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Last active December 18, 2015 18:49
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GPL-licensed SciPy signal processing tools by Kittipong Piyawanno

Written by Kittipong Piyawanno, who posted them on SciPy bug tracking system: scipy/scipy#1175 and they were then lost

These are translations of Octave code and are therefore GPL, and also copyright the people who originally wrote each function for Octave.

Beware, I think I encountered bugs while using this, but I forget where.

from numpy import asarray, array, arange, append, angle, complex128, float64, floor
from numpy import nonzero, sign, mat, sin, cos, exp, zeros, log10, unique, fix, ceil
from numpy import ones, prod, pi, NaN, zeros_like, ravel, any, linspace, diff
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from scipy.signal import convolve, freqz, roots, zpk2tf, tf2zpk, remez, get_window
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz, hankel
def find(condition):
Return the indices where ravel(condition) is true
res, = nonzero(ravel(condition))
return res
def rem(x,y):
Remainder after division.
rem(x,y) is equivalent to x - y.*fix(x./y) in case y is not zero.
By convention (but contrary to numpy), rem(x,0) returns None.
This also differs from numpy.remainder, which uses floor instead of
x,y = asarray(x), asarray(y)
if any(y == 0):
return None
return x - y * fix(x/y)
def phase(x, tol=0.95) :
Compute phase of input-signal with phase jump avoiding.
Inputs :
x : input complex sequence.
tol : (optional) tolerance of phase jump detection. It should be 0.8 <= tol <= 1.
Output :
phi : phase of input sequence with phase jump avoiding.
phi = angle(x)
dphi = append(0, phi[1:] - phi[:-1])
p1 = arange(dphi.shape[0])[dphi > 2*tol*pi]
p2 = arange(dphi.shape[0])[dphi < -2*tol**pi]
for i in p1 :
phi[i:] = phi[i:]-2*pi
for i in p2 :
phi[i:] = phi[i:]+2*pi
dphi = append(0, phi[1:] - phi[:-1])
p1 = arange(dphi.shape[0])[dphi > tol*pi]
p2 = arange(dphi.shape[0])[dphi < -tol*pi]
for i in p1 :
phi[i:] = phi[i:]-pi
for i in p2 :
phi[i:] = phi[i:]+pi
return phi
def phasejumb(x, tot=0.9) :
Detect phase jump of input signal
Inputs :
x : input complex sequence.
tol : (optional) tolerance of phase jump detection. It should be 0.8 <= tol <= 1.
Outputs :
jump : Boolean array. True == jump, False == not jump
phi = angle(x)
dphi = append(0, phi[1:] - phi[:-1])
return (abs(dphi) > 0.9*pi) + (dphi == NaN)
def firtype(b, tol=1e-9):
Detect type of FIR filter with its coefficients.
Inputs :
b : coefficients of FIR filter
Output :
type : type of FIR filter
1 = even symmetry
2 = odd symmetry
3 = even anti symmetry
4 = odd anty symmetry
0 = not symmetry
b = array(b)
symm = abs(max(b - b[::-1])) <= abs(tol)
antisymm = abs(max(b + b[::-1])) <= abs(tol)
odd = len(b)%2 == 0
if not odd and symm : return 1
elif odd and symm : return 2
elif not odd and antisymm : return 3
elif odd and antisymm : return 4
else : return 0
def zerophase(b,a,l=512):
Zerophase response of digital filters. Zerophase response or amplitude response
is magnitude reponse with consideration of sign. It can be computed accurately,
if input coefficients are coefficients of filter type I to IV. For another types of
filters, signs of zerosphase response are estimated.
