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Created July 21, 2024 01:24
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/// Note about the annotations:
/// [BK17] is
/// The "boundary paper" or "consistent boundaries" is
/// The original version of this file is from
/// Most of my notes start after a `// !!!:` which may be helpful for searching.
/// I also remove the _i in many places; if I refer to ρ, it usually means ρ_i, for example, if it doesn't have a different subscript.
#include "TimeStepDFSPH.h"
#include "SPlisHSPlasH/TimeManager.h"
#include "SPlisHSPlasH/SPHKernels.h"
#include "SimulationDataDFSPH.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Utilities/Timing.h"
#include "Utilities/Counting.h"
#include "SPlisHSPlasH/Simulation.h"
#include "SPlisHSPlasH/BoundaryModel_Akinci2012.h"
#include "SPlisHSPlasH/BoundaryModel_Koschier2017.h"
#include "SPlisHSPlasH/BoundaryModel_Bender2019.h"
using namespace SPH;
using namespace std;
using namespace GenParam;
int TimeStepDFSPH::MAX_ERROR_V = -1;
TimeStepDFSPH::TimeStepDFSPH() : TimeStep(),
m_iterationsV = 0;
m_enableDivergenceSolver = true;
m_maxIterationsV = 100;
m_maxErrorV = static_cast<Real>(0.1);
// add particle fields - then they can be used for the visualization and export
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
const unsigned int nModels = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nModels; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
// !!!: This is α / ρ * ρ_0^2 normally (the solvers additionally divide it by Δt^2.
// (see eq (11) in [BK17] for α; note that α is the entire fraction in the expression, not just the denominator)
model->addField({"factor", FieldType::Scalar, [this, fluidModelIndex](const unsigned int i) -> Real *
{ return &m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i); }});
// !!!: This is ρ* / ρ_0, not ρ* (see equation before eq (12) in [BK17])
model->addField({"advected density", FieldType::Scalar, [this, fluidModelIndex](const unsigned int i) -> Real *
{ return &m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i); }});
// !!!: This is actually p / ρ^2 * ρ_0
model->addField({"p / rho^2", FieldType::Scalar, [this, fluidModelIndex](const unsigned int i) -> Real *
{ return &m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i); }, true});
// !!!: Same for this; this is the pressure force used for the velocity divergence solve.
model->addField({"p_v / rho^2", FieldType::Scalar, [this, fluidModelIndex](const unsigned int i) -> Real *
{ return &m_simulationData.getPressureRho2_V(fluidModelIndex, i); }, true});
// !!!: This is actually accurate - it's the change in v* in line 7 of Algorithm 2 / 3 in [Bk17].
// It's also a^p in equation (9) of the boundary paper.
model->addField({"pressure acceleration", FieldType::Vector3, [this, fluidModelIndex](const unsigned int i) -> Real *
{ return &m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i)[0]; }});
// remove all particle fields
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
const unsigned int nModels = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nModels; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
model->removeFieldByName("advected density");
model->removeFieldByName("p / rho^2");
model->removeFieldByName("p_v / rho^2");
model->removeFieldByName("pressure acceleration");
void TimeStepDFSPH::initParameters()
SOLVER_ITERATIONS_V = createNumericParameter("iterationsV", "Iterations (divergence)", &m_iterationsV);
setGroup(SOLVER_ITERATIONS_V, "Simulation|DFSPH");
setDescription(SOLVER_ITERATIONS_V, "Iterations required by the divergence solver.");
MAX_ITERATIONS_V = createNumericParameter("maxIterationsV", "Max. iterations (divergence)", &m_maxIterationsV);
setGroup(MAX_ITERATIONS_V, "Simulation|DFSPH");
setDescription(MAX_ITERATIONS_V, "Maximal number of iterations of the divergence solver.");
static_cast<NumericParameter<unsigned int> *>(getParameter(MAX_ITERATIONS_V))->setMinValue(1);
MAX_ERROR_V = createNumericParameter("maxErrorV", "Max. divergence error(%)", &m_maxErrorV);
setGroup(MAX_ERROR_V, "Simulation|DFSPH");
setDescription(MAX_ERROR_V, "Maximal divergence error (%).");
static_cast<RealParameter *>(getParameter(MAX_ERROR_V))->setMinValue(static_cast<Real>(1e-6));
USE_DIVERGENCE_SOLVER = createBoolParameter("enableDivergenceSolver", "Enable divergence solver", &m_enableDivergenceSolver);
setGroup(USE_DIVERGENCE_SOLVER, "Simulation|DFSPH");
setDescription(USE_DIVERGENCE_SOLVER, "Turn divergence solver on/off.");
void TimeStepDFSPH::step()
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
TimeManager *tm = TimeManager::getCurrent();
const Real h = tm->getTimeStepSize();
const unsigned int nModels = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
// search the neighbors for all particles
// precompute the values V_j * grad W_ij for all neighbors
// compute volume/density maps boundary contribution
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
// compute densities
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nModels; fluidModelIndex++)
// Compute the factor alpha_i for all particles i
// using the equation (11) in [BK17]
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nModels; fluidModelIndex++)
// Perform divergence solve (see Algorithm 2 in [BK17])
if (m_enableDivergenceSolver)
m_iterationsV = 0;
// Reset accelerations and add gravity
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nModels; fluidModelIndex++)
// Compute all nonpressure forces like viscosity, vorticity, ...
