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Created February 25, 2021 09:06
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from itertools import combinations
class Graph(object):
"""A graph object
def __init__(self, source_nodes, target_nodes, weights=None):
if not isinstance(source_nodes, list):
raise TypeError('source_nodes should be a list')
if not isinstance(target_nodes, list):
raise TypeError('target_nodes should be a list')
if not (weights is None):
if not isinstance(weights, list):
raise TypeError('weights should be a list if exists otherwise should be None')
self.source_nodes = source_nodes
self.target_nodes = target_nodes
self.weights = weights
# calculate all possible nodes in the Graph
self._nodes = self.__calculate_nodes(source_nodes, target_nodes)
# calculate edges
self._edges = self.__calculate_edges(source_nodes, target_nodes, weights)
def __calculate_nodes(self, source_nodes, target_nodes):
"""calculate all the nodes from source list and target list
return list(set(self.source_nodes + self.target_nodes))
def __calculate_edges(self, source_nodes, target_nodes, weights):
"""calculate all the nodes from source list and target list and weights if exists
edges = None
if weights:
edges = list(zip(source_nodes, target_nodes, weights))
edges = list(zip(source_nodes, target_nodes))
return edges
def nodes(self):
self._nodes = self.__calculate_nodes(self.source_nodes, self.target_nodes)
return self._nodes
def nodes(self, nodes):
if not isinstance(nodes, (list, set)):
raise TypeError('nodes are represented by a list')
self._nodes = nodes
def nodes(self):
del self._nodes
def edges(self):
self._edges = self.__calculate_edges(self.source_nodes, self.target_nodes, self.weights)
return self._edges
def edges(self, edges):
if not isinstance(edges, (list, set)):
raise TypeError('edges are represented by a list')
self._edges = edges
def edges(self):
del self._edges
def add_edges(self, new_sources, new_targets, new_weights):
"""add new edges to the graph
self.source_nodes = self.source_nodes + new_sources
self.target_nodes = self.target_nodes + new_targets
if self.weights is None:
raise Exception('This graph has no weights assigned')
self.weights = self.weights + new_weights
def nodes_by_weight(self):
"""Find all nodes for each weight
weight_dict = {}
for i in self.edges:
i_weight = i[-1]
i_edge = i[:2]
i_weight_nodes = weight_dict.get(i_weight, [])
for i_node in i_edge:
if i_node not in i_weight_nodes:
weight_dict[i_weight] = i_weight_nodes
return weight_dict
def edges_by_weight(self):
"""Find all edges for each weight
weight_dict = {}
for i in self.edges:
i_weight = i[-1]
i_edge = tuple(sorted(i[:2]))
i_weight_edges = weight_dict.get(i_weight, [])
if i_edge not in i_weight_edges:
weight_dict[i_weight] = i_weight_edges
return weight_dict
def weigts_by_node_comb(self):
"""Find all the weights for each combination of nodes
edge_dict = {}
for i in self.edges:
i_weight = i[-1]
i_edge = tuple(sorted(i[:2]))
i_edge_weights = edge_dict.get(i_edge, [])
if i_weight not in i_edge_weights:
edge_dict[i_edge] = i_edge_weights
return edge_dict
def __str__(self):
return f"nodes: {self.nodes}\nedges: {self.edges}"
class Interests():
"""An object for a group of people connected by interests
def __init__(self, users_1, users_2, interests):
# super().__init__(users_1, users_2, interests)
self.interest_graph = Graph(users_1, users_2, interests)
def _reconstruct_edges_from_nodes(nodes):
"""Given a list of nodes, construct all possible edges
return list(combinations(sorted(nodes), 2))
def construct_full_interest_graph(self):
"""Calculates the full interest graph
If 1 and 2 share interest A and 2 and 3 share interest A too,
we will connect 1 and 3 with interest A.
nodes_by_interests = self.interest_graph.nodes_by_weight()
full_interest_graph = Graph([], [], [])
for interest, nodes in nodes_by_interests.items():
for edge in self._reconstruct_edges_from_nodes(nodes):
full_interest_graph.add_edges([edge[0]], [edge[1]], [interest])
self.full_interest_graph = full_interest_graph
return full_interest_graph
if __name__ == '__main__':
source_nodes = [1, 1, 2, 3, 2]
target_nodes = [2, 3, 4, 5, 4]
interests = ['A', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'B']
it = Interests(source_nodes, target_nodes, interests)
print(it._reconstruct_edges_from_nodes([1,2,3, 5,4]))
print('full graph\n', it.construct_full_interest_graph())
print('full graph weight by node combinations:\n',it.full_interest_graph.weigts_by_node_comb())
print('full graph nodes_by_weight:\n', it.full_interest_graph.nodes_by_weight())
print('full graph edges_by_weight:\n', it.full_interest_graph.edges_by_weight())
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