Inputs :
b,a : Filter coefficients
l : length of output zeros response
Outputs : Hr, phase, W
Hr : Zerophase response
phase : phase of freqeuncy response with H[W] = Hr[W]*exp(1j*phase[W])
W : Angular frequencies between 0 and pi
def estsign(H,b,a,tol=1e-3):
mag = abs(H)
phi = angle(H)
phij = phasejumb(phi)
nnan = 1
while phi[nnan] == NaN : nnan += 1
if nnan == 1 : firstsign = sign(sum(b)/sum(a))
else : firstsign = sign(phi[nnan])/2+.5
nearzero = mag < tol
sign_dphi = sign(append(0, phi[1:] - phi[:-1]))
changesigndiff = (append(1, sign_dphi[1:]*sign_dphi[:-1])) == -1
Hsign = ones(len(H))*firstsign
for i in arange(len(H))[nearzero*changesigndiff] :
Hsign[i:] = -1*Hsign[i:]
return Hsign
b = array(b)
a = array(a)
ftype = firtype(b)
if len(a) == 1 and 1 <= ftype <= 4:
m = len(b)
w = arange(l)*pi/l
b = b/a[0]
if ftype == 1 :
coef = append(b[(m-1)/2], 2*(b[(m-3)/2::-1]))
ang = mat(w).T*mat(arange(len(coef)))
Hr = mat(cos(ang))*mat(coef).T
elif ftype == 2 :
coef = 2*(b[m/2-1::-1])
ang = mat(w).T*mat(arange(len(coef))+0.5)
Hr = mat(cos(ang))*mat(coef).T
if ftype == 3 :
coef = 2*(b[(m-1)/2::-1])
ang = mat(w).T*mat(arange(len(coef)))
Hr = mat(sin(ang))*mat(coef).T
elif ftype == 4 :
coef = 2*(b[m/2-1::-1])
ang = mat(w).T*mat(arange(len(coef))+0.5)
Hr = mat(sin(ang))*mat(coef).T
W, H = freqz(b,a,l)
Hr = array(Hr)[:,0]
return Hr, phase(H/Hr), W
else :
W, H = freqz(b,a,l)
Hr = estsign(H,b,a)*abs(H)
return Hr, phase(H/Hr), W
def groupdelay(b,a,l=512,whole=False):
Returns the group delay g of the IIR, FIR filter with coefficients b, a.
The response is evaluated at 512 angular frequencies between 0 and
pi. w is a vector containing the 512 frequencies.
The group delay is in units of samples. It can be converted
to seconds by multiplying by the sampling period (or dividing by
the sampling rate fs).
Inputs :
b, a : FIR, IIR coefficients
Outputs :
w : Angular frequencies between 0 and pi
g : Group delay
Theory: group delay, g(w) = -d/dw [arg{H(e^jw)}], is the rate of change of
phase with respect to frequency. It can be computed as:
d/dw H(e^-jw)
g(w) = -------------
H(z) = B(z)/A(z) = sum(b_k z^k)/sum(a_k z^k).
By the quotient rule,
A(z) d/dw B(z) - B(z) d/dw A(z)
d/dw H(z) = -------------------------------
A(z) A(z)
Substituting into the expression above yields:
A dB - B dA
g(w) = ----------- = dB/B - dA/A
Note that,
d/dw B(e^-jw) = sum(k b_k e**(-1j*wk))
d/dw A(e^-jw) = sum(k a_k e**(-1j*wk))
which is just the FFT of the coefficients multiplied by a ramp.
As a further optimization when nfft>>length(a), the IIR filter (b,a)
is converted to the FIR filter conv(b,fliplr(conj(a))).
For further details, see
if len(a) == 1 : return smithdelay(b,a,l=l,whole=whole)
else : return shpakdelay(b,a,l=l,whole=whole)
def smithdelay(b,a,l=512,whole=False):
Group delay with Smith algorithm (J. O. Smith, 9-May-1988).
It is accurate for FIR filter type I-IV.
For another filter type please use shpakdelay().
See groupdelay() for more information.