// Update the time step size, e.g. by using a CFL condition
// compute new velocities only considering non-pressure forces
for (unsigned int m = 0; m < nModels; m++)
FluidModel *fm = sim->getFluidModel(m);
const unsigned int numParticles = fm->numActiveParticles();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)numParticles; i++)
if (fm->getParticleState(i) == ParticleState::Active)
Vector3r &vel = fm->getVelocity(i);
vel += h * fm->getAcceleration(i);
// Perform constant density solve (see Algorithm 3 in [BK17])
// compute final positions
for (unsigned int m = 0; m < nModels; m++)
FluidModel *fm = sim->getFluidModel(m);
const unsigned int numParticles = fm->numActiveParticles();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)numParticles; i++)
if (fm->getParticleState(i) == ParticleState::Active)
Vector3r &xi = fm->getPosition(i);
const Vector3r &vi = fm->getVelocity(i);
xi += h * vi;
// emit new particles and perform an animation field step
// Compute new time
tm->setTime(tm->getTime() + h);
void TimeStepDFSPH::pressureSolve()
const Real h = TimeManager::getCurrent()->getTimeStepSize();
const Real h2 = h * h;
const Real invH = static_cast<Real>(1.0) / h;
const Real invH2 = static_cast<Real>(1.0) / h2;
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
// Compute rho_adv
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nFluids; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const Real density0 = model->getDensity0();
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Compute rho_adv,i^(0) (see equation in Section 3.3 in [BK17])
// using the velocities after the non-pressure forces were applied.
computeDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i, h, density0);
// In the end of Section 3.3 [BK17] we have to multiply the density
// error with the factor alpha_i divided by h^2. Hence, we multiply
// the factor directly by 1/h^2 here.
m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i) *= invH2;
// !!!: =====================
// factor is 1 / Δt^2 * α / ρ * ρ_0^2
// For the warm start we use 0.5 times the old pressure value.
// Note: We divide the value by h^2 since we multiplied it by h^2 at the end of
// the last time step to make it independent of the time step size.
if (m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i) > 1.0)
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i) = static_cast<Real>(0.5) * min(m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i), static_cast<Real>(0.00025)) * invH2;
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i) = 0.0;
// If we don't use a warm start, we directly compute a pressure value
// by multiplying the density error with the factor.
// m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i) = 0.0;
const Real s_i = static_cast<Real>(1.0) - m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Real residuum = min(s_i, static_cast<Real>(0.0)); // r = b - A*p
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i) = -residuum * m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i);
// !!!: =====================
// pressureRho2 = -(1 - densityAdv) * factor
// = -(1 - ρ* / ρ_0) / Δt^2 * α / ρ * ρ_0^2
// = 1 / A_ii * (1 - ρ* / ρ_0) / Δt^2 * α / ρ * ρ_0^2 * ∆t / (ρ * α)
// = 1 / A_ii * (p_0 - ρ*) / Δt * p_0 / ρ^2
// = s_i / A_ii * p_0 / ρ^2
// Which is accurate since pressureRho2 has an implicit p_0 multiplier for some inane reason.
