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How to run a python script as a service in Raspberry Pi - Raspbian Jessie

How to Run a Script as a Service in Raspberry Pi - Raspbian Jessie

By: Diego Acuña

Original Article:

A pretty common task when using this device, is to run some script (for example a python script) as a service in the operating system so it can start on boot, stop and restart using systemctl and more. In this post I'm going to explain how to set a little script as a service using Raspbian Jessie in a Raspberry Pi.

Example Python Script

First of all, we are going to write a small python script which print "Hello World" every 60 seconds. This is going to be our service script (


from time import sleep

    while True:
        print "Hello World"
except KeyboardInterrupt, e:"Stopping...")

You can execute it by python If you get boring reading so many hello worlds, press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on OSX) to stop it. Save this file as in your home folder (home/pi/).

Service for the Script

Now we're going to define the service to run this script:

cd /lib/systemd/system/
sudo nano hello.service

The service definition must be on the /lib/systemd/system folder. Our service is going to be called "hello.service":

Description=Hello World

ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/


Here we are creating a very simple service that runs our hello_world script and if by any means is aborted is going to be restarted automatically. You can check more on service's options in the next wiki:

Now that we have our service we need to activate it:

sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/hello.service
chmod +x /home/pi/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable hello.service
sudo systemctl start hello.service

Service Tasks

For every change that we do on the /lib/systemd/system folder we need to execute a daemon-reload (third line of previous code). If we want to check the status of our service, you can execute:

sudo systemctl status hello.service

In general:

Check status

sudo systemctl status hello.service

Start service

sudo systemctl start hello.service

Stop service

sudo systemctl stop hello.service

Check service's log

sudo journalctl -f -u hello.service


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