Inputs :
b, a : FIR, IIR coefficients
Outputs :
w : Angular frequencies between 0 and pi
g : Group delay
s = {True:1,False:2}[whole]
w = 2*pi/s*arange(l)/float(l)
if 1 <= firtype(b) <= 4 and len(a) == 1:
b = b/a[0]
f = find(b)
if len(f) != 0 : b,g = b[f],max(f[0], 0)
else : b,g = 0, 0
gd = ones(l)*((len(b)-1)/2+g)
else :
c = convolve(b,a[::-1].conj())
cr = c*arange(c.shape[0])
if s*l >= len(c) :
zz = zeros(s*l-len(c))
gd = fft(append(cr, zz))/fft(append(c, zz))
gd = gd[:l]-ones(l)*(len(a)-1)
else :
n = s*ceil(len(c)/(s*l))
m = l*n
gd = fft(cr,m)/ fft(c,m)
gd = gd[:m:n]-ones(l)*(len(a)-1)
return w, gd
def shpakdelay(b,a,l=512,whole=False,tol=1e-9):
Group delay with Shpak algorithm (D. Shpak, 17-Feb-2000).
See groupdelay() for more information.
Inputs :
b, a : FIR, IIR coefficients
Outputs :
w : Angular frequencies between 0 and pi
g : Group delay
def grpsect(sos,cw,sw,cw2,sw2) :
gd = zeros_like(cw)
bi = sos.real
bq = sos.imag
if (sos[1:3] == [0, 0]).all() : pass
elif abs(sos[2]) < tol :
if 'complex' not in str(sos.dtype) and abs(bi[0] - bi[1]) < tol :
gd = 0.5
elif 'complex' not in str(sos.dtype) and abs(bi[0] + bi[1]) < tol :
gd = 0.5
else :
u = bq[0]*cw + bi[0]*sw + bq[1]
v = bi[0]*cw - bq[0]*sw + bi[1]
du = -bq[0]*sw + bi[0]*cw
dv = -bi[0]*sw - bq[0]*cw
u2v2 = (bi[0]**2 + bq[0]**2 + bi[1]**2 + bq[1]**2) +\
2*(bi[0]*bi[1] + bq[0]*bq[1])*cw + 2*(bi[0]*bq[1] - bi[1]*bq[0])*sw
k = find(abs(u2v2) > tol)
gd[k] = gd[k] + 1 - (v[k]*du[k]-u[k]*dv[k])/u2v2[k]
else :
if 'complex' not in str(sos.dtype) and (abs(bi - bi[::-1]) < tol).all() :
gd = 1.0
elif 'complex' not in str(sos.dtype) and (abs(bi + bi[::-1]) < tol).all() :
gd = 1.0
else :
u = bq[0]*cw2 + bi[0]*sw2 + bq[1]*cw + bi[1]*sw + bq[2]
v = bi[0]*cw2 - bq[0]*sw2 + bi[1]*cw - bq[1]*sw + bi[2]
du = -2*bq[0]*sw2 + 2*bi[0]*cw2 - bq[1]*sw + bi[1]*cw
dv = -1*( 2*bi[0]*sw2 + 2*bq[0]*cw2 + bi[1]*sw + bq[1]*cw)
u2v2 = ( bi[0]**2 + bq[0]**2) + (bi[1]**2 + bq[1]**2) + (bi[2]**2 + bq[2]**2) + \
2*(bi[0]*bi[1] + bq[0]*bq[1] + bi[1]*bi[2] + bq[1]*bq[2])*cw + \
2*(bi[0]*bq[1] - bi[1]*bq[0] + bi[1]*bq[2] - bi[2]*bq[1])*sw + \
2*(bi[0]*bi[2] + bq[0]*bq[2])*cw2 + 2*(bi[0]*bq[2] - bi[2]*bq[0])*sw2
k = arange(len(v))
gd[k] = gd[k] + 2 - (v[k]*du[k] - u[k]*dv[k])/u2v2[k]
return gd
s = {True:1,False:2}[whole]
w = 2*pi/s*arange(l)/float(l)
cw,cw2 ,sw,sw2 = cos(w),cos(2*w), sin(w), sin(2*w)
gd = zeros(l)
if 'complex' not in str(a.dtype)+str(b.dtype) :
sos, k = tf2sos(b,a)
m = sos.shape[0]
else :
z,p,k = tf2zpk(b,a)
fz = find(abs(z) > tol)
gd = gd - (len(z)-len(fz))
z = z[fz]
fp = find(abs(p) > tol)
gd = gd + (len(p)-len(fp))
p = p[fp]
fz = find(abs(abs(z) - 1) > tol)
gd = gd + (len(z)-len(fz))/ 2
z = z[fz]
fp = find(abs(abs(p) - 1) > tol)
gd = gd - (len(p)-len(fp)) / 2
p = p[fp]
nb,na = len(z), len(p)
m = int(max(ceil(nb/2.0), ceil(na/2.0)))
sos = zeros((m,6), dtype=a.dtype)
sos[:,0] = 1
sos[:,3] = 1