// Use equation (11) in consistent boundaries:
// A_ii = - ∆t / ρ^2 ([bottom of α in (11) [BK17]])
// = - ∆t / ρ^2 * ρ / α = - ∆t / (ρ * α)
// p_i := p_i + ω / A_ii (s_i - ∑ A_ij * p_j), where ω = 0.5
// := p_i - ω * ρ^2 / ∆t * α / ρ (s_i - ∑ A_ij * p_j)
// Then,
// p_i / ρ^2 := p_i / ρ^2 - ω / ∆t * α / ρ (s_i - ∑ A_ij * p_j)
m_iterations = 0;
// Start solver
Real avg_density_err = 0.0;
bool chk = false;
// Perform solver iterations
while ((!chk || (m_iterations < m_minIterations)) && (m_iterations < m_maxIterations))
chk = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFluids; i++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(i);
const Real density0 = model->getDensity0();
avg_density_err = 0.0;
pressureSolveIteration(i, avg_density_err);
// Maximal allowed density fluctuation
const Real eta = m_maxError * static_cast<Real>(0.01) * density0; // maxError is given in percent
chk = chk && (avg_density_err <= eta);
INCREASE_COUNTER("DFSPH - iterations", static_cast<Real>(m_iterations));
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nFluids; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
const Real density0 = model->getDensity0();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Time integration of the pressure accelerations to get new velocities
computePressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i, density0, m_simulationData.getPressureRho2Data(), true);
model->getVelocity(i) += h * m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i);
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nFluids; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Multiply by h^2, the time step size has to be removed
// to make the pressure value independent
// of the time step size
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i) *= h2;
void TimeStepDFSPH::divergenceSolve()
// Init parameters
const Real h = TimeManager::getCurrent()->getTimeStepSize();
const Real invH = static_cast<Real>(1.0) / h;
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
const unsigned int maxIter = m_maxIterationsV;
const Real maxError = m_maxErrorV;
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
// Compute divergence of velocity field
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nFluids; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Compute rho_adv,i^(0) (see equation (9) in Section 3.2 [BK17])
// using the velocities after the non-pressure forces were applied.
computeDensityChange(fluidModelIndex, i, h);
Real densityAdv = m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
densityAdv = max(densityAdv, static_cast<Real>(0.0));
unsigned int numNeighbors = 0;
for (unsigned int pid = 0; pid < sim->numberOfPointSets(); pid++)
numNeighbors += sim->numberOfNeighbors(fluidModelIndex, pid, i);
// in case of particle deficiency do not perform a divergence solve
if (!sim->is2DSimulation())
if (numNeighbors < 20)
densityAdv = 0.0;
if (numNeighbors < 7)
densityAdv = 0.0;
// In equation (11) [BK17] we have to multiply the divergence
// error with the factor divided by h. Hence, we multiply the factor
// directly by 1/h here.
m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i) *= invH;
// For the warm start we use 0.5 times the old pressure value.
// Divide the value by h. We multiplied it by h at the end of
// the last time step to make it independent of the time step size.
if (densityAdv > 0.0)
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2_V(fluidModelIndex, i) = static_cast<Real>(0.5) * min(m_simulationData.getPressureRho2_V(fluidModelIndex, i), static_cast<Real>(0.5)) * invH;
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2_V(fluidModelIndex, i) = 0.0;
// If we don't use a warm start, directly compute a pressure value
// by multiplying the divergence error with the factor.
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2_V(fluidModelIndex, i) = densityAdv * m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i);
m_iterationsV = 0;
// Start solver
Real avg_density_err = 0.0;
bool chk = false;
// Perform solver iterations
while ((!chk || (m_iterationsV < 1)) && (m_iterationsV < maxIter))
chk = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nFluids; i++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(i);
const Real density0 = model->getDensity0();
avg_density_err = 0.0;
divergenceSolveIteration(i, avg_density_err);
// Maximal allowed density fluctuation
// use maximal density error divided by time step size
const Real eta = (static_cast<Real>(1.0) / h) * maxError * static_cast<Real>(0.01) * density0; // maxError is given in percent
chk = chk && (avg_density_err <= eta);
INCREASE_COUNTER("DFSPH - iterationsV", static_cast<Real>(m_iterationsV));
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nFluids; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
const Real density0 = model->getDensity0();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Time integration of the pressure accelerations
computePressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i, density0, m_simulationData.getPressureRho2VData(), true);
model->getVelocity(i) += h * m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i);
m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i) *= h;
for (unsigned int fluidModelIndex = 0; fluidModelIndex < nFluids; fluidModelIndex++)
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Multiply by h, the time step size has to be removed
// to make the pressure value independent
// of the time step size
m_simulationData.getPressureRho2_V(fluidModelIndex, i) *= h;
void TimeStepDFSPH::pressureSolveIteration(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, Real &avg_density_err)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const Real density0 = model->getDensity0();
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
if (numParticles == 0)
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
const Real h = TimeManager::getCurrent()->getTimeStepSize();
const Real invH = static_cast<Real>(1.0) / h;
Real density_error = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
// Compute pressure accelerations using the current pressure values.
