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Last active June 7, 2020 10:31
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  • Save erfanoabdi/380720e0756bb6ab40831e53664c458a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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package main
import (
type Data struct {
Program []Program `xml:"program"`
type Program struct {
File_sector_offset int64 `xml:"file_sector_offset,attr"`
Filename string `xml:"filename,attr"`
Label string `xml:"label,attr"`
Num_partition_sectors int64 `xml:"num_partition_sectors,attr"`
Physical_partition_number int64 `xml:"physical_partition_number,attr"`
Size_in_KB string `xml:"size_in_KB,attr"`
Sparse string `xml:"sparse,attr"`
Start_byte_hex string `xml:"start_byte_hex,attr"`
Start_sector int64 `xml:"start_sector,attr"`
func main() {
var xml_path, output_path string
var image string
flag.StringVar(&xml_path, "x", "./rawprogram_unsparse.xml", "xml file to load")
flag.StringVar(&output_path, "o", "./", "output dir path")
flag.StringVar(&image, "t", "system", "image to unsparse: system / cache / userdata / persist / vendor")
fmt.Printf("target image is %s\n", image)
fmt.Printf("xml_path is %s\n", xml_path)
fmt.Printf("output_path is %s\n", output_path)
xml_file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(xml_path)
if err != nil {
var data Data
err = xml.Unmarshal(xml_file, &data)
target := []string{"system", "cache", "userdata"}
for _, image := range target {
var img_start_sector int64
var length int64
var start_pos int64
// var last_pos, padding int64
img_file, err := os.Create(output_path + "/" + image + ".raw")
if err != nil {
for _, program := range data.Program {
if program.Label == image {
id := strings.Split(strings.Split(program.Filename, "_")[1], ".")[0]
if id == "1" {
img_start_sector = program.Start_sector
length = program.Num_partition_sectors * program.SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES
start_pos = (program.Start_sector - img_start_sector) * program.SECTOR_SIZE_IN_BYTES
img_file.Seek(start_pos, os.SEEK_SET)
sparse_file, err := os.Open(program.Filename)
if err != nil {
io.Copy(img_file, sparse_file)
fmt.Printf("%s image id %s, positions is %d, length is %d\n", image, id, start_pos, length)
// padding = 128 * 1024 * 1024
// last_pos = padding + start_pos + length - 1
// img_file.Seek(last_pos, os.SEEK_SET)
// end_byte := []byte{0x00}
// img_file.Write(end_byte)
fmt.Printf("generate %s/%s.raw compelet", output_path, image)
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