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Last active March 23, 2021 11:23
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Save epicserve/7253983 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A python context manager and decorator for debugging and optimizing queries for Django management commands.
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<title>DB Stacktrace</title>
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.stacktrace-row { display: none; }
<div class="container">
<h2>DB Stactrace</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<table id="queries" class="table">
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$.getJSON('db-stacktrace.json', function (json) {
$.each(json, function() {
var data = this;
data['stacktrace'] = data['stacktrace'].replace(/line\s([\d]+)/g, 'line <span class="cm">$1</span>');
data['stacktrace'] = data['stacktrace'].replace(/File "(.+?)"/g, "$1");
data['stacktrace'] = data['stacktrace'].replace(/([\w\d]+)\.py,/g, '<span class="cm">$,</span>');
var sql_tr = '<tr class="sql-row"><td class="num"><a href="#">' + data['num'] + '</a></td><td class="time">' + data['time'] + '</td><td class="sql">' + data['sql'] + '</td></tr>' + "\n";
var stacktrace = '<tr class="stacktrace-row"><td class="stacktrace" colspan="3"><div class="highlight"><pre>' + data['stacktrace'] + '</pre></div></td></tr>' + "\n";
$("#queries").append(sql_tr + stacktrace);
$('.sql-row .num a').click(function() {
return false;
from django.db import connections
from contextlib import contextmanager
import sqlparse
import re
import json
A python context manager and decorator for debugging and optimizing queries
for Django management commands.
To view the JSON output, put the JSON file in the same directory as a template
like Then
``cd`` into the directory where the JSON file and the template are located and
run a simple http server like ``python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000`` and then
view the file your browser at
- django-sql-stacktrace>=0.2.2
- sqlparse>=0.1.9
with queryinfo():
Example with json output::
with queryinfo(file_path='/Users/someuser/Desktop/db-stacktrace/db-stacktrace.json'):
def queryinfo(db_alias='default', file_path=None):
Python context manager that prints all sql queries and the total number of
queries made within the current context.
conn = connections[db_alias]
conn.use_debug_cursor = True
queries = []
num = 1
for query in conn.queries:
query['stacktrace'] = None
query['num'] = num
m = re.match(r'^(.+?)\/\*(.+?)\*\/$', query['sql'], flags=re.S)
if m:
query['sql'] = sqlparse.format(, reindent=True)
query['stacktrace'] =
if file_path is None:
print("Query {num} ({time})".format(num=num, time=query['time']))
if query['stacktrace'] is not None:
print("-" * 70)
num += 1
if file_path is None:
print("Total queries: {}".format(len(conn.queries)))
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
def debug_queries(db_alias='default', file_path=None):
Python decorator that prints all sql queries and the total number of
queries made in the context of the method or function.
def wrapper(f):
def inner_wrap(*args, **kwargs):
with queryinfo(db_alias, file_path):
f(*args, **kwargs)
return inner_wrap
if callable(db_alias) and file_path is None:
f = db_alias
db_alias = 'default'
return wrapper(f)
return wrapper
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