// (see Algorithm 3, line 7 in [BK17])
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
computePressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i, density0, m_simulationData.getPressureRho2Data());
// Update pressure values
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : density_error) schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
if (model->getParticleState(i) != ParticleState::Active)
Real aij_pj = compute_aij_pj(fluidModelIndex, i);
aij_pj *= h * h;
// aij_pj = Δt Σ A_ij p_j / ρ_0
// Compute source term: s_i = 1 - rho_adv
// Note: that due to our multiphase handling, the multiplier rho0
// is missing here
const Real &densityAdv = m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Real s_i = static_cast<Real>(1.0) - densityAdv;
// This "s_i" is 1 - ρ* / ρ_0 = s_i / ρ_0 * ∆t
// Update the value p/rho^2 (in [BK17] this is kappa/rho):
// alpha_i = -1 / (a_ii * rho_i^2)
// p_rho2_i = (p_i / rho_i^2)
// Therefore, the following lines compute the Jacobi iteration:
// p_i := p_i + 1/a_ii (source_term_i - a_ij * p_j)
Real &p_rho2_i = m_simulationData.getPressureRho2(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Real residuum = min(s_i - aij_pj, static_cast<Real>(0.0)); // r = b - A*p
// p_rho2_i -= residuum * m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i);
// !!!: =====================
// Using eq (11) in the boundary paper:
// p_i := p_i + ω / A_ii (s_i - ∑ A_ij * p_j), where ω = 0.5
// := p_i - ω * ρ^2 / ∆t * α / ρ (s_i - ∑ A_ij * p_j)
// factor is 1 / Δt^2 * α / ρ * ρ_0^2
// p_i / ρ^2 := p_i / ρ^2 - ω / ∆t * α / ρ (s_i - ∑ A_ij * p_j)
// p_i * ρ_0 / ρ^2 := p_i * ρ_0 / ρ^2 - ω / ∆t * α / ρ (s_i - ∑ A_ij * p_j) * ρ_0
// p_rho2_i := p_rho2_i - ω * ("s_i" - aij_pj) * factor
// := p_rho2_i - ω * (s_i / ρ_0 * ∆t - Δt Σ A_ij p_j / ρ_0) * 1 / Δt^2 * α / ρ * ρ_0^2
// := p_rho2_i - ω / Δt * α / ρ (s_i - Σ A_ij p_j) * ρ_0
// Which matches with the above equation.
p_rho2_i = max(p_rho2_i - 0.5 * (s_i - aij_pj) * m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i), 0.0);
// Compute the sum of the density errors
density_error -= density0 * residuum;
// Compute the average density error
avg_density_err = density_error / numParticles;
void TimeStepDFSPH::divergenceSolveIteration(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, Real &avg_density_err)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const Real density0 = model->getDensity0();
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
if (numParticles == 0)
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
const Real h = TimeManager::getCurrent()->getTimeStepSize();
const Real invH = static_cast<Real>(1.0) / h;
Real density_error = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
// Compute pressure accelerations using the current pressure values.
