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Last active May 26, 2023 22:39
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A demonstration of how to implement a forward and backward ABI compatible class type
#include "Widget.hpp"
int main() {
library::Widget v2_widget(42);
library::Widget v1_widget = library::makeV1Widget();
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <cstdint>
namespace library {
namespace detail {
namespace v1 {
struct VTable;
struct Impl;
struct Deleter {
constexpr void operator()(Impl*) const;
inline namespace v2 {
struct VTable;
struct Impl;
using v1::Deleter;
// A forward binary-compatible Widget class
class Widget {
friend detail::VTable;
friend detail::Impl;
// I'm taking a shortcut here, but it's not safe to assume that all
// stdlibs have the same unique_ptr layout. We would need our own
// unique_ptr type for use in ABI-stable interfaces.
std::unique_ptr<detail::Impl, detail::Deleter> pimpl_;
friend Widget makeV1Widget();
Widget(Widget&&) noexcept = default;
Widget(const Widget&);
explicit Widget(int data);
Widget& operator=(Widget&&) noexcept = default;
Widget& operator=(const Widget&);
void swap(Widget& otherWidget) noexcept {
std::swap(pimpl_, otherWidget.pimpl_);
friend void swap(Widget& left, Widget& right) noexcept {
void frob();
/*virtual*/ void frobnicate(Widget otherWidget);
/*virtual*/ void frobozzle(int value);
// Imagine this is exported from some third-party library
// built with the v1 Widget type and linked with this code:
Widget makeV1Widget();
#include "Widget.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
namespace library {
/ The Widget type from v1
// A forward binary-compatible Widget class
class Widget {
struct VTable;
struct Impl;
struct Deleter {
void operator()(Impl*) const;
// I'm taking a shortcut here, but it's not safe to assume that all
// stdlibs have the same unique_ptr layout. We would need our own
// unique_ptr type for use in ABI-stable interfaces.
std::unique_ptr<Impl, Deleter> pimpl_;
static const std::uint8_t s_currentVersion;
Widget(Widget&&) noexcept = default;
Widget(const Widget&);
explicit Widget(int data);
Widget& operator=(Widget&&) noexcept = default;
Widget& operator=(const Widget&);
void swap(Widget& otherWidget) noexcept {
std::swap(pimpl_, otherWidget.pimpl_);
friend void swap(Widget& left, Widget& right) noexcept {
namespace detail {
namespace v1 {
struct VTable {
// A class version number is first, and is incremented with every
// ABI-breaking change to the type.
std::uint8_t const version_;
// pointers to implementation functions go here:
using deleteFun_t = void (Impl* pimpl);
static deleteFun_t deleteImpl_v1;
deleteFun_t *const delete_;
// pointers to implementation functions go here:
using frobnicateFun_t = void (Impl* pimpl, Widget otherWidget);
static frobnicateFun_t frobnicateImpl_v1;
frobnicateFun_t *const frobnicate_;
static constexpr VTable make() {
return {1, &deleteImpl_v1, &frobnicateImpl_v1};
inline constexpr auto vtable = VTable::make();
struct Impl {
static constexpr Impl make() { return Impl{&vtable}; }
// vtable ptr is first:
// an alternate design puts the vtable ptr directly in Widget along side
// the Impl ptr. That makes Widgets bigger, but saves indirections.
VTable const* const vptr_;
void VTable::frobnicateImpl_v1(Impl* pimpl, Widget otherWidget) {
assert(pimpl->vptr_->version_ == 1);
std::printf("Ye olde frobnicate implementation\n");
void VTable::deleteImpl_v1(Impl* pimpl) {
assert(pimpl->vptr_->version_ == 1);
std::printf("Ye olde delete implementation\n");
delete pimpl;
Widget makeV1Widget() {
return Widget(
reinterpret_cast<detail::v2::Impl*>(new auto(detail::v1::Impl::make())));
#include "Widget.hpp"
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
namespace library {
namespace detail {
namespace v1 {
struct VTable {
// A class version number is first, and is incremented with every
// ABI-breaking change to the type.
