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Created February 13, 2020 22:49
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Quepid NDCG@10 developed by Bertrand
// Wrap the Quepid objects and API in a namespace.
// Simple pass-through required by our NDCG scorer.
let quepidApi = {};
(function(context) {
context.getDocs = function() {
return docs;
context.getBestDocs = function() {
return bestDocs;
// Document's rating accessor
context.docRating = function(position) {
// console.log('Position ' + position + ' rating: ' + docRating(position));
return docRating(position);
// Has a ranking position been rated?
context.hasDocRating = function(position) {
// console.log('Position ' + position + ' rating? ' + hasDocRating(position));
return hasDocRating(position);
// Scorer's name space to avoid name collision with the Quepid-provided objects.
var NDCG_scorer = {};
(function(context) {
let _quepidApi = null;
// Logging function.
function log(obj) {
// Log messages on the developer's console.
var debug = true
if (debug === true) console.log(obj)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve a document's rating.
// hasDocRating(): See mock above.
// docRating(): See mock above.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function ratingOrDefault(posn, defVal) {
if (!_quepidApi.hasDocRating(posn)) {
return defVal;
return _quepidApi.docRating(posn);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Log base 2.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function log2(num) {
return Math.log(num) / Math.log(2);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Round with precision. Used for logging numbers.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function myRound(number, precision = 0) {
const factor = Math.pow(10, precision);
const tempNumber = number * factor;
const roundedTempNumber = Math.round(tempNumber);
return roundedTempNumber / factor;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build the axtual list of ratings.
// Arguments:
// p: Max rank position (See 'p' in the Wikipedia article)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function actualRatings(rankPosition) {
const ratings = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rankPosition; i++) {
const rating = ratingOrDefault(i, 0.0)
// log("Doc " + i + ": " + rating)
log("Actual Ratings: " + ratings);
return ratings;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// Build the ideal list of ratings.
// Arguments:
// p: Max rank position (See 'p' in the Wikipedia article)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function idealRatings(rankPosition) {
const idealRatings = [];
const bestDocsCount = _quepidApi.getBestDocs().length;
for (let i = 0; i < bestDocsCount && i < rankPosition; i++) {
// Padd with 0 (Not rated) if necessary.
for (let i = idealRatings.length; i < rankPosition; i++) {
// log("Ideal ratings list: Padding with 0.0 at position (0-based) " + i);
log("Ideal ratings: " + idealRatings);
return idealRatings;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// DCG calculator
// Arguments:
// docList: List of rated documents.
// p: Maximum rank position.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
function dcg(ratings, p) {
let dcgScore = 0
for (var i = 1; i <= ratings.length && i <= p; i++) {
const logPosition = log2(i + 1);
const dcgAdder = ratings[i - 1] / logPosition
dcgScore += dcgAdder
log('i=' + i + " ratings[i-1]=" + ratings[i - 1] + "/log(i+1)=" + logPosition + " => DCG incr. of " + myRound(dcgAdder, 3) + " (DCG=" + myRound(dcgScore, 3) + ")")
log('DCG([' + ratings + ']) = ' + dcgScore)
return dcgScore
// Public API: ndcg
// Arguments:
// 1. Ranking position
// For example, for an NDCG@10, use p = 10
// ATTENTION: Due to current limitation in Quepid ("bestDocs" is
// 10-deep at most), p must be <= max(Number of results shown, 10)
// For example, for p = 10, set the "Number of Results to Show"
// in the Settings to 10.
// 2. Rating scale max value: MUST MATCH THE MAX RATING SPECIFIED IN THE
// "Scale for query ratings" scorer configuration.
context.ndcg = function(quepidApi, rankPosition, ratingScaleMax) {
log(" RUNNING NDCG!!! ");
log(" *************** ");
_quepidApi = quepidApi;
log('Docs count : ' + _quepidApi.getDocs().length)
log('bestDocs count: ' + _quepidApi.getBestDocs().length)
// Log the objects for inspection in the developer's console
log('Rank position (p)=' + String(rankPosition))
log('Using scale 1-' + String(ratingScaleMax))
var myDcg = dcg(actualRatings(rankPosition), rankPosition);
var iDcg = dcg(idealRatings(rankPosition), rankPosition);
// NDCG is ~ dcg(currDocs()) / dcg(bestDocs())
var nDcg = myDcg / iDcg;
log(" DCG: " + myDcg);
log("iDCG: " + iDcg);
log("NDCG: " + nDcg);
return nDcg;
setScore(NDCG_scorer.ndcg(quepidApi, 10, 10) * 100);
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