// (see Algorithm 2, line 7 in [BK17])
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)numParticles; i++)
computePressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i, density0, m_simulationData.getPressureRho2VData());
// Update pressure
#pragma omp for reduction(+ : density_error) schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
Real aij_pj = compute_aij_pj(fluidModelIndex, i);
aij_pj *= h;
// Compute source term: s_i = -d rho / dt
const Real &densityAdv = m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Real s_i = -densityAdv;
// Update the value p/rho^2:
// alpha_i = -1 / (a_ii * rho_i^2)
// pv_rho2_i = (pv_i / rho_i^2)
// Therefore, the following line computes the Jacobi iteration:
// pv_i := pv_i + 1/a_ii (source_term_i - a_ij * pv_j)
Real &pv_rho2_i = m_simulationData.getPressureRho2_V(fluidModelIndex, i);
Real residuum = min(s_i - aij_pj, static_cast<Real>(0.0)); // r = b - A*p
unsigned int numNeighbors = 0;
for (unsigned int pid = 0; pid < sim->numberOfPointSets(); pid++)
numNeighbors += sim->numberOfNeighbors(fluidModelIndex, pid, i);
// in case of particle deficiency do not perform a divergence solve
if (!sim->is2DSimulation())
if (numNeighbors < 20)
residuum = 0.0;
if (numNeighbors < 7)
residuum = 0.0;
// pv_rho2_i -= residuum * m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i);
pv_rho2_i = max(pv_rho2_i - 0.5 * (s_i - aij_pj) * m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i), 0.0);
// Compute the sum of the divergence errors
density_error -= density0 * residuum;
// Compute the average divergence error
avg_density_err = density_error / numParticles;
void TimeStepDFSPH::reset()
m_iterations = 0;
m_iterationsV = 0;
void TimeStepDFSPH::performNeighborhoodSearchSort()
void TimeStepDFSPH::emittedParticles(FluidModel *model, const unsigned int startIndex)
m_simulationData.emittedParticles(model, startIndex);
void TimeStepDFSPH::resize()
#ifdef USE_AVX
void TimeStepDFSPH::computeDFSPHFactor(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex)
// Init parameters
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
// Compute pressure stiffness denominator
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Compute gradient dp_i/dx_j * (1/kappa) and dp_j/dx_j * (1/kappa)
// (see Equation (8) and the previous one [BK17])
// Note: That in all quantities rho0 is missing due to our
// implementation of multiphase simulations.
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
Real sum_grad_p_k;
Vector3r grad_p_i;
Vector3f8 xi_avx(xi);
Scalarf8 sum_grad_p_k_avx(0.0f);
Vector3f8 grad_p_i_avx;
// Fluid
compute_xj(fm_neighbor, pid);
sum_grad_p_k_avx += V_gradW.squaredNorm();
grad_p_i_avx += V_gradW;);
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Scalarf8 V_avx = convert_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &bm_neighbor->getVolume(0), count);
const Vector3f8 grad_p_j = CubicKernel_AVX::gradW(xj_avx - xi_avx) * V_avx;
grad_p_i_avx -= grad_p_j;);
sum_grad_p_k = sum_grad_p_k_avx.reduce();
grad_p_i[0] = grad_p_i_avx.x().reduce();
grad_p_i[1] = grad_p_i_avx.y().reduce();
grad_p_i[2] = grad_p_i_avx.z().reduce();
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
grad_p_i -= gradRho;);
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -Vj * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
grad_p_i -= grad_p_j;);
sum_grad_p_k += grad_p_i.squaredNorm();
// Compute factor alpha_i / rho_i (see Equation (11) in [BK17])
Real &factor = m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i);
if (sum_grad_p_k > m_eps)
factor = static_cast<Real>(1.0) / (sum_grad_p_k);
factor = 0.0;
/** Compute rho_adv,i^(0) (see equation in Section 3.3 in [BK17])
* using the velocities after the non-pressure forces were applied.
void TimeStepDFSPH::computeDensityAdv(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i, const Real h, const Real density0)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const Real &density = model->getDensity(i);
Real &densityAdv = m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
const Vector3r &vi = model->getVelocity(i);
Real delta = 0.0;
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
Scalarf8 delta_avx(0.0f);
const Vector3f8 xi_avx(xi);
Vector3f8 vi_avx(vi);
// Fluid
compute_xj(fm_neighbor, pid);
const Vector3f8 vj_avx = convertVec_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &fm_neighbor->getVelocity(0), count);
delta_avx += (vi_avx - vj_avx).dot(V_gradW););
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Scalarf8 Vj_avx = convert_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &bm_neighbor->getVolume(0), count);
const Vector3f8 vj_avx = convertVec_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &bm_neighbor->getVelocity(0), count);
delta_avx += Vj_avx * (vi_avx - vj_avx).dot(CubicKernel_AVX::gradW(xi_avx - xj_avx)););
delta = delta_avx.reduce();
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xi, vj);
delta -= (vi - vj).dot(gradRho););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xj, vj);
delta += Vj * (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
densityAdv = density / density0 + h * delta;
/** Compute rho_adv,i^(0) (see equation (9) in Section 3.2 [BK17])
* using the velocities after the non-pressure forces were applied.
