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Last active June 3, 2024 19:46
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Generate APK debug in React Native

Please follow those steps.

Bundle your js:

  • if you have in project root then run
  react-native bundle --dev false --platform android --entry-file --bundle-output ./android/app/build/intermediates/assets/debug/ --assets-dest ./android/app/build/intermediates/res/merged/debug
  • if you have index.js in project root then run
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/ --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res

Create debug apk:

cd android/
.\gradlew assembleDebug
Then You can find your apk here:
cd app/build/outputs/apk/

Ref: Stackoverflow

Copy link

I got

error ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'android/app/src/main/assets/'

Had to do mkdir before

mkdir android/app/src/main/assets/

Thank you for this solution

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