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Julie Engel engelju

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iTerm dark + lighter dark blue

gaearon /
Last active September 20, 2024 11:11
Modern JavaScript in React Documentation

If you haven’t worked with JavaScript in the last few years, these three points should give you enough knowledge to feel comfortable reading the React documentation:

  • We define variables with let and const statements. For the purposes of the React documentation, you can consider them equivalent to var.
  • We use the class keyword to define JavaScript classes. There are two things worth remembering about them. Firstly, unlike with objects, you don't need to put commas between class method definitions. Secondly, unlike many other languages with classes, in JavaScript the value of this in a method [depends on how it is called](
berkedel /
Created April 4, 2018 14:13
dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.60.dylib

How to solve dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/libicui18n.60.dylib

brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies node icu4c
brew install node
solso /
Last active December 6, 2019 12:36
Human Web Overview

Human Web Overview

Konark Modi, Alex Catarineu, Philipp Claßen and Josep M. Pujol at Cliqz *München, October 2016

[edited on October 2017]*

[edited on September 2019 to fix broken links and add reference to HPN paper]*

We recommend to read the article on Cliqz Tech blog, the content is more up to date there. Not removing this gist for historical reasons. December 2019.

Guerra24 / userChrome.css
Last active September 5, 2020 19:08
This theme is deprecated and will not receive more updates, please use:
@namespace url("");
.titlebar-button, #minimize-button, #restore-button, #close-button {
width: 46px !important;
height: 32px !important;
#titlebar-buttonbox, #TabsToolbar, #toolbar-menubar {
height: 32px !important;
#toolbar-menubar > #menubar-items > #main-menubar > menu {

WannaCry|WannaDecrypt0r NSA-Cyberweapon-Powered Ransomware Worm

  • Virus Name: WannaCrypt, WannaCry, WanaCrypt0r, WCrypt, WCRY
  • Vector: All Windows versions before Windows 10 are vulnerable if not patched for MS-17-010. It uses EternalBlue MS17-010 to propagate.
  • Ransom: between $300 to $600. There is code to 'rm' (delete) files in the virus. Seems to reset if the virus crashes.
  • Backdooring: The worm loops through every RDP session on a system to run the ransomware as that user. It also installs the DOUBLEPULSAR backdoor. It corrupts shadow volumes to make recovery harder. (source: malwarebytes)
  • Kill switch: If the website is up the virus exits instead of infecting the host. (source: malwarebytes). This domain has been sinkholed, stopping the spread of the worm. Will not work if proxied (source).

update: A minor variant of the viru

Zenexer /
Last active August 26, 2024 20:49
Security Advisory: PHP's escapeshellcmd and escapeshellarg are insecure

Paul Buonopane at NamePros

I'm working on cleaning up this advisory so that it's more informative at a glance. Suggestions are welcome.

This advisory addresses the underlying PHP vulnerabilities behind Dawid Golunski's [CVE-2016-10033][CVE-2016-10033], [CVE-2016-10045][CVE-2016-10045], and [CVE-2016-10074][CVE-2016-10074]. It assumes prior understanding of these vulnerabilities.

This advisory does not yet have associated CVE identifiers.


ttscoff / init.lua
Last active January 9, 2024 23:44
Hammerspoon config examples for hyper key
-- A global variable for the Hyper Mode
k ={}, "F17")
-- Trigger existing hyper key shortcuts
k:bind({}, 'm', nil, function() hs.eventtap.keyStroke({"cmd","alt","shift","ctrl"}, 'm') end)
-- OR build your own
launch = function(appname)
ojkelly / init.lua
Last active March 30, 2021 04:57
My hammerspoon config
local usbWatcher = nil
-- This is our usbWatcher function
-- lock when yubikey is removed
function usbDeviceCallback(data)
-- this line will let you know the name of each usb device you connect, useful for the string match below"USB", "You just connected", data["productName"])
-- Replace "Yubikey" with the name of the usb device you want to use.
if string.match(data["productName"], "Yubikey") then
if (data["eventType"] == "added") then
anonymous / palindrome_dm.js
Created May 29, 2016 13:38
'use strict'; // avoid ambiguity and sloppy errors
* Tests wether or not a given string is a Palindrome
* @param {string} stringToTest - the string to test.
function isPalindrome(stringToTest) {
var start = 0,