void TimeStepDFSPH::computeDensityChange(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i, const Real h)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
const Vector3r &vi = model->getVelocity(i);
unsigned int numNeighbors = 0;
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
Scalarf8 densityAdv_avx(0.0f);
const Vector3f8 xi_avx(xi);
Vector3f8 vi_avx(vi);
// Fluid
compute_xj(fm_neighbor, pid);
const Vector3f8 vj_avx = convertVec_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &fm_neighbor->getVelocity(0), count);
densityAdv_avx += (vi_avx - vj_avx).dot(V_gradW););
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Scalarf8 Vj_avx = convert_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &bm_neighbor->getVolume(0), count);
const Vector3f8 vj_avx = convertVec_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &bm_neighbor->getVelocity(0), count);
densityAdv_avx += Vj_avx * (vi_avx - vj_avx).dot(CubicKernel_AVX::gradW(xi_avx - xj_avx)););
Real &densityAdv = m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
densityAdv = densityAdv_avx.reduce();
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xi, vj);
densityAdv -= (vi - vj).dot(gradRho););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xj, vj);
densityAdv += Vj * (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
/** Compute pressure accelerations using the current pressure values of the particles
void TimeStepDFSPH::computePressureAccel(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i, const Real density0, std::vector<std::vector<Real>> &pressure_rho2, const bool applyBoundaryForces)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
Vector3r &ai = m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i);
if (model->getParticleState(i) != ParticleState::Active)
// p_rho2_i = (p_i / rho_i^2)
const Real p_rho2_i = pressure_rho2[fluidModelIndex][i];
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
Scalarf8 p_rho2_i_avx(p_rho2_i);
const Vector3f8 xi_avx(xi);
Vector3f8 delta_ai_avx;
// Fluid
compute_xj(fm_neighbor, pid);
const Scalarf8 densityFrac_avx(fm_neighbor->getDensity0() / density0);
// p_rho2_j = (p_j / rho_j^2)
const Scalarf8 p_rho2_j_avx = convert_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &pressure_rho2[pid][0], count);
const Scalarf8 pSum = p_rho2_i_avx + densityFrac_avx * p_rho2_j_avx;
delta_ai_avx -= V_gradW * pSum;)
// Boundary
if (fabs(p_rho2_i) > m_eps)
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Scalarf8 mi_avx(model->getMass(i));
const Scalarf8 Vj_avx = convert_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &bm_neighbor->getVolume(0), count);
// Directly update velocities instead of storing pressure accelerations
const Vector3f8 a = -CubicKernel_AVX::gradW(xi_avx - xj_avx) * (Vj_avx * p_rho2_i_avx);
delta_ai_avx += a;
if (applyBoundaryForces)
bm_neighbor->addForce(xj_avx, -a * mi_avx, count););
ai[0] = delta_ai_avx.x().reduce();
ai[1] = delta_ai_avx.y().reduce();
ai[2] = delta_ai_avx.z().reduce();
if (fabs(p_rho2_i) > m_eps)
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
const Vector3r a = (Real)1.0 * p_rho2_i * gradRho;
ai += a;
if (applyBoundaryForces)
bm_neighbor->addForce(xj, -model->getMass(i) * a););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -Vj * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
const Vector3r a = (Real)1.0 * p_rho2_i * grad_p_j;
ai += a;
if (applyBoundaryForces)
bm_neighbor->addForce(xj, -model->getMass(i) * a););
Real TimeStepDFSPH::compute_aij_pj(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
// Compute A*p which is the change of the density when applying the
// pressure forces.
