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Last active November 2, 2015 23:10
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CodinGame: Skynet - The Chasm
* Auto-generated code below aims at helping you parse
* the standard input according to the problem statement.
var road = parseInt(readline()); // the length of the road before the gap.
var gap = parseInt(readline()); // the length of the gap.
var platform = parseInt(readline()); // the length of the landing platform.
var RoadAndGapLength = road+gap;
var maxSpeed = gap + 1;
function needJump(speed, coordX){
return (road - speed - coordX) < 0 && coordX < RoadAndGapLength;
function needSlow(speed, coordX){
return coordX >= RoadAndGapLength || speed > maxSpeed
function needSpeed(speed, coordX){
return speed < maxSpeed
function needWait(speed, coordX){
return speed == maxSpeed
// game loop
while (true) {
var speed = parseInt(readline()); // the motorbike's speed.
var coordX = parseInt(readline()); // the position on the road of the motorbike.
// Write an action using print()
// To debug: printErr('Debug messages...');
switch(true) {
case (needJump(speed, coordX)):
case (needSlow(speed, coordX)):
case (needWait(speed, coordX)):
case (needSpeed(speed, coordX)):
// A single line containing one of 4 keywords: SPEED, SLOW, JUMP, WAIT.
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