sections = fix(nb/2.0)
z1 = z[0:2*sections:2]
z2 = z[1:2*sections:2]
sos[:sections, 1:3] = array([-(z1+z2),z1*z2]).T
if rem(nb, 2) == 1 :
sos[sections,2] = -z[nb-1]
sections = fix(na/2)
z1 = p[0:2*sections:2]
z2 = p[1:2*sections:2]
sos[:sections,4:6] = array([-(z1+z2),z1*z2]).T
if rem(na, 2) == 1 :
sos[sections,4] = -p[na-1]
for i in range(m):
gd = gd + grpsect(sos[i, :3],cw,sw,cw2,sw2)
gd = gd - grpsect(sos[i,3:6],cw,sw,cw2,sw2)
return w, gd
def cplxpair(x, tol=1e-12) :
Sort the numbers z into complex conjugate pairs ordered by
increasing real part. With identical real parts, order by
increasing imaginary magnitude. Place the negative imaginary
complex number first within each pair. Place all the real numbers
after all the complex pairs (those with `abs (z.imag / z) < tol)',
where the default value of TOL is `100 * EPS'.
Inputs :
x : input array.
tol : toleranze of differenz of complex number and his conjugate pair.
Outputs : y
y : Complex conjugate pair
if sum(x.shape) == 0 : return x
if not 'complex' in str(x.dtype) : return x
# Reshape input to 1D array to simplify algorithm
x_shape = x.shape
x = x.reshape(prod(array(list(x_shape))))
xout = array([])
tol = abs(tol)
# Save original class of input
x_orig_class = x[0].__class__
# New rule to sort
class __cplxpairsort__ (x_orig_class) :
def __gt__(self, a) :
return self.real > a.real
def __ge__(self, a) :
return self.real > a.real or self.__eq__(a)
def __lt__(self, a) :
return self.real < a.real
def __le__(self, a) :
return self.real < a.real or self.__eq__(a)
def __eq__(self, a) :
return abs(self.real-a.real) <= tol and abs(self.imag+a.imag) <= tol
def __ne__(self, a) :
return not self.__eq__(a)
def post_sort(x_sort):
i = 0
pair = []
nopair = []
while True :
re, im = x_sort[i].real - x_sort[i+1].real,x_sort[i].imag + x_sort[i+1].imag
if abs(re) <= tol and abs(im) <= tol :
i += 1
else :
i += 1
if i >= len(x_sort)-1 : break
if len(pair) + len(nopair) != len(x_sort) : nopair.append(x_sort[-1])
return append(pair, nopair)
# Change dtype of input to pair
x = x.astype(__cplxpairsort__)
# Do it like multi-demension array with array sclicing.
for i in range(x.shape[0]/x_shape[-1]):
x_sort = 1*x[i*x_shape[-1] : (i+1)*x_shape[-1]]
x_sort = post_sort(x_sort)
xout = append(xout, 1*x_sort)
# Return with original shape and original class
return xout.reshape(x_shape).astype(x_orig_class)
def cplxreal(z, tol=1e-12) :
Split the vector z into its complex (zc) and real (zr) elements,
eliminating one of each complex-conjugate pair.
z : row- or column-vector of complex numbers
tol : tolerance threshold for numerical comparisons
zc : elements of z having positive imaginary parts
zr : elements of z having zero imaginary part
Each complex element of Z is assumed to have a complex-conjugate
counterpart elsewhere in Z as well. Elements are declared real if
their imaginary parts have magnitude less than tol.
Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave
if z.shape[0] == 0 : zc=[];zr=[]
else :
zcp = cplxpair(z)
nz = len(z)
nzrsec = 0
i = nz
while i and abs(zcp[i-1].imag) < tol:
zcp[i-1] = zcp[i-1].real
nzrsec = nzrsec+1
nzsect2 = nz-nzrsec
if nzsect2%2 != 0 :
raise ValueError, 'cplxreal: Odd number of complex values!'
nzsec = nzsect2/2
zc = zcp[1:nzsect2:2]
zr = zcp[nzsect2:nz]
return asarray(zc), asarray(zr)
def zpk2sos(z,p,k) :
Convert filter poles and zeros to second-order sections.
z : column-vector containing the filter zeros
p : column-vector containing the filter poles
k : overall filter gain factor
sos : matrix of series second-order sections, one per row:
k : is an overall gain factor that effectively scales any
one of the Bi vectors.
z,p,k = tf2zpk([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .9])
sos,k = zp2sos(z,p,k)
sos =
1.0000 0.6180 1.0000 1.0000 0.6051 0.9587
1.0000 -1.6180 1.0000 1.0000 -1.5843 0.9587
1.0000 1.0000 0 1.0000 0.9791 0
k =
See also: tf2sos zpk2tf tf2zpk sos2zpk sos2tf.
Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave
zc,zr = cplxreal(array(z))
pc,pr = cplxreal(array(p))
nzc = len(zc)
npc = len(pc)
nzr = len(zr)
npr = len(pr)
# Pair up real zeros:
if nzr :
if nzr%2 == 1 : zr = append(zr,0); nzr=nzr+1
nzrsec = nzr/2.0
zrms = -zr[:nzr-1:2]-zr[1:nzr:2]
zrp = zr[:nzr-1:2]*zr[1:nzr:2]
else :
nzrsec = 0
# Pair up real poles:
if npr :
if npr%2 == 1 : pr = append(pr,0); npr=npr+1
nprsec = npr/2.0
prms = -pr[:npr-1:2]-pr[1:npr:2]
prp = pr[:npr-1:2]*pr[1:npr:2]
else :
nprsec = 0
nsecs = max(nzc+nzrsec,npc+nprsec)
# Convert complex zeros and poles to real 2nd-order section form:
zcm2r = -2*zc.real
zca2 = abs(zc)**2
pcm2r = -2*pc.real
pca2 = abs(pc)**2
sos = zeros((nsecs,6))
# all 2nd-order polynomials are monic
sos[:,0] = ones(nsecs)
sos[:,3] = ones(nsecs)
nzrl = nzc+nzrsec # index of last real zero section
nprl = npc+nprsec # index of last real pole section
for i in range(int(nsecs)) :
if i+1 <= nzc : # lay down a complex zero pair:
sos[i,1:3] = append(zcm2r[i], zca2[i])
elif i+1 <= nzrl: #lay down a pair of real zeros:
sos[i,1:3] = append(zrms[i-nzc], zrp[i-nzc])
if i+1 <= npc : # lay down a complex pole pair:
sos[i,4:6] = append(pcm2r[i], pca2[i])
elif i+1 <= nprl: # lay down a pair of real poles:
sos[i,4:6] = append(prms[i-npc], prp[i-npc])
if len(sos.shape) == 1 : sos = array([sos])
return sos, k
def mtf2zpk(b,a):
b = (b+0.0) / a[0]
a = (a+0.0) / a[0]
k = b[0]
b = b/b[0]
z = roots(b)
p = roots(a)
return z, p, k
def tf2sos(b,a):
Convert direct-form filter coefficients to series second-order
b , a : filter coefficients
sos : matrix of series second-order sections, one per row:
k : is an overall gain factor that effectively scales any
one of the Bi vectors.
sos,k = tf2sos([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, .9])
sos =
1.00000 0.61803 1.00000 1.00000 0.60515 0.95873
1.00000 -1.61803 1.00000 1.00000 -1.58430 0.95873
1.00000 1.00000 -0.00000 1.00000 0.97915 -0.00000
k = 1
See also: zpk2sos zpk2tf tf2zpk sos2zpk sos2tf.
Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave
b = asarray(b)
a = asarray(a)
b = b[abs(b) > 0]
a = a[abs(a) > 0]
z,p,k = mtf2zpk(b, a)
return zpk2sos(z,p,k)
def sos2zpk(sos,k=1):
Convert series second-order sections to zeros, poles, and gains
(pole residues).
sos : matrix of series second-order sections, one per row:
k : is an overall gain factor that effectively scales any
one of the Bi vectors.
Outputs :
z : column-vector containing the filter zeros
p : column-vector containing the filter poles
k : overall filter gain factor
z,p,k = sos2zpk([[1,0,1,1,0,-0.81],[1,0,0,1,0,0.49]])
z = [ 0.+1.j 0.-1.j 0.+0.j 0.+0.j]
p = [-0.9+0.j 0.9+0.j 0.0+0.7j 0.0-0.7j]
k = 1
See also: zpk2sos sos2tf tf2sos zpk2tf tf2zpk.
Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave
b,a = sos2tf(sos, k)
return mtf2zpk(b,a)
def sos2tf(sos, k=1) :
Convert series second-order sections to direct form.
Inputs :
sos : matrix of series second-order sections, one per row:
k : is an overall gain factor that effectively scales any
one of the Bi vectors.
Outputs :
b , a : filter coefficients
See also: tf2sos zpk2sos sos2zpk zpk2tf tf2zpk.
Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave
sos = array(sos)
n,m = sos.shape
if m!=6 : raise ValueError, 'sos2tf: sos matrix should be N by 6'
a,b = [1],[1]
for i in range(n) : b = convolve(b, sos[i, :3]); a = convolve(a, sos[i,3:6]);
b = b[abs(b) > 0]
a = a[abs(b) > 0]
return k*b, a
def remezord(bands, desired, dev, devmode='scalar'):
Order estimation for Remez exchange algorithm optimal FIR filter.
Inputs :
bands : A montonic sequence containing the band edges. All elements
must be non-negative and less than 1 the sampling frequency
as given in pi units.
desired : A sequency half the size of bands containing the desired gain
in each of the specified bands
dev : Allowable deviation or ripples between the frequency response
and the desired amplitude of the output filter for each band
devmode : [Optional] default = 'scalar' : mode of deviation.
If it is set to 'dB', dev will be converted to scalar,
before order estimation
Outputs :
m : estimated order
w : weigting factor for Remez exchange algorithm
Example :
m, w = remezord([0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0], [1,0], [0.25, 50], devmode='dB')
print 'm=%d, w=%s'%(m,str(w))
m= 43, w=[ 1. 4.48601475]
Estimate order and weighting factors for Remez exchange algorithm for lowpass filter
with passband == [0,0.2*pi], stopband == [0.3*pi, pi],
passband ripple = 0.25dB, stopband autenuation = 50dB.
see also firremez, remez
def db2delta(Rp, As):
d1 = (1-10**(Rp/-20.0))/(1+10**(Rp/-20.0))
d2 = 10**(As/-20.0)*(1+d1)
return d1, d2
estord = lambda f1, f2, d1, d2 : (-20*log10((d1*d2)**0.5)-13)/(2.285*(f2*pi-f1*pi))+1
bands, dev = array(bands).astype(float64), array(dev).astype(float64)
n = bands.shape[0]
if devmode not in ['scalar', 'dB'] : raise ValueError, "Mode must be 'dB', or 'scalar'"
if n%2 == 1 : raise ValueError, 'The input bands must have even length.'
if max(bands) > 1 : raise ValueError, 'Band edges should be less than 1.'