// \sum_j a_ij * p_j = h^2 \sum_j V_j (a_i - a_j) * gradW_ij
// This is the RHS of Equation (12) in [BK17]
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
const Vector3r &ai = m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Vector3f8 xi_avx(xi);
const Vector3f8 ai_avx(ai);
Scalarf8 aij_pj_avx;
// Fluid
compute_xj(fm_neighbor, pid);
const Vector3f8 aj_avx = convertVec_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(pid, 0), count);
aij_pj_avx += (ai_avx - aj_avx).dot(V_gradW););
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Scalarf8 Vj_avx = convert_zero(&sim->getNeighborList(fluidModelIndex, pid, i)[j], &bm_neighbor->getVolume(0), count);
aij_pj_avx += Vj_avx * - xj_avx)););
Real aij_pj = aij_pj_avx.reduce();
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
aij_pj -=;);
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
aij_pj += Vj *>gradW(xi - xj)););
return aij_pj;
void TimeStepDFSPH::computeDFSPHFactor(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex)
// Init parameters
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const int numParticles = (int)model->numActiveParticles();
#pragma omp parallel default(shared)
// Compute pressure stiffness denominator
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < numParticles; i++)
// Compute gradient dp_i/dx_j * (1/kappa) and dp_j/dx_j * (1/kappa)
// (see Equation (8) and the previous one [BK17])
// Note: That in all quantities rho0 is missing due to our
// implementation of multiphase simulations.
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
Real sum_grad_p_k = 0.0;
Vector3r grad_p_i;
// Fluid
// !!!: =====================
// grad_p_i = Σ V * ∇W_ij
// sum_grad_p_k = Σ V^2 * |∇W_ij|^2
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -fm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
sum_grad_p_k += grad_p_j.squaredNorm();
grad_p_i -= grad_p_j;);
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -bm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
grad_p_i -= grad_p_j;);
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
grad_p_i -= gradRho;);
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -Vj * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
grad_p_i -= grad_p_j;);
sum_grad_p_k += grad_p_i.squaredNorm();
// sum_grad_p_k = bottom of equation 11 * V^2 / m^2 = bottom / ρ_0^2
// Compute factor as: factor_i = -1 / (a_ii * rho_i^2)
// where a_ii is the diagonal entry of the linear system
// for the pressure A * p = source term
Real &factor = m_simulationData.getFactor(fluidModelIndex, i);
if (sum_grad_p_k > m_eps)
factor = static_cast<Real>(1.0) / (sum_grad_p_k);
// !!!: =====================
// factor = α / ρ * ρ_0^2 ≊ α * ρ_0 (assuming that the density is at rest)
factor = 0.0;
/** Compute rho_adv,i^(0) (see equation in Section 3.3 in [BK17])
* using the velocities after the non-pressure forces were applied.
void TimeStepDFSPH::computeDensityAdv(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i, const Real h, const Real density0)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const Real &density = model->getDensity(i);
Real &densityAdv = m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
const Vector3r &vi = model->getVelocity(i);
Real delta = 0.0;
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
// Fluid
const Vector3r &vj = fm_neighbor->getVelocity(neighborIndex);
delta += (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj));
// delta += fm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj));
// assumes that all fluid particles have the same volume
delta *= model->getVolume(i);
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Vector3r &vj = bm_neighbor->getVelocity(neighborIndex);
delta += bm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xi, vj);
delta -= (vi - vj).dot(gradRho););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xj, vj);
delta += Vj * (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
densityAdv = density / density0 + h * delta;
// !!!: =====================
// densityAdv = ρ / ρ_0 + ∆t * ∑ V (v_i - v_j) * ∇W_ij = V / m * (ρ + ∆t * ∑ m (v_i - v_j) * ∇W_ij) = ρ* / ρ_0
// Use the one before equation (12) in [BK17].
/** Compute rho_adv,i^(0) (see equation (9) in Section 3.2 [BK17])
* using the velocities after the non-pressure forces were applied.
void TimeStepDFSPH::computeDensityChange(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i, const Real h)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
Real &densityAdv = m_simulationData.getDensityAdv(fluidModelIndex, i);
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
const Vector3r &vi = model->getVelocity(i);
densityAdv = 0.0;
unsigned int numNeighbors = 0;
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
// Fluid
const Vector3r &vj = fm_neighbor->getVelocity(neighborIndex);
densityAdv += (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
// assumes that all fluid particles have the same volume
densityAdv *= model->getVolume(i);
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Vector3r &vj = bm_neighbor->getVelocity(neighborIndex);
densityAdv += bm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xi, vj);
densityAdv -= (vi - vj).dot(gradRho););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
Vector3r vj;
bm_neighbor->getPointVelocity(xj, vj);
densityAdv += Vj * (vi - vj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
/** Compute pressure accelerations using the current pressure values of the particles
void TimeStepDFSPH::computePressureAccel(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i, const Real density0, std::vector<std::vector<Real>> &pressure_rho2, const bool applyBoundaryForces)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
Vector3r &ai = m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i);
if (model->getParticleState(i) != ParticleState::Active)
// p_rho2_i = (p_i / rho_i^2)
const Real p_rho2_i = pressure_rho2[fluidModelIndex][i];
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
// !!!: =====================
// From Algorithm 3, line 7 [BK17]:
// κ = (ρ* - ρ_0) / Δt^2 * α
// accel = - Δt * Σ m (κ_i / ρ_i + κ_j / ρ_j) * ∇W_ij
// Or just see equation (9) in the boundary paper.
