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Last active September 4, 2024 00:46
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GreaseMonkey script to show an AWS account alias in the top nav bar
// ==UserScript==
// @name DisplayAWSAccountAlias
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @match https://**
// ==/UserScript==
// Replace with your account numbers and desired alias
// The key is the account number and the value is the alias to display
const accountAliases = {
'123412341234': '123412341234 - Production',
'123312331233': '123312331233 - Development',
'400050006000': '400060006000 - Audit',
'987698769876': '987698769876 - Sandbox',
'452845284528': '452845284528 - Shared'
function scrapeAccountNumber (node) {
for(const child of node.childNodes) {
const result = scrapeAccountNumber(child)
if(result) return result
const accountNumber = child.innerHTML?.match(/([0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+)/g)
if(accountNumber && accountNumber.length) return accountNumber[0].replace(/-/g, '')
const accountNumber = scrapeAccountNumber(document.querySelector('[data-testid="account-detail-menu"]'))
if(accountNumber && accountAliases[accountNumber]) {
const styleClasses = document.querySelector('[data-testid="more-menu__awsc-nav-regions-menu-button"]').classList
const topBarList = document.getElementById('awsc-navigation__more-menu--list')
const newTopBarListItem = topBarList.firstChild.cloneNode()
const newTopBarListItemTextDiv = document.createElement('div')
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krayjay commented Jun 6, 2024

Thanks! Works great. I have some adjustments to it since you can get the data from the metadata in the headers of the HTML now. You don't need to write out the list of your accounts manually in an array. Here is how I did it:

function extractAWSData() {
    const metaTag = document.querySelector('meta[name="awsc-session-data"]');
    if (metaTag) {
        const content = metaTag.getAttribute('content');
        const accountIdMatch = content.match(/"accountId":"(\d+)"/);
        const accountAliasMatch = content.match(/"accountAlias":"([^"]+)"/);  // "

        if (accountIdMatch && accountAliasMatch) {
            console.log('Account ID found:', accountIdMatch[1]);
            console.log('Extracted account alias:', accountAliasMatch[1]);
            return { accountId: accountIdMatch[1], accountAlias: accountAliasMatch[1] };
        } else {
            console.log('Data not complete, retrying...');
            //setTimeout(initiateAWSDataExtraction, 200);
            return null;
    } else {
        console.log('Meta tag not found, retrying...');
        setTimeout(extractAWSData, 5000);
        return null;

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