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Created March 22, 2012 17:55
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Rails 3 app template
require 'open-uri'
run "rm public/index.html"
run "rm .gitignore"
rake "db:migrate"
file ".gitignore", <<-CODE
file "#{app_name}.sublime-project", <<-CODE
"path": ".",
"folder_exclude_patterns": ["tmp", ".bundle"],
"file_exclude_patterns": ["*.scssc"]
gem_group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec-rails'
gem 'factory_girl_rails'
gem_group :test do
gem 'webrat'
gem 'shoulda-matchers'
run "bundle install"
generate "rspec:install"
git :init
git :add => "."
git :commit => "-a -m 'Initial commit'"
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