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Forked from FlatMapIO/react-grid-layout.d.ts
Created February 3, 2016 14:08
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declare module 'react-grid-layout' {
export = __ReactGridLayout;
declare namespace __ReactGridLayout {
import React = __React;
let Responsive:__ReactGridLayout.ResponsiveReactGridLayout
interface GridItemProps<P> {
// Children must be only a single element
children: React.ReactElement<P>,
// General grid attributes
cols: number,
containerWidth: number,
rowHeight: number,
margin: Array<any>,
// These are all in grid units
x: number,
y: number,
w: number,
h: number,
// All optional
minW?: (GridItemProps, string1, string2) => void,
maxW?: (GridItemProps, string1, string2) => void,
minH?: (GridItemProps, string1, string2) => void,
maxH?: (GridItemProps, string1, string2) => void,
// ID is nice to have for callbacks
i: string
// If true, item will be repositioned when x/y/w/h change
moveOnStartChange?: boolean,
// Functions
onDragStop?: Function,
onDragStart?: Function,
onDrag?: Function,
onResizeStop?: Function,
onResizeStart?: Function,
onResize?: Function,
// Flags
isDraggable?: boolean,
isResizable?: boolean,
// Use CSS transforms instead of top/left
useCSSTransforms?: boolean,
isPlaceholder?: boolean,
// Others
className?: string,
// Selector for draggable handle
handle?: string,
// Selector for draggable cancel (see react-draggable)
cancel?: string
interface GridItemState {
resizing: boolean;
className: string;
interface Position {
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
height: number;
interface GridItem<P> extends React.ClassicComponent<GridItemProps<P>,GridItemState> {
calcPosition(x:number, y:number, w:number, h:number): Position;
calcXY(params:{left: number,top: number}):{x: number,y: number};
calcWH(params:{height: number,width: number}): {w: number,h: number};
createStyle(pos:Position): {width: string,height: string, left: string,top: string,position: string};
mixinDraggable(child:React.ReactElement<P>, position:Position): React.ReactElement<P>;
mixinResizable(child:React.ReactElement<P>, position:Position): React.ReactElement<P>;
onDragHandler(handlerName:String): (e:Event, x:{element: React.ReactElement<P>, position: Position}) => void;
onResizeHandler(handlerName:String): (e:Event, x:{element: React.ReactElement<P>, position: Position}) => void;
interface ReactGridLayoutProps {
// If true, the container height swells and contracts to fit contents
autoSize: boolean;
// # of cols.
cols: number;
// A selector that will not be draggable.
draggableCancel: string;
// A selector for the draggable handler
draggableHandle: string;
// If true, the layout will compact vertically
verticalCompact: boolean;
// layout is an array of object with the format:
// {x: Number, y: Number, w: Number, h: Number, i: Number}
layout: (ReactGridLayoutProps, string1, string2) => void;
layouts: (ReactGridLayoutProps, string1, string2) => void;
// margin between items [x, y] in px
margin: any;
// Rows have a static height, but you can change this based on breakpoints if you like
rowHeight: number;
// Flags
isDraggable: boolean;
isResizable: boolean;
// Use CSS transforms instead of top/left
useCSSTransforms: boolean;
// Callbacks
// Callback so you can save the layout.
// Calls back with (currentLayout, allLayouts). allLayouts are keyed by breakpoint.
onLayoutChange: Function,
// Calls when drag starts. Callback is of the signature (layout, oldItem, newItem, placeholder, e).
// All callbacks below have the same signature. 'start' and 'stop' callbacks omit the 'placeholder'.
onDragStart: Function,
// Calls on each drag movement.
onDrag: Function,
// Calls when drag is complete.
onDragStop: Function,
//Calls when resize starts.
onResizeStart: Function,
// Calls when resize movement happens.
onResize: Function,
// Calls when resize is complete.
onResizeStop: Function,
// Other validations
// Children must not have duplicate keys.
children: (props:ReactGridLayoutProps, propName:string, componentName:string) => void;
interface ReactGridLayout<S, P> extends React.ClassicComponent<ReactGridLayoutProps,S> {
containerHeight(): void,
onWidthChange(width:number): void,
onDragStart(i:number, x:number, y:number, params?:{e: Event,element: React.ReactElement<P>,position: Position}): void
onDrag(i:number, x:number, y:number, params?:{e: Event,element: React.ReactElement<P>,position: Position}): void
onDragStop(i:number, x:number, y:number, params?:{e: Event,element: React.ReactElement<P>,position: Position}): void
onResizeStart(i:number, w:number, h:number, params?:{e: Event,element: React.ReactElement<P>,position: Position}): void
onResize(i:number, w:number, h:number, params?:{e: Event,element: React.ReactElement<P>,position: Position}): void
onResizeStop(i:number, w:number, h:number, params?:{e: Event,element: React.ReactElement<P>,position: Position}): void
placeholder(): React.ReactElement<P>,
processGridItem(child:React.ReactElement<P>): React.ReactElement<P>
interface ResponsiveReactGridLayoutProps {
// Basic props
// Optional, but if you are managing width yourself you may want to set the breakpoint
// yourself as well.
breakpoint: string,
// {name: pxVal}, e.g. {lg: 1200, md: 996, sm: 768, xs: 480}
breakpoints: Object,
// # of cols. This is a breakpoint -> cols map
cols: Object,
// layouts is an object mapping breakpoints to layouts.
// e.g. {lg: Layout, md: Layout, ...}
layouts: (props:ResponsiveReactGridLayoutProps, propName:string, componentName:string) => void,
// Callbacks
// Calls back with breakpoint and new # cols
onBreakpointChange: Function,
// Callback so you can save the layout.
// Calls back with (currentLayout, allLayouts). allLayouts are keyed by breakpoint.
onLayoutChange: Function
interface ResponsiveReactGridLayoutState {
layout: any;
layouts: any[];
breakpoint: string;
cols: number;
width: number;
interface ResponsiveReactGridLayout extends React.ClassicComponent<ResponsiveReactGridLayoutProps,ResponsiveReactGridLayoutState> {
export namespace responsiveUtils {
* Given a width, find the highest breakpoint that matches is valid for it (width > breakpoint).
* @param {Object} breakpoints Breakpoints object (e.g. {lg: 1200, md: 960, ...})
* @param {Number} width Screen width.
* @return {String} Highest breakpoint that is less than width.
function getBreakpointFromWidth(breakpoints:string, width:number):string
* Given a breakpoint, get the # of cols set for it.
* @param {String} breakpoint Breakpoint name.
* @param {Object} cols Map of breakpoints to cols.
* @return {Number} Number of cols.
function getColsFromBreakpoint(breakpoint:string, cols:Object):number
* Given existing layouts and a new breakpoint, find or generate a new layout.
* This finds the layout above the new one and generates from it, if it exists.
* @param {Array} layouts Existing layouts.
* @param {Array} breakpoints All breakpoints.
* @param {String} breakpoint New breakpoint.
* @param lastBreakpoint
* @param {Number} cols Column count at new breakpoint.
* @param {Boolean} verticalCompact Whether or not to compact the layout
* vertically.
* @return {Array} New layout.
function findOrGenerateResponsiveLayout(layouts:any,
* Given breakpoints, return an array of breakpoints sorted by width. This is usually
* e.g. ['xxs', 'xs', 'sm', ...]
* @param {Object} breakpoints Key/value pair of breakpoint names to widths.
* @return {Array} Sorted breakpoints.
function sortBreakpoints(breakpoints:Object):any
namespace mixins {
interface PureDeepRenderMixin {
interface WidthListeningMixin {
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