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Created July 16, 2023 19:55
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
tree=$(swaymsg -t get_tree)
readarray -t win_ids <<< "$(jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("app_id")) | .id' <<< "$tree")"
readarray -t win_names <<< "$(jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("app_id")) | .name' <<< "$tree")"
readarray -t win_types <<< "$(jq -r '.. | objects | select(has("app_id")) | .app_id // .window_properties.class' <<< "$tree")"
switch () {
local k
read -r k
swaymsg "[con_id=${win_ids[$k]}] focus"
for k in $(seq 0 $((${#win_ids[@]} - 1))); do
echo -e "<span weight=\"bold\">${win_types[$k]}</span> - ${win_names[$k]}"
done | rofi -dmenu -markup-rows -i -p window -format i | switch
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