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ianchesal /
Last active August 13, 2023 13:50
Migrating NightScout site from Heroku to

Migrating NightScout from Heroku to

!!!! Attention !!!!

These are mostly my rough notes on the process I followed to migrate my NightScout site from Heroku to Render.

They have not been rigorously tested or attempted more than the one time I migrated.

I'm using NightScout with a Dexcom setup. I have no idea if these instructions will work for any other CGM setup.

FedericoTartarini /
Last active February 8, 2024 17:13
Automatically download Qualtrics survey responses using Python and Qaultrics API.
import requests
import zipfile
import io
def get_qualtrics_survey(dir_save_survey, survey_id):
""" automatically query the qualtrics survey data
guide """
# Setting user Parameters
api_token = "<your token>"
kentwait /
Last active September 5, 2024 14:23
How to set-up CUDA, BEAGLE, and MrBayes/BEAST


Bayesian phylogentic programs like MrBayes and BEAST work better when the BEAGLE library is installed. BEAGLE provides these programs with an MCMC sampler using CPU-based or GPU-based computation. Therefore, before compiling or using MrBayes and BEAST, BEAGLE and other prerequisites must be set-up and installed first. Unfortunately, setting-up all these software and libraries can become pretty frustrating very quickly.

Here I show how to properly set-up these programs to keep your frustration to a minimum. Broadly speaking, these instructions are applicable for Windows, Mac, and Linux. However, because I am specifically recounting my own experiencing setting-up my Linux machine, the more detailed parts of this guide focuses on installing on Linux.