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Forked from brucemcpherson/gistThat_.vba
Created May 5, 2014 03:20
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Save engalar/0865c0de1488b97a8f70 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
'IMPORTANT - CHANGE gtExampleLoad() to include gtDoit() for each Gist you want to load
' bootstrap code to update VBA modules from gists
' all code is in this module - so no classes etc.
' latebinding is used to avoid need for any references
' can be found at
Option Explicit
' v2.04 - 3403537
' if you are using your own gists - change this
Const gistOwner = "brucemcpherson"
Public Function gtExampleLoad()
' this is an example of how you would load your VBE with a particular manifest
' you could set the 2nd parameter to overrride conflict checking the first time used-
' we are going to need cDataSet and cjobject stuff as well
gtDoit "3414394", True
' and crest
gtDoit "5055578", True
'uameasure - if instrumenting.
gtDoit "7471153", True
End Function
Public Function gtDeadDropLoad()
' scriptdbcom & deaddrop
gtDoit "8767201", True
' parsecom - may want to use instead
gtDoit "7663169", True
End Function
Private Function gtExampleMakeManifestScriptDbCom()
' this is an example of how you would create a manifest to be loaded up as a Gist
Dim dom As Object ' DOMDocument
Set dom = gtInitManifest("cDataset and associated classes and modules", "")
' call this for each required gist of the manifest
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cCell", "cCell.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataSet", "cDataSet.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataSets", "cDataSets.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataColumn", "cDataColumn.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataRow", "cDataRow.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cHeadingRow", "cHeadingRow.cls"
'--Useful modules
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414346", "module", "usefulStuff"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414365", "class", "cJobject"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414365", "module", "usefulcJobject", "usefulcJobject.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414836", "module", "regXLib", "regXLib.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414836", "class", "cregXLib", "cregXLib.cls"
'-- browser & auth
gtAddToManifest dom, "3423912", "class", "cBrowser", "cBrowser.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "6937450", "class", "cOauth2", "cOauth2.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "6937450", "module", "oAuthExamples", "oAuthExamples.vba"
'-- scriptdb and deaddrop
gtAddToManifest dom, "7943765", "class", "cScriptDbCom", "cScriptDbCom.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "7943765", "class", "cDeadDrop", "cDeadDrop.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "7943765", "module", "scriptDbCom", "scriptDbCom.vba"
'-- encryption
gtAddToManifest dom, "6937529", "module", "usefulEncrypt", "usefulEncrypt.vba"
'-- analytics
gtAddToManifest dom, "7453196", "module", "UAMeasure", "UAMeasure.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "7453152", "class", "cUAMeasure", "cUAMeasure.cls"
' -- references
gtCreateReferences dom
' cut and paste the result of this into a gist - this will be your manifest
Debug.Print dom.XML
End Function
Private Function gtExampleMakeManifest()
' this is an example of how you would create a manifest to be loaded up as a Gist
Dim dom As Object ' DOMDocument
Set dom = gtInitManifest("cDataset and associated classes and modules", "")
' call this for each required gist of the manifest
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cCell", "cCell.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataSet", "cDataSet.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataSets", "cDataSets.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataColumn", "cDataColumn.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cDataRow", "cDataRow.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414216", "class", "cHeadingRow", "cHeadingRow.cls"
'--Useful modules
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414346", "module", "usefulStuff"
gtAddToManifest dom, "5102369", "class", "cStringChunker.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414365", "class", "cJobject"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414365", "module", "usefulcJobject", "usefulcJobject.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414836", "module", "regXLib", "regXLib.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3414836", "class", "cregXLib", "cregXLib.cls"
' -- references
gtCreateReferences dom
' cut and paste the result of this into a gist - this will be your manifest
Debug.Print dom.XML
End Function
Private Function gtExampleMakeManifestCrest()