// a_i = - Σ m (p_i / ρ_i^2 + p_j / ρ_j^2) * ∇W_ij
// accel = - Σ V (p_rho2_i + p_rho2_j) * ∇W_ij
// = - Σ m (p_rho2_i + p_rho2_j) * ∇W_ij / ρ_0
// So p_rho2 = m / V * p / ρ^2 = ρ_0 * p / ρ^2
// (unless the acceleration has a multiplier for some reason)
// Fluid
// p_rho2_j = (p_j / rho_j^2)
const Real p_rho2_j = pressure_rho2[pid][neighborIndex];
// !!!:
// TODO: This density division thing is important!
const Real pSum = p_rho2_i + fm_neighbor->getDensity0() / density0 * p_rho2_j;
// Literally why?
if (fabs(pSum) > m_eps) {
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -fm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
ai += pSum * grad_p_j;
// Boundary
if (fabs(p_rho2_i) > m_eps)
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -bm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
const Vector3r a = (Real)1.0 * p_rho2_i * grad_p_j;
ai += a;
if (applyBoundaryForces)
bm_neighbor->addForce(xj, -model->getMass(i) * a););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
const Vector3r a = (Real)1.0 * p_rho2_i * gradRho;
ai += a;
if (applyBoundaryForces)
bm_neighbor->addForce(xj, -model->getMass(i) * a););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
const Vector3r grad_p_j = -Vj * sim->gradW(xi - xj);
const Vector3r a = (Real)1.0 * p_rho2_i * grad_p_j;
ai += a;
if (applyBoundaryForces)
bm_neighbor->addForce(xj, -model->getMass(i) * a););
Real TimeStepDFSPH::compute_aij_pj(const unsigned int fluidModelIndex, const unsigned int i)
Simulation *sim = Simulation::getCurrent();
FluidModel *model = sim->getFluidModel(fluidModelIndex);
const unsigned int nFluids = sim->numberOfFluidModels();
const unsigned int nBoundaries = sim->numberOfBoundaryModels();
// Compute A*p which is the change of the density when applying the
// pressure forces.
// \sum_j a_ij * p_j = h^2 \sum_j V_j (a_i - a_j) * gradW_ij
// This is the RHS of Equation (12) in [BK17]
const Vector3r &xi = model->getPosition(i);
const Vector3r &ai = m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(fluidModelIndex, i);
Real aij_pj = 0.0;
// !!!: =====================
// In the boundary paper after eq (11), we have
// Σ A_ij p_j = Δt ∇^2 p_i
// = Δt Σ m (a_i - a_j) . ∇W_ij
// aij_pj = Σ V (a_i - a_j) . ∇W_ij
// So = Σ A_ij p_j / (Δt ρ_0)
// Or if accel is divided by ρ_0, we have
// Σ A_ij p_j / (Δt ρ_0^2), but I'm pretty sure this is wrong (see the pressure solve iteration; the math fails).
// Fluid
const Vector3r &aj = m_simulationData.getPressureAccel(pid, neighborIndex);
// aij_pj += fm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) * (ai - aj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj));
aij_pj += (ai - aj).dot(sim->gradW(xi - xj)););
// assumes that all fluid particles have the same volume
aij_pj *= model->getVolume(i);
// Boundary
if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Akinci2012)
aij_pj += bm_neighbor->getVolume(neighborIndex) *>gradW(xi - xj)););
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Koschier2017)
aij_pj -=;);
else if (sim->getBoundaryHandlingMethod() == BoundaryHandlingMethods::Bender2019)
aij_pj += Vj *>gradW(xi - xj)););
return aij_pj;
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