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Script to scale up Illustrator Assets
#target Illustrator
Author: Shivendra Agarwal
Year: 2017
Title: Script to scale-up artwork and artboard above 15 Mpixel
if ( app.documents.length > 0 )
alert("ERROR: \n Close all documents before running this script." );
requiredABarea = prompt( 'Enter a minimum desired artboard area in pixels.', '15000000', 'Select artboard area');
dir = Folder.selectDialog("Select root folder containing Illustrator assets.");
// If dir variable return null, user most likely canceled the dialog or
// the input folder and it subfolders don't contain any .ai files.
if ( dir != null )
// returns an array of file paths in the selected folder.
files = GetFiles( dir );
alert ('Total ' + files.length + ' files (AI/EPS) will be processed.', 'Alert');
for (var f = 0; f< files.length; f++)
var doc =[f]);
function resizeArtboardAndArwork()
activeDoc = app.activeDocument;
if (activeDoc.artboards.length > 1)
alert ('Script is not designed for multiple artboard. \nWorking on active artboard.', 'Alert');
abActive = activeDoc.artboards[ activeDoc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex() ];
var abProps = getArtboardBounds(abActive);
scale = findRequiredScale(abProps);
abXoffset = -1* (abProps.left + abProps.width/2);
abYoffset = -1* ( - abProps.height/2);
if (scale > 1)
// select all items
var items = activeDoc.pageItems;
for(var i = 0;i < items.length;i++)
items[i].selected = true;
var selection = activeDoc.selection;
// Translate artwork to bring artboard-center at document center, and then apply scale.
if (selection.length > 0)
for (i = 0; i < selection.length; i++)
selection[i].translate (abXoffset, abYoffset, true, true, true, true);
selection[i].resize (scale*100, scale*100, true, true, true, true, scale*100, Transformation.DOCUMENTORIGIN);
var scaledArtboardRect = newRect(-abProps.width/2 * scale, -abProps.height/2 * scale, abProps.width * scale,abProps.height * scale);
var newAB = activeDoc.artboards.add(scaledArtboardRect);
function findRequiredScale(props)
requiredABarea = 15000000; //px
currentABarea = props.width * props.height;
scale = (Math.sqrt(requiredABarea/ currentABarea));
if (scale >1)
return scale;
return 1;
// Artboard bounds helper (used above):
function getArtboardBounds(artboard) {
var bounds = artboard.artboardRect,
left = bounds[0],
top = bounds[1],
right = bounds[2],
bottom = bounds[3],
width = right - left,
height = top - bottom,
props = {
left : left,
top : top,
width : width,
height : height
return props;
function newRect(x, y, width, height)
var l = 0;
var t = 1;
var r = 2;
var b = 3;
var rect = [];
rect[l] = x;
rect[t] = -y;
rect[r] = width + x;
rect[b] = -(height - rect[t]);
return rect;
function GetFiles( folder )
var i, item,
// Array to store the files in...
files = [],
// Get files...
items = folder.getFiles();
// Loop through all files in the given folder
for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ )
item = items[i];
// Find .ai files
var aifileformat =\.ai$/i);
var epsfileformat =\.eps$/i);
// If item is a folder, check the folder for files.
if ( item instanceof Folder )
// Combine existing array with files found in the folder
files = files.concat( GetFiles( item ) );
// If the item is a file, push it to the array.
else if ( item instanceof File && (epsfileformat || aifileformat) )
// Push files to the array
files.push( item );
return files;
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