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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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Install the Customizr-Polylang bridge code
// ====================================================================================================================
// Customizr-Polylang bridge: Makes the Customizr theme or the Featured Pages Unlimited
// plugin compatible with Polylang; Runs only if Polylang is active;
// ====================================================================================================================
// If Polylang is active, hook function on the admin pages
if ( function_exists( 'pll_register_string' ) ) add_action( 'admin_init', 'pll_tc_strings_setup' );
function pll_tc_strings_setup() {
// Find out what code we're running for our featured pages.
$running_fpu = ( class_exists( 'TC_fpu' ) );
$running_customizr = ( ( wp_get_theme()->Template ) == 'customizr' );
$running_customizr_pro = ( ( wp_get_theme()->Template ) == 'customizr-pro' );
$pll_tc_options = array();
$pll_tc_areas = array();
$pll_tc_archive_titles = array(
'tag' => 'Tag pages title',
'cat' => 'Category pages titles',
'author' => 'Author pages titles',
'search' => 'Search results page titles'
$button_text_option_prefix = 'tc_featured_page_';
if ( $running_customizr || $running_customizr_pro ) { // Running Customizr(-pro) alone
// Get Customizr(-pro) options
$pll_tc_options = TC_utils::$inst->tc_get_theme_options();
if ( $running_customizr ){ // get array of featured pages / set Polylang's translation group
$pll_tc_areas = TC_init::$instance->fp_ids;
$fp_polylang_group = $polylang_group = 'Customizr';
if ( $running_fpu && class_exists('TC_utils_fpu') ) { // Running Featured Pages Unlimited plugin (included in Customizr-pro) : Setup FPU-defined featured page strings
// Get FPU options / get array of featured pages / set Polylang's translation group
$option_name = $running_customizr_pro ? 'tc_pro_fpu' : 'tc_unlimited_featured_pages';
$_pll_tc_options = array_merge(TC_utils_fpu::$instance -> default_options, get_option( $option_name ) );
$pll_tc_options = array_merge($pll_tc_options, $_pll_tc_options);
$_pll_tc_areas = TC_utils_fpu::$instance->tc_get_custom_fp_nb();
$pll_tc_areas = array_unique( array_merge($pll_tc_areas, $_pll_tc_areas) );
$fp_polylang_group = 'Featured Pages Unlimited';
$button_text_option_prefix = 'tc_fp_';
if ( $running_customizr_pro )
$fp_polylang_group = $polylang_group = 'Customizr-Pro';
// Add featured pages button text to Polylang's string translation panel
if ( isset( $pll_tc_options[ $button_text_option_prefix . 'button_text'] ) )
pll_register_string( 'Featured pages button text', esc_attr($pll_tc_options[ $button_text_option_prefix . 'button_text']), $fp_polylang_group );
// Add featured pages excerpt text to Polylang's string translation panel
foreach ( $pll_tc_areas as $area )
if ( isset( $pll_tc_options['tc_featured_text_'.$area] ) )
pll_register_string( 'Featured text '.$area.'(200 char. max)', esc_attr($pll_tc_options['tc_featured_text_'.$area]), $fp_polylang_group );
// Add front page slider name to Polylang's string translation panel
if ( isset( $pll_tc_options['tc_front_slider'] ) )
pll_register_string( 'Front page slider name', esc_attr($pll_tc_options['tc_front_slider']), $polylang_group );
// Add archive title strings to Polylang's string translation panel
foreach ( $pll_tc_archive_titles as $opt => $name )
if ( isset( $pll_tc_options["tc_{$opt}_title"] ) )
pll_register_string( $name, esc_attr($pll_tc_options["tc_${opt}_title"]), $polylang_group );
// front add_filters hooked to 'after_setup_theme' since, when the theme is Customizr-pro, FPU is fired with it
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'perform_pll');
function perform_pll(){
// If Polylang is active, translate/swap featured page buttons/text/link and slider
if ( function_exists( 'pll_get_post' ) && function_exists( 'pll__' ) ) {
$pll_tc_archive_titles = array( 'tag_archive', 'category_archive', 'author_archive', 'search_results');
// Set hook prefix if running FPU. If not, default to Customizr. (Hooks won't be called anyway if neither is running)
$pll_tc_hook_prefix = ( class_exists( 'TC_fpu' ) ) ? 'fpc_' : 'tc_fp_';
// Substitute any page id with the equivalent page in current language (if found)
add_filter( $pll_tc_hook_prefix.'id', 'pll_tc_page_id' );
function pll_tc_page_id( $fp_page_id ) {
return is_int( pll_get_post( $fp_page_id ) ) ? pll_get_post( $fp_page_id ) : $fp_page_id;
// Substitute the featured page button text with the current language button text
add_filter( $pll_tc_hook_prefix.'button_text', 'pll__' );
// Substitute the featured page text with the translated featured page text
add_filter( $pll_tc_hook_prefix.'text', 'pll__' );
// Substitute any registered slider name
add_filter( 'tc_slider_name_id', 'pll__' );
foreach ( $pll_tc_archive_titles as $title )
add_filter("tc_{$title}_title", 'pll__' , 20);
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