if not (bands[1:] - bands[:-1] > 0).all() or bands[0] != 0 : raise ValueError, 'Bands must be monotonic starting at zero.'
if len(desired*2) != len(bands): raise ValueError, 'The input bands must have twice the length of desired.'
if dev.shape[0]*2 != n: raise ValueError, 'The input bands must have twice the length of deviations.'
if devmode == 'dB' :
devo = zeros_like(dev)
for i in range(len(dev)-1) :
if desired[i] > desired[i+1]:
devo[i], devo[i+1] =db2delta(dev[i], dev[i+1])
else :
devo[i+1], devo[i] =db2delta(dev[i+1], dev[i])
dev = devo[:]
if n == 4 : m = [estord(bands[1], bands[2], dev[0], dev[1])]
else : m = [estord(bands[2*i+1], bands[2*i+2], dev[i], dev[i+1]) for i in range(len(dev)-1)]
w = ones(dev.shape[0])*max(dev)/dev
return int(max(m)),w
def firremez(bands, desired, dev, devmode='scalar', m=None):
Calculate the minimax optimal for FIR filter using Remez exchange algorithm.
Inputs :
bands : A montonic sequence containing the band edges. All elements
must be non-negative and less than 1 the sampling frequency
as given in pi units.
desired : A sequency half the size of bands containing the desired gain
in each of the specified bands
dev : Allowable deviation or ripples between the frequency response
and the desired amplitude of the output filter for each band
devmode : [Optional] default = 'scalar' : mode of deviation.
If it is set to 'dB', dev will be converted to scalar,
before order estimation
m : [Optional] If m != None, the order is not etimated but set to m.
Outputs :
h : Inpulse response of calculated FIR filter.
m : estimated order.
Example :
h, m = firremez([0.0, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0],[1,0],[0.25, 50], devmode='dB')
Calculate impulse response for Remez exchange algorithm for lowpass filter
with passband == [0,0.2*pi], stopband == [0.3*pi, pi],
passband ripple = 0.25dB, stopband autenuation = 50dB.
see also remezord, remez
m_est, w = remezord(bands, desired, dev, devmode)
if m == None : m = m_est
h = remez(m, array(bands)/2.0, desired, w)
return h, m
def firfreq(m, bands, desired, l=512, width=None, window='hamming'):
FIR filter design using frequency sampling method.
Inputs :
m : oder of FIR filter
bands : A montonic sequence containing the band edges. All elements
must be non-negative and less than 1 the sampling frequency
as given in pi units.
desired : A sequency with the same size of bands containing the desired gain
in each of the specified bands
l : Length of frequency response, which is used in frequecy domain.
width : if width is not None, then assume it is the approximate width of
the transition region (normalized so that 1 corresonds to pi)
for use in kaiser FIR filter design.
window : desired window to use.
Outputs :
h : coefficients of length m+1 fir filter.
Example :
h = firfreq(50, [0,0.2,0.3,1.0], [1,1,0,0])
Calculate impulse response for 51 tabs lowpass filter using frequency sampling method
with passband == [0,0.2*pi], stopband == [0.3*pi, pi]
Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave
if len(bands) != len(desired) : raise ValueError, 'Bands and desired must have the same length.'
if not (bands[1:] - bands[:-1] > 0).all() or bands[0] != 0 : raise ValueError, 'Bands must be monotonic starting at zero.'
