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Created February 20, 2023 04:51
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# read in parcel list
url = ''
parcels_df = read_csv(url)
parcels = parcels_df %>% pull(`PARCEL NUMBER`) %>% str_replace_all(., '-', '')
# scrape details
datalist = list()
for (i in 1:length(parcels)) {
# read page
url = paste('', parcels[i], sep = '')
print(paste(i, ' of ', length(parcels), sep = ''))
page = read_html(url)
# grab fields
parcel_number = page %>% html_node('#lblParcelNum') %>% html_text2()
s_t_r = page %>% html_node('#lblSTR') %>% html_text2()
property_description = page %>% html_node('#lblPropDesc') %>% html_text2()
subdivision = page %>% html_node('#lblSubdivision') %>% html_text2()
unit = page %>% html_node('#lblUnit') %>% html_text2()
block = page %>% html_node('#lblBlock') %>% html_text2()
lot = page %>% html_node('#lblLot') %>% html_text2()
phase = page %>% html_node('#lblPhase') %>% html_text2()
cabinet = page %>% html_node('#lblCabinet') %>% html_text2()
slide = page %>% html_node('#lblSlide') %>% html_text2()
owner_1 = page %>% html_node('#lblOwner1') %>% html_text2()
owner_2 = page %>% html_node('#lblOwner2') %>% html_text2()
in_care_of = page %>% html_node('#lblCareof') %>% html_text2()
mailing_address = page %>% html_node('#lblMailingAddress') %>% html_text2()
property_address = page %>% html_node('#lblPropAddress') %>% html_text2()
recording_date = page %>% html_node('#lblRecDate') %>% html_text2()
sale_amount = page %>% html_node('#lblSaleAmt') %>% html_text2()
exemption_widow = page %>% html_node('#lblWidow') %>% html_text2()
exemption_widower = page %>% html_node('#lblWidower') %>% html_text2()
exemption_disabled = page %>% html_node('#lblDisabled') %>% html_text2()
exemption_senior_freeze = page %>% html_node('#lblSrFreeze') %>% html_text2()
temp = tibble(
parcel_number = parcel_number,
s_t_r = s_t_r,
property_description = property_description,
subdivision = subdivision,
unit = unit,
block = block,
lot = lot,
phase = phase,
cabinet = cabinet,
slide = slide,
owner_1 = owner_1,
owner_2 = owner_2,
in_care_of = in_care_of,
mailing_address = mailing_address,
property_address = property_address,
recording_date = recording_date,
sale_amount = sale_amount,
exemption_widow = exemption_widow,
exemption_widower = exemption_widower,
exemption_disabled = exemption_disabled,
exemption_senior_freeze = exemption_senior_freeze
datalist[[i]] = temp
raw =, datalist)
# clean, export
write_csv(raw, 'gila-buttes-parcel-details.csv')
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