' this is an example of how you would create a manifest to be loaded up as a Gist
Dim dom As Object ' DOMDocument
Set dom = gtInitManifest("restlibrary associated classes and modules", "")
' call this for each required gist of the manifest
' crest and restlibrary
gtAddToManifest dom, "3423885", "module", "restLibrary", "restLibrary.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3423885", "class", "cRest", "cRest.cls"
gtAddToManifest dom, "3423912", "class", "cBrowser", "cBrowser.cls"
' -- references
gtCreateReferences dom
' cut and paste the result of this into a gist - this will be your manifest
Debug.Print dom.XML
End Function
Private Function gtClassDocumenter()
' this is an example of how you would create a manifest to be loaded up as a Gist
' this is modules required for classDoucumenter
Dim dom As Object ' DOMDocument
Set dom = gtInitManifest("class", "")
' call this for each required gist of the manifest
gtAddToManifest dom, "5019927", "class", "cVBAProject", "cVBAProject.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "5019927", "class", "cVBAModule", "cVBAModule.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "5019927", "class", "cVBAProcedure", "cVBAProcedure.vba"
gtAddToManifest dom, "5019927", "module", "classSerializer", "classSerializer.vba"
'-- browser
gtAddToManifest dom, "3423912", "class", "cBrowser", "cBrowser.cls"
' -- references
gtCreateReferences dom
' cut and paste the result of this into a gist - this will be your manifest
Debug.Print dom.XML
End Function
Private Function gtCreateReferences(dom As Object) 'DOMDocument)
' adds all current references to an xml
Dim r As Object ' Reference
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
For Each r In .References
gtAddRefToManifest dom, r
Next r
End With
End Function
Private Function gtUpdateAll()
' do all updates for known manifests in this project
Dim modle As Object 'VBComponent
Dim stampLine As Long, co As New Collection, manifest As String, s As String, v As Variant
For Each modle In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
' do we know this module?
stampLine = gtManageable(modle)
If stampLine > 0 Then
' yes we do - get the manifest
manifest = gtStampManifest(modle, stampLine)
If (manifest = vbNullString) Then
MsgBox ("gistThat stamp in module " & & " fiddled with.Run again as greenField")
' add it to the collection of manifests we need to process
If gtCoIndex(manifest, co) = 0 Then
co.add manifest, manifest
End If
End If
End If
Next modle
' todo check if versions are up to date
If co.Count > 0 Then
s = vbNullString
For Each v In co
gtDoit CStr(v)
If s <> vbNullString Then s = s & ","
s = s & CStr(v)
Next v
MsgBox ("updated " & co.Count & " manifests(" & s & ")")
End If
End Function
Private Function gtCoIndex(sid As Variant, co As Collection) As Long
' find index in a collection
Dim i As Long
gtCoIndex = 0
For i = 1 To co.Count
If co(i) = sid Then
gtCoIndex = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
Private Function gtPreventCaching(url As String) As String
' this will tweak the url with an extra random parameter to prevent any accidental caching
Dim p As String
If (InStr(1, url, "?") > 0) Then
p = "&"
p = "?"
End If
gtPreventCaching = url & p & "gtPreventCaching=" & CStr(Int(10000 * Rnd()))
End Function
Public Function gtDoit(gtDoitmanifestID As String, Optional greenField As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Dim dom As Object ' DOMDocument
Dim rawUrl As String, t As String, n As String, g As String
Dim xNode As Object ' IXMLDOMNode
Dim attrib As Object 'IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim vbCom As Object 'VBComponent
' get the requested manifest
Set dom = gtRecreateManifest(gtDoitmanifestID)
' now we know which gists are needed here
If (gtWillItWork(dom, greenField)) Then
'theres a good chance it will work
' for each module
For Each xNode In dom.SelectSingleNode("//gists").ChildNodes
t = xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("type").Text
Select Case t
Case "class", "module"
' get the gist
rawUrl = gtConstructRawUrl(xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("gistid").Text, _
' prevent caching will make it look like a different request
g = gtHttpGet(gtPreventCaching(rawUrl))
' module name
n = xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("module").Text
' does it exist - if so then delete it
Set vbCom = gtModuleExists(n, ThisWorkbook)
If (Not vbCom Is Nothing) Then
' delete everything in it
With vbCom.codeModule
.DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines
End With
Set vbCom = gtAddModule(n, ThisWorkbook, xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("type").Text)
End If
' add in the new code
With vbCom.codeModule
.AddFromString g
End With
' stamp it
gtInsertStamp vbCom, gtDoitmanifestID, rawUrl
Case "reference"
gtAddReference xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("name").Text, _
xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("guid").Text, _
xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("major").Text, _
Case Else
Debug.Assert False
End Select
Next xNode
gtDoit = True
End If
End Function
Private Function gtAddReference(name As String, guid As String, major As String, minor As String) As Object ' Reference
' add a reference (if its not already there)
Dim r As Object ' Reference
On Error GoTo handle
With ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
For Each r In .References
If ( = name) Then
If (r.major < major Or r.major = major And r.minor < minor And Not r.BuiltIn) Then
.References.AddFromGuid guid, major, minor
.References.remove (r)
End If
Exit Function
End If
Next r
' if we get here then we need to add it
Set gtAddReference = .References.AddFromGuid(guid, major, minor)
Exit Function
End With
MsgBox ("warning - tried and failed to add reference to " & name & "v" & major & "." & minor)
Exit Function
End Function
Private Function gtStampManifest(vbCom As Object, line As Long) As String 'VBComponent
' the manifest should be on the given line
Dim s As String, n As Long, p As Long, marker As String
marker = "manifest:"
s = vbNullString
With vbCom.codeModule
n = InStr(1, LCase(.Lines(line, 1)), marker)
If (n > 0) Then
s = Mid(.Lines(line, 1), n + Len(marker))
p = InStr(1, s, " ")
s = Left(s, p - 1)
End If
End With
gtStampManifest = s
End Function
Private Function gtInsertStamp(vbCom As Object, manifest As String, rawUrl As String) As Long 'VBComponent
Dim stampLine As Long
stampLine = gtManageable(vbCom)
' if it wasnt found then insert at line 1
With vbCom.codeModule
If stampLine <> 0 Then
.DeleteLines stampLine, 1
stampLine = 1
End If
.InsertLines stampLine, gtStampLog(manifest, rawUrl)
End With
gtInsertStamp = stampLine
End Function
Private Function gtWillItWork(dom As Object, _
Optional greenField As Boolean = False) As Boolean 'DOMDocument
Dim xNode As Object ' IXMLDOMNode
Dim attrib As Object 'IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim n As String, s As String, t As String
Dim modle As Object 'VBComponent
' check we have something to do
gtWillItWork = Not dom Is Nothing
If Not gtWillItWork Then
Exit Function
End If
' first we check if these are new modules
s = vbNullString
For Each xNode In dom.SelectSingleNode("//gists").ChildNodes
' the target module
t = xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("type").Text
Select Case t
Case "class", "module"
n = xNode.Attributes.getNamedItem("module").Text
Set modle = gtModuleExists(n, ThisWorkbook)
If (Not modle Is Nothing) Then
' it exists - validate its not somethig else with the same name
If (gtManageable(modle) = 0 And Not greenField) Then
s = gtAddStr(s, n)
End If
End If
Case "reference"
Case Else
s = gtAddStr(s, "unknown type " & t)
End Select
Next xNode
If (s <> vbNullString) Then
MsgBox ("there may be a conflict with these modules names (" & s & _
") and some others in your project. " & _
"If this is the first time you have run this - run with greenfield set to true to override this check")
gtWillItWork = False
Exit Function
End If
' now check all gists are getable
' todo
End Function
Private Function gtAddStr(t As String, n As String) As String
Dim s As String
s = t
If (s <> vbNullString) Then s = s & ","
gtAddStr = s & n
End Function
Private Function gtRecreateManifest(manifestID As String) As Object 'DOMDocument
Dim dom As Object 'DOMDocument
Dim manifest As String
' get the xml string
manifest = gtHttpGet(gtPreventCaching(gtConstructRawUrl(manifestID)))
If manifest <> vbNullString Then
' parse the xml
Set dom = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
dom.LoadXML (manifest)
Set gtRecreateManifest = dom
MsgBox ("Could not get manifest for " & manifestID)
End If
End Function
Private Function gtModuleExists(name As String, wb As Workbook) As Object 'VBComponent
' determine whether this module exists in the given workbook
Dim modle As Object 'VBComponent
For Each modle In wb.VBProject.VBComponents
If Trim(LCase( = Trim(LCase(name)) Then
Set gtModuleExists = modle
Exit Function
End If
Next modle
End Function
Private Function gtAddModule(name As String, wb As Workbook, modType As String) As Object ' VBComponent
' determine whether this module exists in the given workbook
Dim modle As Object, t As String ' VBComponent, t As Long
Select Case LCase(modType)
Case "class"
t = 2
Case "module"
t = 1
Case Else
MsgBox ("unknown module type " & modType)
End Select
Set modle = wb.VBProject.VBComponents.add(t) = name
' added by
If modle.codeModule.CountOfLines > 1 Then
' remove Option Explict lines if it was added automatically
modle.codeModule.DeleteLines 1, modle.codeModule.CountOfLines
End If
Set gtAddModule = modle
End Function
Private Function gtConstructRawUrl(gistID As String, _
Optional gistFileName As String = vbNullString) As String
' given a gist, where is it?
