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Last active February 6, 2020 08:44
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  • Save endrebak/9d0469021b779f62d3d26724b6d3136f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save endrebak/9d0469021b779f62d3d26724b6d3136f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import pyranges_db as db
import pyranges as pr
gr = db.gencode.genes("human") # takes a while to download from ftp
# Wall time: 2min 1s
gr.to_gtf("gencode_human.gtf.gz") # takes a while to gzip and write to disk
# Wall time: 4min 3s
# subset for faster operations
gr = gr[["Feature", "gene_type", "gene_id", "gene_name"]]
gr = gr[gr.Feature == "transcript"].drop("Feature")
lncrna = gr[(gr.gene_type == "lncRNA")].drop("gene_type")
protein = gr[gr.gene_type == "protein_coding"].drop("gene_type")
_overlap = lncrna.join(protein, strandedness="same", suffix="_protein").drop(
_overlap.Distance = 0
no_overlap_protein = lncrna.overlap(protein, invert=True, strandedness="same")
_upstream = no_overlap_protein.nearest(protein, how="upstream", overlap=False, strandedness="same", suffix="_protein").drop(
_downstream = no_overlap_protein.nearest(protein, how="downstream", overlap=False, strandedness="same", suffix="_protein").drop(
_downstream.Distance = -_downstream.Distance
outgr = pr.concat([_overlap, _downstream, _upstream])
# +--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+---------------------+------------+
# | Chromosome | Start | End | Strand | gene_id | gene_name | gene_id_protein | gene_name_protein | Distance |
# | (category) | (int32) | (int32) | (category) | (category) | (category) | (category) | (category) | (int64) |
# |--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+---------------------+------------|
# | chr1 | 1055032 | 1056116 | + | ENSG00000242590.1 | AL645608.5 | ENSG00000188157.15 | AGRN | 0 |
# | chr1 | 1055032 | 1056116 | + | ENSG00000242590.1 | AL645608.5 | ENSG00000188157.15 | AGRN | 0 |
# | chr1 | 1055032 | 1056116 | + | ENSG00000242590.1 | AL645608.5 | ENSG00000188157.15 | AGRN | 0 |
# | chr1 | 1055032 | 1056116 | + | ENSG00000242590.1 | AL645608.5 | ENSG00000188157.15 | AGRN | 0 |
# | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
# | chrY | 22296797 | 22298876 | - | ENSG00000215560.2 | TTTY5 | ENSG00000188120.14 | DAZ1 | 830479 |
# | chrY | 22439592 | 22441458 | - | ENSG00000131538.7 | TTTY6 | ENSG00000188120.14 | DAZ1 | 687897 |
# | chrY | 23936726 | 23941622 | - | ENSG00000280961.1 | TTTY3B | ENSG00000172352.5 | CDY1B | 103607 |
# | chrY | 24183433 | 24187231 | - | ENSG00000244231.1 | CSPG4P2Y | ENSG00000187191.14 | DAZ3 | 575838 |
# +--------------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------------------+--------------+--------------------+---------------------+------------+
# Stranded PyRanges object has 100,466 rows and 9 columns from 24 chromosomes.
# For printing, the PyRanges was sorted on Chromosome and Strand.
outgr.to_csv("lncrna_prot_join.csv", sep="\t", header=True)
# !head lncrna_prot_join.csv
# Chromosome Start End Strand gene_id gene_name gene_id_protein gene_name_protein Distance
# chr1 1055032 1056116 + ENSG00000242590.1 AL645608.5 ENSG00000188157.15 AGRN 0
# chr1 1055032 1056116 + ENSG00000242590.1 AL645608.5 ENSG00000188157.15 AGRN 0
# chr1 1055032 1056116 + ENSG00000242590.1 AL645608.5 ENSG00000188157.15 AGRN 0
# chr1 1055032 1056116 + ENSG00000242590.1 AL645608.5 ENSG00000188157.15 AGRN 0
# chr1 1055032 1056116 + ENSG00000242590.1 AL645608.5 ENSG00000188157.15 AGRN 0
# chr1 7368941 7370270 + ENSG00000237402.1 CAMTA1-IT1 ENSG00000171735.19 CAMTA1 0
# chr1 7776382 7776775 + ENSG00000269925.1 Z98884.2 ENSG00000049245.13 VAMP3 0
# chr1 7776382 7776775 + ENSG00000269925.1 Z98884.2 ENSG00000049245.13 VAMP3 0
# chr1 9942922 9949974 + ENSG00000228150.1 AL357140.2 ENSG00000173614.14 NMNAT1 0
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