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Created May 21, 2017 15:57
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Maybe monad in C
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// return :: Monad m => a -> m a
typedef void * /* m a */ return_t(void * /* a */);
// type kleisli_arrow a b = a -> m b
typedef void * /* m b */ kleisli_arrow(void * /* a */);
// bind :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
typedef void * /* m b */ bind_t(void * /* m a */, kleisli_arrow * /* a -> m b */);
// class Monad m
typedef struct {
bind_t * bind;
return_t * return_;
} Monad;
// data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
typedef struct {
int is_it_there;
void * /* a */ it;
} Maybe;
Maybe nothing = {0,0};
void * /* Maybe a */ just (void * a /* a */) {
Maybe * result = (Maybe *)malloc(sizeof(Maybe));
return result;
// instance Monad Maybe
bind_t bindMaybe;
Monad maybeMonad = { bindMaybe, just};
void * /* Maybe b */ bindMaybe (void * ma /* Maybe a */
,kleisli_arrow * a_mb /* a -> Maybe b */) {
Maybe * maybeA = (Maybe *) ma;
if(!maybeA->is_it_there) return &nothing;
return a_mb(maybeA->it);
int weatherIsNice() {return 1;} // Imagine this is more complicated
// Maybe Int
void * getData() {
if(weatherIsNice()) {
int * it = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int));
*it = 3;
return just(it);
} else return &nothing;
float data[] = {42.0f, 41.0f, 0.5f, 15.0f };
// Int -> Maybe Float
void * /* Maybe Float */ getMoreData(void * data_index_p /* Int */ ) {
int data_index = * (int *) data_index_p;
if(data_index>=0 && data_index < 4) {
float * it = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float));
*it = data[data_index];
return just(it);
} else return &nothing;
struct Unit /* () */ {} unit; // A data type that holds no information
// Float -> Maybe ()
void * print(void * f_ /* Float */) {
float f = * (float *) f_;
printf("%f", f); // Nobody said we're in a pure language! (Evil grin)
return just(&unit);
main = do
a <- getData
b <- getMoreData a
print b
int main() {
maybeMonad.bind(maybeMonad.bind(getData(), getMoreData), print);
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