std::uint8_t const version_;
// pointers to implementation functions go here:
using deleteFun_t = void (Impl* pimpl);
static deleteFun_t deleteImpl_v2;
deleteFun_t *const delete_;
// pointers to implementation functions go here:
using frobnicateFun_t = void (Impl* pimpl, Widget otherWidget);
static frobnicateFun_t frobnicateImpl_v2;
frobnicateFun_t *const frobnicate_;
static constexpr VTable make() {
return {2, &deleteImpl_v2, &frobnicateImpl_v2};
inline constexpr auto vtable = VTable::make();
inline namespace v2 {
struct VTable : v1::VTable {
using frobozzleFun_t = void (Impl* pimpl, int);
static frobozzleFun_t frobozzleImpl_v2;
frobozzleFun_t *const frobozzle_; // ADDED IN V2!
static constexpr VTable make() {
return {v1::vtable, &frobozzleImpl_v2};
inline constexpr auto vtable = VTable::make();
namespace v1 {
// Preserve the old V1 impl layout
struct Impl {
static constexpr Impl make () {
return {&v2::vtable};
// vtable ptr is first:
// an alternate design puts the vtable ptr directly in Widget along side
// the Impl ptr. That makes Widgets bigger, but saves indirections.
VTable const*const vptr_;
inline namespace v2 {
// Extend the v1 layout with v2 bits
struct Impl : v1::Impl {
static constexpr Impl make(int data = 0) {
return{v1::Impl::make(), data};
static constexpr Impl copy(const Impl& otherImpl) {
// Check version number before accessing data that might not be there!
return make(otherImpl.vptr_->version_ == 1 ? 0 : otherImpl.data_);
// Data members follow:
int data_; // ADDED IN V2!
void VTable::frobozzleImpl_v2(Impl* pimpl, int) {
assert(pimpl->vptr_->version_ == 2);
// Do frobozzle action
std::printf("In new frobozzle implementation for v2 Widgets.\n");
namespace v1 {
constexpr void Deleter::operator()(Impl* pimpl) const {
void VTable::deleteImpl_v2(Impl* pimpl) {
assert(pimpl->vptr_->version_ == 2);
std::printf("New fangled delete of version %d\n", (int)pimpl->vptr_->version_);
delete static_cast<v2::Impl*>(pimpl);
void VTable::frobnicateImpl_v2(Impl* pimpl, Widget otherWidget) {
assert(pimpl->vptr_->version_ == 2);
// do the frobnicate action for v2 of the type
std::printf("frobnicating a v2 Widget: data = %d\n", static_cast<v2::Impl*>(pimpl)->data_);
: pimpl_(new auto(detail::Impl::make()), {})
Widget::Widget(detail::Impl* pimpl)
: pimpl_(pimpl, {})
std::printf("making version %d\n", (int)pimpl->vptr_->version_);
Widget::Widget(const Widget& otherWidget)
: pimpl_(new auto(detail::Impl::copy(*otherWidget.pimpl_)), {})
Widget& Widget::operator=(const Widget& otherWidget)
// Copy/swap idiom is strongly exception-safe
Widget newWidget(otherWidget);
return *this;
Widget::~Widget() = default;
Widget::Widget(int data)
: pimpl_(new auto(detail::Impl::make(data)), {})
// Implementation of a non-virtual:
void Widget::frob() {
// Select the proper implementation for the Widget version
if (pimpl_->vptr_->version_ == 1) {
// fall-back implementation for the older Widget type
std::printf("frob a v1 Widget\n");
else {
// do the frob action for v2 of the type
std::printf("frob a v2 Widget\n");
// Dispatching to a virtual that has been there since v1
void Widget::frobnicate(Widget otherWidget) {
pimpl_->vptr_->frobnicate_(pimpl_.get(), otherWidget);
// Dispatching to a virtual that was added in v2
void Widget::frobozzle(int value) {
if (pimpl_->vptr_->version_ == 1) {
// use fallback frobozzle action
std::printf("In fallback frobozzle implementation for v1 Widgets.\n");
else {
static_cast<detail::v2::VTable const*>(pimpl_->vptr_)->frobozzle_(pimpl_.get(), value);
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When statically linking two object files compiled with different versions of Widget, there will be multiple definition errors for the Widget member functions. This needs to be managed with inline namespaces to give the Widget member functions version-dependent mangled names.

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