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emisjerry emisjerry

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emisjerry / Anki-front-template.html
Created August 24, 2024 12:00
<div id="EXTRA">
{{tts en_US voices=Microsoft_Mark:Extra}}
emisjerry /
Created August 24, 2024 11:33
Obsidian Note From Template for new book

aliases: obsidianUIMode:

  • source category: "{{總類:choice:文學:流行:文化:生活:經管:科技}}" tags-sample: "{{文學分類:choice:小說:隨筆:日本文學:散文:詩歌:名著:港台}} {{流行分類:choice:漫畫:推理:繪本:青春:科幻:言情:奇幻:武俠}}" AutoNoteMover:
  • disable disabled rules:
  • all
emisjerry /
Created August 24, 2024 11:31
Obsidian Note From Template for new note

number headings: auto, first-level 1, max 6, contents ^toc, _.1.1. aliases: obsidianUIMode:

  • source tags:
  • "{{tags:multi:#resources:#areas:#blog:#yt-videos:#obsidian:#obsidian-plugins:#autohotkey:#windows:#tool:#dev:簡報}}" type: "{{type:choice:專案筆記:彙總筆記:閱讀筆記:原子筆記:Index}}" AutoNoteMover:
  • disabled
emisjerry / yanki1.ahk
Created August 10, 2024 01:45
AutoHotkey v2 script. Generating .md file for Obsidian-Yanki plugin.
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
1. 分號(;)或井號(#)開頭表示是註解行。
2. 斜線(/)開頭表示輸出資料夾
3. 單字
emisjerry / style-settings.json
Created April 25, 2024 01:16
Obsidian AnuPpuccin theme style settings
"CodeMirror Options@@cm-theme-selection": "cm-theme-solarized-light",
"CodeMirror Options@@cm-variable-2@@dark": "#6BDA5B",
"anuppuccin-theme-settings@@anuppuccin-theme-dark": "ctp-mocha",
"anuppuccin-theme-settings@@anuppuccin-accent-toggle": true,
"anuppuccin-theme-settings@@anuppuccin-theme-accents": "ctp-accent-sapphire",
"anuppuccin-theme-settings@@anp-header-color-toggle": true,
"anuppuccin-theme-settings@@anp-header-margin-toggle": true,
"anuppuccin-theme-settings@@anp-header-margin-value": 18,
"anuppuccin-theme-settings@@anp-layout-select": "anp-default-layout",
emisjerry / my_test.lua
Created April 20, 2024 01:02
A Lua script for testing 'cfonts'
-- test for cfonts
--font, -f
Use to define the font face
$ cfonts --font block [ console, block, simpleBlock, simple, 3d, simple3d, chrome, huge, shade, slick, grid, pallet, tiny ]
--colors, -c
Use to define the font color
$ cfonts --colors red,blue [ system, black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, gray, redBright, greenBright, yellowBright, blueBright, magentaBright, cyanBright, whiteBright, candy, Any hex color starting with #, e.g.: #ff8800 or #f80 ]
emisjerry /
Created February 28, 2024 06:01 Open specified setting window by Advanced URI plugin

<%* /**

emisjerry /
Created February 28, 2024 05:59 using Open Plugin Settings to open specified setting window for plugin

<%* // Hotkey: Alt+S // Open settings plugin必須先設定 let oSettings = { "BRAT": "open-plugin-settings:obsidian42-brat", //"obsidian42-brat:BRAT-AddBetaPlugin", "QuickAdd": "open-plugin-settings:quickadd", "Open-plugin": "open-plugin-settings:open-plugin-settings", "Other settings":"open-plugin-settings:open-other-plugin-settings", "Commander": "cmdr:open-commander-settings", //"open-plugin-settings:cmdr" "Keyshots": "keyshots:open-keyshots-settings-tab",

emisjerry /
Created August 12, 2023 07:11
Obsidian Chart demo (Markdown format)

aliases: [] created: 2023-05-22 18:32:55 modified: 2023-08-12 12:27:05 number headings: first-level 1, max 6, _.1.1. tags: [] type:

  • 專案筆記 folder: '""' daysback: 3
emisjerry / movie.ahk
Created March 4, 2023 15:39
movie.ahk: [AHK#58] 擷取豆瓣電影網的超簡單爬蟲腳本
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
DEBUG := true
if (DEBUG) {
sID := "1294194"
sOutputDir := "z:\test\obsidian\collections\Movies\"
} else if (A_Args.Length == 0) {
MsgBox("需要兩個參數`n範例:movie.ahk2 豆瓣ID 輸出資料夾")