if isinstance(width,float):
A = 2.285*m*width + 8
if (A < 21): beta = 0.0
elif (A <= 50): beta = 0.5842*(A-21)**0.4 + 0.07886*(A-21)
else: beta = 0.1102*(A-8.7)
else :
width = l/20.0
bands, desired = array(bands), array(desired)
win = get_window(window,m+1,fftbins=1)
l = float(l)
# make sure grid is big enough for the window
if 2*l < m+1 : l = 2**(ceil(log(10)/log(2)))
# Apply ramps to discontinuities
if width > 0 :
# remember original frequency points prior to applying ramps
basef = bands[:]
basem = desired[:]
# separate identical frequencies, but keep the midpoint
idx = find (diff(bands) == 0)
bands[idx] = bands[idx] - width/l/2.0
bands[idx+1] = bands[idx+1] + width/l/2.0
bands = append(bands, basef[idx])
# make sure the grid points stay monotonic in [0,1]
bands[bands<0] = 0
bands[bands>1] = 1
bands = unique(append(bands, basef[idx]))
# preserve window shape even though f may have changed
desired = interp1d(basef, basem)(bands)
# interpolate between grid points
grid = interp1d(bands, desired)(linspace(0,1,l+1))
# Transform frequency response into time response and
# center the response about n/2, truncating the excess
if rem(m,2) == 0 :
b = ifft(append(grid , grid[l-1:2:-1]))
mid = (m+1)/2.0
b = append( b[-floor(mid):], b[:ceil(mid)] ).real
else :
# Add zeros to interpolate by 2, then pick the odd values below.
b = ifft(append(grid, append(zeros(l*2), grid[l-1:2:-1])))
b = 2 * append(b[-n::2], b[1:n+1:2]).real
return b*win
def firls(m, bands, desired, weight=None):
FIR filter design using least squares method.
Inputs :
m : oder of FIR filter
bands : A montonic sequence containing the band edges. All elements
must be non-negative and less than 1 the sampling frequency
as given in pi units.
desired : A sequency with the same size of bands containing the desired gain
in each of the specified bands
weight : A relative weighting to give to each band region.
Output :
h : coefficients of length m+1 fir filter.
Example :
h = firls(50, [0,0.2,0.3,1.0], [1,1,0,0],[1,5.0])
Calculate impulse response for 51 tabs lowpass filter using least squares method
with passband == [0,0.2*pi], stopband == [0.3*pi, pi],
weight to passband == 1, weight to stopband == 5
Note : This function is modified from signal package for octave
bands, desired, weight = array(bands), array(desired), array(weight)
if weight==None : weight = ones(len(bands)/2)
M = m/2;
w = kron(weight, [-1,1])
omega = bands * pi
i1 = arange(1,M+1)
# generate the matrix q
# as illustrated in the above-cited reference, the matrix can be
# expressed as the sum of a hankel and toeplitz matrix. a factor of
# 1/2 has been dropped and the final filter hficients multiplied
# by 2 to compensate.
cos_ints = append(omega, sin(mat(arange(1,m+1)).T*mat(omega))).reshape((-1,omega.shape[0]))
q = append(1, 1.0/arange(1.0,m+1)) * array(mat(cos_ints) * mat(w).T).T[0]
q = toeplitz(q[:M+1]) + hankel(q[:M+1], q[M : ])
# the vector b is derived from solving the integral:
# _ w
# / 2
# b = / w(w) d(w) cos(kw) dw
# k / w
# - 1
# since we assume that w(w) is constant over each band (if not, the
# computation of q above would be considerably more complex), but
# d(w) is allowed to be a linear function, in general the function
# w(w) d(w) is linear. the computations below are derived from the
# fact that:
# _
# / a ax + b
# / (ax + b) cos(nx) dx = --- cos (nx) + ------ sin(nx)
# / 2 n
# - n
enum = append(omega[::2]**2 - omega[1::2]**2, cos(mat(i1).T * mat(omega[1::2])) - cos(mat(i1).T * mat(omega[::2]))).flatten()
deno = mat(append(2, i1)).T * mat(omega[1::2] - omega[::2])
cos_ints2 = enum.reshape(deno.shape)/array(deno)
d = zeros_like(desired)
d[::2] = -weight * desired[::2]
d[1::2] = weight * desired[1::2]
b = append(1, 1.0/i1) * array(mat(kron (cos_ints2, [1, 1]) + cos_ints[:M+1,:]) * mat(d).T)[:,0]
# having computed the components q and b of the matrix equation,
# solve for the filter hficients.
a = (array(inv(q)*mat(b).T).T)[0]
h = append( a[:0:-1], append(2*a[0], a[1:]))
return h
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