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Forked from actual-saurabh/llms-focus-mode.css
Last active April 18, 2019 18:05
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LifterLMS Distraction Free Fullscreen mode
body.llms-is-focused .content-area {
background: #fff none;
overflow-y: auto;
right: 0;
z-index: 9999999999; /* really high z-index to place this on top, adjust for popovers, alerts, etc */
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
border: 4px solid #232323;
position: fixed;
bottom: 4px;
right: 4px;
cursor: pointer;
position: fixed;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
right: 0px;
top: 0px;
background: #fff none;
content: "\2630";
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
line-height: 40px;
width: 100%;
display: block;
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
right: -30%;
width: 30%;
height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
background: #fff none;
padding: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
(function ($) {
/* configuration */
var fullScreenElementSelector = '.site',
syllabusWidgetSelector = '.widget-area .widget_course_syllabus',
mainContentAreaSelector = '.content-area';
* Vendor based Full Screen map
* inspired by:
var vendor,
apis = {
w3: {
enabled: "fullscreenEnabled",
element: "fullscreenElement",
request: "requestFullscreen",
exit: "exitFullscreen",
change_event: "fullscreenchange",
webkit: {
enabled: "webkitFullscreenEnabled",
element: "webkitCurrentFullScreenElement",
request: "webkitRequestFullscreen",
exit: "webkitExitFullscreen",
change_event: "webkitfullscreenchange",
moz: {
enabled: "mozFullScreenEnabled",
element: "mozFullScreenElement",
request: "mozRequestFullScreen",
exit: "mozCancelFullScreen",
change_event: "mozfullscreenchange",
ms: {
enabled: "msFullscreenEnabled",
element: "msFullscreenElement",
request: "msRequestFullscreen",
exit: "msExitFullscreen",
change_event: "MSFullscreenChange",
// Loop through each vendor's specific API
for ( vendor in apis ) {
// Check if document has the "enabled" property
if ( apis[vendor].enabled in document ) {
// It seems this browser support the fullscreen API
api = apis[vendor];
// Nothing to do if the browser doesn't support Full Screen Mode
if ( 1 > api.length ) {
var $body, $focusControl, $placeHolder, $contentArea, $syllabus, $fullScreenSyllabusWrapper, $fullScreenSyllabusToggle;
* Opens fullscreen mode
function llmsOpenFullScreen() {
* -----
* Notes
* -----
* - ".site" is the selector for the element that should go fullscreen.
* - Can be replaced with any other selector.
* - "elem" could also be turned into a variable to make this function reusable.
* - The first (0) element of the jQuery object representation of a DOM element is the native object.
* - So any native APIs (requestFullscreen) that may not run on the jQuery object can be used this way.
// Get the native dom object from jQuery object
elem = $( fullScreenElementSelector )[0];
// Hence request the specific browser full screen
elem[ api.request ]();
* Closes fullscreen mode
function llmsCloseFullScreen() {
* -----
* Notes
* -----
* - requestFullScreen is called on an element.
* - exitFullScreen is called on the document.
* -
// Hence exit the specific browser full screen
document[ api.exit ]();
* Adjusts syllabus widget for fullscreen
function llmsSyllabusFullScreen(){
// Don't do anything if there's no syllabus widget
if( $syllabus.length < 1 ){
// Insert the hidden placeHolder just after the syllabus widget.
$placeHolder.insertAfter( $syllabus );
// Add a special container for syllabus, only for fullscreen mode.
$contentArea.append( $fullScreenSyllabusWrapper );
// Move the syllabus widget from sidebar to this newly added container.
$fullScreenSyllabusWrapper.append( $syllabus );
// Add the ability to show/hide syllabus to the toggle button.
// animate the syllabus to slide in from the left
$fullScreenSyllabusWrapper.animate({ right: 0 }, 500 );
// move the button itself to the left to accomodate the syllabus.
$(this).animate( { right: $fullScreenSyllabusWrapper.css( 'width' ) }, 500 );
* Increase 500 for faster animation, decrease for slower.
// animate the syllabus out of the screen towards the right
$fullScreenSyllabusWrapper.animate( { right: '-' + $fullScreenSyllabusWrapper.css( 'width' ) }, 500 );
// back to the right edge for the button
$(this).animate({ right: 0 }, 500);
* Adjusts syllabus widget on fullscreen exit.
function llmsSyllabusExitFullScreen(){
// Don't do anything if there's no syllabus widget.
if( $syllabus.length < 1 ){
// move syllabus widget just before the placeholder.
$syllabus.insertBefore( $placeHolder );
// now that syllabus is back, we don't need the placeholder.
// we also don't need the special container.
* Reacts to focus mode button toggle
function llmsHandleFocusMode(){
* Start Focus mode
if ( ! $body.hasClass( 'llms-is-focused' ) ) {
$body.addClass( 'llms-is-focused' );
* Stop Focus mode
else {
* Reacts to Full Screen exit triggered
function llmsOnExitFullscreen() {
$body.removeClass( 'llms-is-focused' );
* Bind on browser Full Screen changes.
* We want to exit our focus mode not only when the focusControl button is toggled
* but also, for example, when the user presses the Esc key, or in general, when the browser
* is instructed to exit the full screen mode.
* On the other hand, we don't want to alter the way the browser enters in full screen mode.
$( document ).on( api.change_event, function( e ) {
// If the document has an element in full screen do nothing,
// otherwise trigger our on exit full-screen routine.
if ( ! document[api.element] && $body.hasClass( 'llms-is-focused' ) ) {
// Document is ready => let's dance!
$(function() {
// Cache the body element
$body = $( 'body' );
// create a new empty div for the focus mode control button,
// with a class for styling,
// and a title (that'll show up in a tooltip on hover).
$focusControl = $( '<div />', { class: 'llms-focus-control', title: 'Focus Mode' } );
// select the main content area.
$contentArea = $( mainContentAreaSelector );
// select the syllabus widget.
$syllabus = $( syllabusWidgetSelector );
if ( 0 < $syllabus.length ) {
// create a hidden placeholder to be used as a marker for the syllabus widget's original position.
$placeHolder = $( '<span />', { style: 'display: none' } );
// create a special container for the syllabus widget on fullscreen mode,
// with a class for styling.
$fullScreenSyllabusWrapper = $( '<div />', { class: 'llms-focus-syllabus-wrapper' } );
// create a button that'll show/hide syllabus on fullscreen,
// with a class for styling.
$fullScreenSyllabusToggle = $( '<div />', { class: 'llms-focus-syllabus-toggle' } );
// append button to fullscreen syllabus wrapper.
$fullScreenSyllabusWrapper.append( $fullScreenSyllabusToggle );
// we're ready for the show, add focus mode button to content area.
$contentArea.append( $focusControl );
// add the ability to start/stop focus mode to the button.
$focusControl.on( 'click', llmsHandleFocusMode );
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