Dim s As String
' raw URL
s = "" & gistOwner & "/" & gistID & "/raw"
' a gist can have multiple files in it
If gistFileName <> vbNullString Then s = s & "/" & gistFileName
' TODO - specific versions
gtConstructRawUrl = s
End Function
Private Function gtAddToManifest(dom As Object, _
gistID As String, _
modType As String, _
modle As String, _
Optional Filename As String = vbNullString, _
Optional version As String = vbNullString _
) As Object ' DOMDocument
Dim Element As Object 'IXMLDOMElement
Dim attrib As Object 'IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim elements As Object 'IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim head As Object 'IXMLDOMElement
' add an item to the manifest element - returns the dom for chaining
Set elements = dom.getElementsByTagName("gists")
Set head = elements.NextNode
Set Element = dom.createElement("item" & CStr(head.ChildNodes.Length + 1))
head.appendChild Element
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("gistid")
attrib.NodeValue = gistID
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("version")
attrib.NodeValue = version
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("filename")
attrib.NodeValue = Filename
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("module")
attrib.NodeValue = modle
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("type")
attrib.NodeValue = modType
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set gtAddToManifest = dom
End Function
Private Function gtAddRefToManifest(dom As Object, r As Object) As Object ' DOMDocument, reference, domdocument
Dim Element As Object 'IXMLDOMElement
Dim attrib As Object 'IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim elements As Object 'IXMLDOMNodeList
Dim head As Object 'IXMLDOMElement
' add an item to the manifest element - returns the dom for chaining
Set elements = dom.getElementsByTagName("gists")
Set head = elements.NextNode
Set Element = dom.createElement("item" & CStr(head.ChildNodes.Length + 1))
head.appendChild Element
'r.GUID,, r.Major, r.Minor, r.description
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("guid")
attrib.NodeValue = r.guid
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("name")
attrib.NodeValue =
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("major")
attrib.NodeValue = r.major
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("minor")
attrib.NodeValue = r.minor
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("description")
attrib.NodeValue = r.description
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("type")
attrib.NodeValue = "reference"
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set gtAddRefToManifest = dom
End Function
Private Function gtInitManifest(Optional description As String = vbNullString, _
Optional contact As String = vbNullString) As Object ' DOMDocument
Dim Element As Object 'IXMLDOMElement
Dim attrib As Object 'IXMLDOMAttribute
Dim dom As Object ' DOMDocument
Dim e2 As Object ' IXMLDOMElement
' creates an xml manifest of required gists
Set dom = CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
Set Element = dom.createElement("gistThat")
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("info")
attrib.NodeValue = _
"this is a manifest for gistThat VBA code distribution " & _
" - see for details"
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
With dom.appendChild(Element)
Set Element = dom.createElement("manifest")
.appendChild Element
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("description")
attrib.NodeValue = description
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Set attrib = dom.createAttribute("contact")
attrib.NodeValue = contact
Element.setAttributeNode attrib
Element.appendChild dom.createElement("gists")
End With
Set gtInitManifest = dom
End Function
Private Function gtHttpGet(url As String) As String
' TODO oAuth
Dim ohttp As Object
Set ohttp = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
Call ohttp.Open("GET", url, False)
Call ohttp.Send("")
gtHttpGet = ohttp.ResponseText
Set ohttp = Nothing
End Function
Private Function gtStampLog(manifest As String, rawUrl As String) As String
' create a comment to identify this as manageable
gtStampLog = gtStamp & _
" updated on " & Now() & " : from manifest:" & _
manifest & _
" gist " & rawUrl
End Function
Private Function gtStamp() As String
' this marks a module as manageable
gtStamp = "' :do not modify this line" & _
" - see for details:"
End Function
Private Function gtManageable(vbCom As Object) As Long ' VBComponent
' return the line number of the gtStamp
' parameters as passed by ref in .find method
Dim startLine As Long, startColumn As Long, endLine As Long, endColumn As Long
startLine = 1: endLine = vbCom.codeModule.CountOfLines: startColumn = 1: endColumn = 255
If (vbCom.codeModule.find(gtStamp(), startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn)) Then
gtManageable = startLine
End If
End Function
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