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Created October 16, 2015 21:32
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shell configs
export TERM="xterm-256color"
source ~/.antigen/antigen.zsh
# Load the oh-my-zsh's library.
antigen use oh-my-zsh
# Bundles from the default repo (robbyrussell's oh-my-zsh).
antigen bundle git
antigen bundle heroku
antigen bundle pip
antigen bundle virtualenv
antigen bundle virtualenvwrapper
# Syntax highlighting bundle.
antigen bundle zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting
# Load the theme.
POWERLEVEL9K_RIGHT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS=(status rbenv virtualenv time)
antigen theme bhilburn/powerlevel9k powerlevel9k
# Tell antigen that you're done.
antigen apply
# Extra settings
export EDITOR=vim
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