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Created January 13, 2020 03:51
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First few lines of Ocaml...
open Base
open Stdio
let fizzbuzz i =
match (i % 3, i % 5) with
| (0,0) -> "FizzBuzz"
| (0,_) -> "Fizz"
| (_,0) -> "Buzz"
| _ -> Int.to_string i
let rec range_apply i n ~f =
match i with
| _ when i = n + 1 -> ()
| _ -> f i;
range_apply (i + 1) n ~f
let rec get_int () =
printf "Max number: ";
Out_channel.flush stdout;
let line = In_channel.input_line In_channel.stdin in
match line with
| None -> get_int ()
| Some x -> try
Int.of_string x
| Failure _ -> get_int ()
let () =
let max = get_int () in
range_apply 1 max ~f:(fun x -> printf "%s\n" (fizzbuzz x))
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