.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form.

###Request List Template

Component Token Description
{{breadcrumbs}} A breadcrumbs navigation element.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{following_link}} A link to the Subscriptions page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{my_activities_navigation}} Displays links to the user's requests, their contributions, and what they're following.
{{organization_selector}} A drop-down component to select the organization.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{request_filter}} A search field to let the user filter requests.
{{request_navigation}} Navigation links to the different request views.
{{request_table}} A table of requests.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{status_selector}} A menu to let the user filter requests by status.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{submit_request}} A link to the support request form.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form.
{{title}} The title of the requests page.

###Request Template

Component Token Description
{{breadcrumbs}} A breadcrumbs navigation element.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{chat_about_my_ticket}} A link to start a chat with an agent.
{{comment_form}} A text box and button that let users submit comments. Includes the submitter's avatar, if any.
{{comment_list}} The comments on an article, if any. Each comment includes the author's name and avatar, if any.
{{comments_header}} A localized heading for the comments section.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{description}} The first comment, typically presenting the issue.
{{help_center_name}} The localized name of the Help Center.
{{id}} The id of the request.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center knowledge base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{request_details}} A box with the requester's name as well the status of the request and its priority.
{{request_id}} The id of the request formatted as 'Request #{id}'.
{{satisfaction}} The satisfaction rating of the request, if any.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available. Otherwise, it searches the entire Help Center.
{{subject}} The subject line of the request.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{submit_request}} Displays a link to the support request form.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form. Enterprise only.
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form. Enterprise only.

###New Request Template

Component Token Description
{{breadcrumbs}} A breadcrumbs navigation element.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{error_list}} Errors with the request submission, if any.
{{follow_up_hint}} If the request is a follow-up to another request, displays a string saying so. Example: 'Follow-up to request #42'.
{{form}} The request form.
{{header}} A localized heading for the new request page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form

###Search Results Template

Component Token Description
{{breadcrumbs}} A breadcrumbs navigation element.
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{result_heading}} A localized heading on the search results page. The heading's format is as follows: "[number_of_results] results for [search_string]".
{{results}} No description for {{results}}.
{{results_pagination}} No description for {{results_pagination}}.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form

###Error Template

Component Token Description
{{chat}} An embedded chat interface allowing visitors to chat with agents. Chat must be enabled for the Help Center.
{{community_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center community followed by a link to browse the community.
{{dc.}} Displays dynamic content in the language of the page.
{{error_header}} A localized heading on the error page.
{{error_message}} A descriptive error message.
{{help_center_name}} The localized Help Center's name.
{{home_page_link}} A localized "Take me back to the home page" link.
{{knowledge_base_header}} A localized heading for the Help Center Knowledge Base.
{{promoted_articles}} A list of all promoted articles.
{{recent_articles}} A list of recently viewed articles.
{{search}} A search box that searches the entire Help Center.
{{search_bar}} A large search box with a Search button.
{{search_bar_small}} A smaller version of the search box.
{{search_in_category}} A search box that searches the current category, if available.
{{status_code}} An HTTP error status code, such as 404 when the page is not found.
{{submit_a_request}} Displays a link to a form to submit a support request.
{{ticket_form_link}} A link to a specific ticket form
{{ticket_form_list}} A list of links to each ticket form
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shonendumm commented Dec 20, 2021

Hi @erikzrekz , thanks for sharing. Can I ask if there's a token for displaying popular help articles based on number of page views? Or is there a template to show it? Sorry if this is out of scope. Thank you in advance. 🙏

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