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Created August 5, 2020 23:06
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Suffix automata implementation and few algorithms from
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApp1
public interface ISuffixAutomataState<T>
bool IsTerminal { get; }
int Length { get; }
ISuffixAutomataState<T> Link { get; }
ISuffixAutomataState<T> Move(T next);
IEnumerable<Tuple<T, ISuffixAutomataState<T>>> GetAllNexts();
public interface ISuffixAutomata<T>
ISuffixAutomataState<T> First();
public void Extend(IEnumerable<T> items);
public void Extend(T item);
public static class SuffixAutomataExtensions
public static bool Contains<T>(this ISuffixAutomata<T> fsa, IEnumerable<T> subSet)
var fail = false;
var iter = fsa.First();
foreach (var c in subSet)
iter = iter.Move(c);
if (iter == null)
fail = true;
return !fail;
public static bool EndsWith<T>(this ISuffixAutomata<T> fsa, IEnumerable<T> subSet)
var fail = false;
var iter = fsa.First();
foreach (var c in subSet)
iter = iter.Move(c);
if (iter == null)
fail = true;
return !fail && iter.IsTerminal;
public static void LongestCommonSubArray<T>(this ISuffixAutomata<T> fsa, IEnumerable<T> subSet, out int offset, out int count)
int l = 0, best = 0, bestpos = 0, i = 0;
var iter = fsa.First();
foreach (var t in subSet)
while (iter != null && iter.Move(t) == null)
iter = iter.Link;
l = iter.Length;
var tmp = iter.Move(t);
if (tmp != null)
iter = tmp;
if (l > best)
best = l;
bestpos = i;
offset = bestpos - best + 1;
count = best;
public sealed class SuffixAutomata<T> : ISuffixAutomata<T>
private sealed class SuffixMap<V> : IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<T, V>>
private readonly SortedDictionary<T, V> _sd;
private readonly Dictionary<T, V> _d;
public SuffixMap(object comparer)
var eq = comparer as IEqualityComparer<T>;
var cmp = comparer as IComparer<T>;
if (cmp != null)
_sd = new SortedDictionary<T, V>(cmp);
else if (eq != null)
_d = new Dictionary<T, V>(eq);
public SuffixMap(SuffixMap<V> next)
_sd = next._sd == null ? null : new SortedDictionary<T, V>(next._sd, next._sd.Comparer);
_d = next._d == null ? null : new Dictionary<T, V>(next._d, next._d.Comparer);
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<T, V>> GetEnumerator()
return (IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<T, V>>)_sd?.GetEnumerator() ?? _d.GetEnumerator();
internal bool ContainsKey(T c)
if (_sd != null)
return _sd.ContainsKey(c);
return _d.ContainsKey(c);
internal bool TryGetValue(T key, out V value)
if (_sd != null)
return _sd.TryGetValue(key, out value);
return _d.TryGetValue(key, out value);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
internal void Set(T key, V value)
if (_sd != null)
_sd[key] = value;
_d[key] = value;
internal V Get(T key)
if (_sd != null)
return _sd[key];
return _d[key];
private sealed class SuffixAutomataState : ISuffixAutomataState<T>
public int Length { get; set; }
public int link { get; set; }
public ISuffixAutomataState<T> Link => link >= 0 ? _states[link] : null;
public bool IsTerminal { get; set; }
public SuffixMap<int> next { get; set; }
private readonly List<SuffixAutomataState> _states;
internal SuffixAutomataState(List<SuffixAutomataState> states) { _states = states; }
public ISuffixAutomataState<T> Move(T item)
int nextItemId;
if (next.TryGetValue(item, out nextItemId))
return _states[nextItemId];
return null;
public IEnumerable<Tuple<T, ISuffixAutomataState<T>>> GetAllNexts()
foreach(var v in next)
yield return Tuple.Create(v.Key, (ISuffixAutomataState<T>)_states[v.Value]);
private readonly List<SuffixAutomataState> _states;
private readonly object _comparer;
private int _last;
public SuffixAutomata(int expectedLength = 0, object comparer = null)
if (comparer != null && !(comparer is IEqualityComparer<T> || comparer is IComparer<T>))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid comparer type.");
_comparer = comparer ?? EqualityComparer<T>.Default;
_states = new List<SuffixAutomataState>(expectedLength * 2);
_states.Add(new SuffixAutomataState(_states)
Length = 0,
link = -1,
next = new SuffixMap<int>(_comparer)
_last = 0;
public void Extend(IEnumerable<T> elements)
if (elements == null)
foreach(var e in elements)
public void Extend(T c)
private void InternalExtend(T c)
int cur = _states.Count;
_states.Add(new SuffixAutomataState(_states)
Length = _states[_last].Length + 1,
link = -1,
next = new SuffixMap<int>(_comparer)
int p = _last;
while (p != -1 && !_states[p].next.ContainsKey(c))
_states[p].next.Set(c, cur);
p = _states[p].link;
if (p == -1)
_states[cur].link = 0;
int q = _states[p].next.Get(c);
if (_states[p].Length + 1 == _states[q].Length)
_states[cur].link = q;
int clone = _states.Count;
_states.Add(new SuffixAutomataState(_states)
Length = _states[p].Length + 1,
next = new SuffixMap<int>(_states[q].next),
link = _states[q].link,
while (p != -1 && _states[p].next.Get(c) == q)
_states[p].next.Set(c, clone);
p = _states[p].link;
_states[q].link = _states[cur].link = clone;
_last = cur;
private void RecalculateTerminals()
foreach (var s in _states)
s.IsTerminal = false;
var cur = _last;
while(cur > 0)
_states[cur].IsTerminal = true;
cur = _states[cur].link;
public ISuffixAutomataState<T> First()
return _states.First();
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